Elves Come To the World

Chapter 215 Absol Appears

"Next, use the magic leaf!"

After using the cultivated land skills to improve the attack and special attack of the grass attribute elves, Luo Chen turned Meng Ge Naia into long-range firepower, and cooperated with the elves of Big Tongue Shell and Meltan to hedge against Ah Cypress Snake suppresses firepower!

In the end, the mandible ant used the wind blowing skill, and directly condensed a tornado under the sandstorm weather, which quickly swept across the ground, engulfing a large number of Arbor snakes, making these Arbor snakes who had finally approached The cypress snake was thrown far away!

Although the attack of the Abo Snake Swarm was swift and fierce, its attack was also blocked by the obstacles of the sandstorm and the cultivated land, and there was no way to get close to the cave where Luo Chen and Lin Che were located!

After this battle, the final result was also very tragic. Among the hundreds of Arbo snakes, more than half of them were directly killed or injured, and the remaining Arbo snakes were all wounded, and the situation was very bad.

Ho ho ho!

But at this moment, there was a series of roars outside the battlefield.

Then I saw figures flickering in the forest, rushing towards the continuous battlefield at this time.

"What elf is this time?"

Luo Chen and Lin Ce looked at each other, their hearts sank slightly.

In this battle, they relied on their perfect cooperation to withstand this group of Arbo snakes. At this time, some elves approached, which made both of them have a bad feeling in their hearts. .


At this moment, there was another roar, and then a white figure jumped out of the forest and came to the outermost edge of the battlefield!

"That elf is... Absolu!"

And after seeing the elf clearly, Luo Chen was also taken aback.

Although Absolu is a Pokémon with evil attributes, it has white hair. The part without thick hair is gray-blue in color. On the right side of the head is a horn like a sickle. Absolu will use that horn to Foretell disaster.

"It's really Absol, this is a very, very rare elf!"

Lin Che also recognized the elf that appeared in the field at this time, and he was also taken aback, with surprise in his eyes.

"Absol has a gentle personality. It is said that he will only appear in front of people when he foresees danger."

"Could it be that the sudden appearance of this Absol also sensed that I was in danger?"

"But no matter what, with Absolu's character, he should be a friend, not an enemy!"

Luo Chen pondered slightly, recalling the record of Absolu in the illustrated book, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Since it has only been 23 years since the elves came to the real world, the misunderstanding that Absol is a Bane has yet to arise.

Therefore, in the eyes of real people, Absolu is just a relatively rare elf. Of course, his ability to predict danger has not been discovered.

"Look, Luo Chen, there are elves behind Absolu."

At this moment, Lin Che exclaimed again, and then he saw the continuous rustling in the forest, and saw elves such as little Lada, Lada, snake bear and other elves jumping out of the forest.

"Don't worry, these elves are probably here to help us."

Luo Chen's eyes flickered for a moment, but he still made the elves retreat.

At the same time, the Abo Snake and Abo Monsters in the field also noticed the sudden intrusion of Absolu and a group of elves, and retreated back very vigilantly.

Faintly, a delicate situation of confrontation formed between the three parties, and no one dared to take the lead.

Just when the scene was at a stalemate, Absolu's figure suddenly jumped out, and rushed towards Luo Chen's direction while running quickly.


Lin Che's pupils shrank, but was held back by Luo Chen again.

"You wait for me here, I'll go out for a while."

Luo Chen pondered for a moment and made a decision in his heart.

"You want to go out?"

"How can this be, it's too dangerous, that's an elf!"

After hearing Luo Chen's words, Lin Che's face changed drastically, and he pulled Luo Chen back.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

Luo Chen's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he stepped out of the cave regardless of Lin Ce's obstruction.

Chuanshan King and other little elves also called out, but they were also stopped by Luo Chen's wave of his hand.

"Don't worry, I trust Absol."

Luo Chen took a deep breath and said, but his hand inadvertently touched an elf ball on his waist, and the elf ball in this elf ball was the Night Demon Spirit!

Although he is still unable to subdue the night demon, if it is a crisis situation, he can still release it as a human shield.

Of course, out of his understanding of Absol, he knew that Absol would not hurt him, and Absol dared to come here alone, which was a kind of trust in itself, and he could not live up to it.

Not far away, Absolu also heard Luo Chen's words. Seeing Luo Chen walking alone without bringing any elves, his eyes flickered for a while, and his eyes became gentle.

"Absol, are you here to seek cooperation?"

"You have also seen the current situation. The situation of Abo Snake and Abo Monster is very bad. As long as we work together, we can probably wipe out these Abo Snake and Abo Monster!"

Luo Chen took a deep breath, and began to talk to Absolu, expressing his thoughts.

And just as Luo Chen guessed, this Absolu was indeed harmless, and its purpose of coming was to seek help.

Soon, Luo Chen reached an agreement with Absolu, which made one person and one elf slightly relieved, and all looked at the Abo snake and the Abo monster group in the distance.


Then I saw a roar from Absolu's mouth.

After Absolu's cry, the little Radha, Radha and other elves all started to move, and directly pressed towards the Absol group.

"Okay, we're ready to go too."

Seeing that the motley army led by Absolu had rushed up, Luo Chen said to the elves who had swallowed the antidote.

Soon, several elves also joined the battlefield, making the advantage of the scene begin to tilt towards them.

"It should be stable like this."

Luo Chen glanced at the battlefield, and then looked at Absolu who was fighting the leader of the Aber monster one-on-one.


In the field at this time, the battle between the Absolu leader and Absolu was still going on.

Relying on its own powerful toxicity, the leader of the Absolu relies on his fangs and tail to continuously suppress Absolu.

Chapter 3, Xiao Mengmeng asks for a ticket.

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