Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 61: tit for tat sniper

  Chapter 61 **** for tat sniper

   "Buzzing", the dreadnought bomber flew over, and dropped bombs under the flares of the first battalion. The aerial bombs are powerful, one destroys one, and several destroys one. Soaring fire and smoke filled the jungle. The heavy artillery unit belonging to the division headquarters also checked the coordinates with the first battalion and carried out the shelling.

  The tanks and armor assigned to the first battalion came out of the bunkers on the mountain one after another. By erecting steel plates and other measures, they drove over the trenches and began to gather in front of the formation. After a while, as soon as the gunfire stopped, the marines rushed down with the small armored troop. The obstacles in front of the formation were simply smooth passages in front of the tanks and tracked armored vehicles, which did not affect the speed of the troops at all.

   The Japanese army faced a sudden full-scale counterattack. During the bombardment and artillery attack, the wolf rushed to the east and hid in the XZ. Unexpectedly, the frontal enemy was also killed very quickly. The machine guns on the tanks and armored vehicles kept ringing, and Japanese soldiers were constantly being knocked down and fleeing. The Japanese army was defeated like a mountain, and they fled into the jungle in chaos. The pursuit troops of the 1st Battalion pursued for 1 km until the dense bushes blocked the tanks and armored vehicles.

The    1st Battalion did not dare to rush into the depths of the jungle to pursue at night, and quickly withdrew its troops. It was only after dawn that troops were dispatched to clean the battlefield.

  On the battlefield just before Height 123, there were nearly 900 Japanese corpses, and even marine soldiers captured dozens of hapless people who stepped on iron nails with animal anesthetics. Nearly 400 corpses of Japanese soldiers were found in the jungle and on the roads. The blood has dyed the entire highland a dark brown. The blood of the Japanese soldiers did not dry up completely after several hours. They were trampled under the feet by the American soldiers, making a disgusting sound similar to groaning. The marines had no way to deal with these corpses, and they could not allow the corpses to be exposed to the wilderness, causing a plague, so they had to pour gasoline on it and set it on fire.

By the afternoon of the second day, the Japanese army had completely retreated. The first battalion received an order from the division headquarters and continued to drive the Japanese army away from this area. According to the reconnaissance, the Japanese army was short of food and food, and the situation was very bad. It was the First Marine Division. A good time to take advantage of the fire, drive them away or wipe them out.

  The officers and soldiers of the 1st Battalion divided the dense forest into 4 areas in the north direction, and each company entered and then cleared the remaining enemies and pushed forward. Lu Fei held a Garand rifle and followed slowly behind him. He didn't want to rush ahead. The long grass and endless vines as tall as one person were full of mosquitoes and various unknown small insects. The brothers of the First Division of Lu Zhan are all little fresh meat, a feast of mosquitoes and insects has come, and they are going to have a meal. The team moved forward slowly, and occasionally there were the corpses of Japanese soldiers on the road.

   "呯", a gunshot rang out, and the soldier at the front fell down.

   "Sniper", someone shouted, and all the fighters fell down in an instant. Lu Fei reacted very quickly, quickly took out a smoke bomb, and threw it 20 meters ahead.

  Smoke rose all of a sudden, Lu Fei winked at Douglas beside him, the two rushed up quickly, one pulled the injured soldier's hand and dragged him over. As soon as the soldier was released from the place, the dust on the ground in the original position was hit and raised by the bullet fired again. Lu Fei saw it clearly this time, and shouted loudly:

   "On the big tree about 80 meters in front of the left, everyone will focus on shooting!" The soldiers immediately followed the words and shot wildly, and even set up their machine guns to shoot.

   After dozens or hundreds of shots, the sound of the opposing snipers never sounded again.

"Company commander, I still have 2 smoke bombs here. When the smoke dissipates, you can let them throw them. I will look at the soldiers' injuries first. The snipers may not have been killed by us. If there are mortars, It's okay to cover the woods in front of the left first." Lu Fei took out two smoke bombs to Douglas, and began to treat the wounded by the gunshot.

   The soldier who was shot was very strong. He didn't scream or howl. Lu Fei tore his pants and glanced at the wound. There is a transparent bullet hole on the thigh and knee, which was obviously hit by the 38th rifle with strong penetrating power. He first injected the soldier with morphine, then took out a condom as a tourniquet, and tied the wounded man's thigh.

   "Brother, your artery was interrupted. I have to catch it for you now. Anesthesia is not very effective, you have to hold back." Lu Fei solemnly said to the wounded. He called two more brothers to help hold him down. Lu Fei put on gloves. After disinfecting the wound with alcohol, the scalpel flashed and opened the wound. In order to be in a hurry, I didn't bother to take it slow. I quickly touched the wound with my hands, found the artery, and took it out from the first aid bag I carried with me. Needle and thread to start suturing blood vessels.

  Lu Fei knew that time was the most important thing. The tourniquet interrupted the blood supply of the thigh. If the suture was not done within 10 minutes, the thigh would be useless. The needle and thread were flying over here, and the surrounding gunfire and gunfire were loud. Five minutes later, Lu Fei had sutured the artery. He gently loosened the tourniquet, and the blood flowed through the sutured wound without leaking. He breathed a sigh of relief and began to suture the muscle and epidermis wound. Ten minutes later, he was done. The wounded were carried on stretchers and sent to the field hospital for careful treatment.

  The soldiers in front started to move forward, and when they reached the bottom of several big trees, they found two Japanese soldiers on the trees, tied themselves to the trunk, and their bodies were smashed by bombs and bullets. A curious soldier on the side asked Lu Fei: "Doctor Jack, why are the Japanese devils kicking their legs? Isn't it more serious when they hit the body?"

"They want to injure people, lead everyone to rescue, and then shoot us with one shot. This is a typical sniper attacking a point. It's very sinister. Thanks to my quick throw of smoke bombs, devil snipers can't see it. To clear the target, I had to estimate and shoot." The surrounding soldiers suddenly realized, with a look of lingering fear.

   Next, the company's speed was very slow, and the team members became frightened. If there was a little trouble, they would shoot for a few minutes. Douglas was a little dissatisfied, but there was no way to do it with the huge threat of snipers. In his distress, he still asked Lu Fei for a way to speed up and reduce casualties.

  Lu Fei suggested that snipers should be used to deal with snipers. He asked the two snipers in the upper company to walk to one side and walk in the middle. And keep the grenades ready to fire. Lu Fei had confidence in his level-3 perception ability, as well as his hearing, eyesight, and smell that were stronger than ordinary people.

   But for the sake of his own life, he still removed the machine gun baffle, blocked it in front of him, and walked at the front. The large army followed and marched at normal speed.

   walked a few hundred meters forward from the previous shooting site, and there was a tall crown tree in front. Lu Fei faintly felt a sense of crisis, the target should be in the jungle on the right in front, and the distance should not exceed 250 meters. These Japanese snipers are not professional snipers, they are veterans of hundreds of battles, so their marksmanship is very accurate, but the overall level of sniping is not professional.

The sniper next to    also stopped and moved closer like Lu Fei.

   "Jack, there's a problem in the woods on the right, I personally tend to have snipers."

   "Yes, I will ask the company commander to shoot grenades later. We will pay attention to the movement on the tree. If there is any sign of someone's presence anywhere, we will shoot directly." Lu Fei said.

  Lu Fei made a sign language action at 2 o'clock to the right and a distance of 250 meters against the large army behind him. 3 fighters came out from the big group and started shooting grenades.

   "Tong, Tong, Tong", several grenades exploded in a relatively dense jungle. The sound was muffled, but the power was not small. The canopy of the tall crown tree was hit by shrapnel and kept shaking.

   Lu Fei's three-person sniper team has taken a squatting position, raising their guns and waiting to shoot. Lu Fei had good eyesight, and when he saw a crown tree with the largest crown dripping liquid from top to bottom, he shouted:

   "Follow me and shoot, right in front of the canopy at 12 o'clock."

   "呯呯呯", Lu Fei took the lead to shoot, two snipers immediately followed, Garand and Springfield rifle, three guns fired alternately. After 10 seconds, the three stopped shooting, and Lu Fei made a move to the company commander and pointed to his target. Captain Douglas understood in seconds and ordered everyone to shoot together.

   "Cease fire! Cease fire!" A minute later, Lu Fei shouted, waving to stop. He could already faintly see that the dripping liquid on the tree had turned into a spill.

   Lu Fei and two snipers ran quickly, one guarded the surroundings, and the two checked the tree canopy. It was found that Japanese devils had already died on the tree in the canopy. It was still an old routine. The devils were tied to the tree and did not fall off.

   The three returned to the team and told the company commander that a sniper had died. Captain Douglas nodded, raised his thumbs, and shouted to everyone: "One more sniper from the Japs was killed, everyone, move on."

  The soldiers felt relieved and had a way to deal with these elusive Japanese devils, and the psychological pressure of the team members was relieved a lot. The next action of the company is more dynamic and safe. After walking a few hundred meters, the sniper trio found something wrong in the woods. After some shelling and shooting, they killed two Japanese devils.

   Gradually, Lu Fei and the snipers learned the tactics of the Japanese army and set up a sniper point every 500 meters or so. According to this rule, after hitting three kilometers in a row, there were no Japanese snipers. They kept clearing the field to 5 kilometers before they cleared all the remaining Japanese soldiers and increased the defense area by 5 square kilometers.

The soldiers of the    company returned to the camp happily. Captain Douglas also summed up the experience of the company against Japanese snipers, reported it to the battalion commander Anderson, and gradually extended it to the whole division. The main thing is to use snipers to deal with snipers, bombard hiding places, and focus on shooting.

  The entire battle of Guadalcanal due to the addition of the X factor of land and flight, the US military is no longer like history, the naval and air force suffered heavy losses in the early stage. The record of the First Marine Division was even more brilliant. The Japanese army suffered heavy losses in all aspects. The US military was earlier and more determined than the same period in history in deploying troops to Guadalcanal. The U.S. military has a greater advantage after firmly controlling the airport and air supremacy.

At night, Lu Fei tossed and turned in the tent, "I really miss my crush, my mom and David, my teammates, and even my ranch. When will these days end? Do I still have to stay here?" Month? It's been a month, and everyone is turning green, and the grass is about to grow." Amidst a sigh, the system suddenly appeared and said:

   "In view of the fact that the host has saved a large number of American soldiers and increased the casualties in the history of the Japanese army, the host can choose to return to real life in advance, but the rescue value needs to be deducted by 1000 points."

   "Then how much did I earn this time? It's a loss for not being able to do a task."

"Your mission saved 1,102 U.S. soldiers (mainly U.S. ships in the Battle of Savo Island), 1,513 more Japanese soldiers (1,100 Japanese soldiers died and 312 captured in the Battle of Savo Island), and two land battles. , the Japanese army killed 413 more people. The points obtained are 1 point per person, a total of 2615 people, and 2615 points of rescue value."

   Lu Fei is overjoyed, that is to say, I can get 1615 points when I go back immediately. That is good news. After confirming with the system, the points will be calculated and 1615 points will be added. Ask the system to send him back.

The system said: "In view of the excellent performance of the host, give the host 3 fast-healing nano-pills. This pill can quickly heal human wounds and bones, and even repair and grow damaged internal organs and limbs that have not completely left the body. But only within 3 days of injury."

  Lu Fei was overjoyed, "This is a surprise, but my loot this time is only a saber and two 30 bayonets, which is a bit shabby. Forget it, what kind of fun does the Japanese devil have. Let's go."

   The system said, "Ready, let's go."

   A wisp of soul detached from Jack's body, flying higher and higher, flying away in a blink of an eye.

   The original Dr. Jack was left on the bed, and woke up with a confused look on his face.

who I am? where am i from? Where am I going? I sent out three consecutive questions that touched the depths of my soul.

   (end of this chapter)

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