When everyone saw Jiang Chen saying that they only knew a little bit, they finally breathed a sigh of relief!

Everyone finally encountered something that Jiang Chen was not good at!

At this moment, everyone's psychology is balanced a lot, at least knowing that the gap between you and Jiang Chen is not too big!


Jiang Chen took the lead in demonstrating, back and forth!

Back-up cable descent is the simplest method of cable descent, and is basically a compulsory course for firefighters.

From the top of the building, with double ropes, the rope descends to a predetermined area, and both feet are on the wall, the back is facing backwards, and the leaning backwards, and then relying on the strength of the feet and controlling the speed of the rope to descend to achieve the rope drop. Purpose!

Jiang Chen completed this project very quickly, very smoothly!

However, everyone was not surprised.

Because everyone is familiar with this project, and anyone can easily complete it!

Boom boom boom -

Then, the helicopter took off again and hovered at a position nearly 18 meters above the ground.

At this time, Jiang Chen walked to the edge of the helicopter, tied the ropes, and proceeded to a fixed-point descent!

The key point of the fixed-point cable descent is to press down the center of gravity and raise your legs at ninety degrees to maintain your balance and maintain the verticality of the rope!

All eyes of everyone are fixed on Jiang Chen's body!

Although everyone has seen Wang Jiajia's demonstration, they have also been professionally trained by the teaching assistants, and they have all carried out similar back-body rope drop training.

However, it is the first time for everyone to drop down from a helicopter, so it will inevitably be a little nervous!

Everyone thinks that Jiang Chen is the same, he will adjust for a long time, and then slowly come down!

But who knows, Jiang Chen came to the edge of the helicopter, and after making an ok gesture with the crew, he kicked his feet and jumped directly!

In the next moment, Jiang Chen was like a special soldier, in a very standard way, and at an extremely fast speed, he began to descend!

Within 2 seconds, Jiang Chen landed successfully. After removing the rope, he made another ok gesture to the crew above!

This set of fixed-point descent movements is very smooth and flowing!

Jiang Chen doesn't seem to be a novice at all, but a veteran who often trains fixed-point descent!

Not to mention that it shocked the soldiers, even the crew on the helicopter was a little surprised!

Even Wang Jiajia couldn't help but shrink her pupils!

Because, Jiang Chen's set of actions is really perfect, it is a textbook-like demonstration, and the speed of decline is also very fast, which is still above Wang Jiajia!

However, this is just one of the items in the cable descent, and there are follow-up projects such as flying rope descent, inverted cable descent, and rock descent!

Everyone guesses that Jiang Chen may be able to drop at a fixed point, but he may not necessarily be able to fly, inverted, and rock!

Because these types of cable descent methods are more complicated than the other!

At this time, Jiang Chen has come to the top of the temporary simulation building specially built for training!

This building, 20 meters above the ground, is equivalent to the height of a seven-story building!

At this time, Jiang Chen will demonstrate for everyone to complete the flying descent!

The flying rope drop is to connect one or more ropes to the waist and drive it through the lock and pulley. The advantage is that it can free your hands properly and drop quickly!

Originally, flying descent was specifically designed for special forces to meet the needs of special operations!

However, now, it is gradually being widely used in emergency rescue!

After Jiang Chen fixed the rope, he came to the top of the building, looked down at the ground more than 20 meters away from him, and took a deep breath!

At this height, if you change to someone with a fear of heights, you might be scared to get down!

However, Jiang Chen has to jump straight from this height!

It is no exaggeration to say that flying and descent, extremely test the psychological and physical balance and coordination of the descent!

"If you dare not jump, or if you are not sure, just come down, I won't force you." Wang Jiajia's voice sounded from the intercom.

Obviously, for safety reasons, even if the fighters are well-trained elites, they are also very good in physical fitness, and have experience in rappelling, Wang Jiajia will not force everyone to rappelling, and it is a big deal to study for a while!

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, his descending skills have reached the master level, there is no descending task that he dare not complete!

Ever since, under everyone's gaze, Jiang Chen came to the edge of the building with a run-up, and then jumped!


In the next moment, a huge sense of weightlessness came!

Jiang Chen stretched out his body as much as possible, forcibly stabilized his body, and kept it on the same plane as the building.

Then, under the traction of the rope, he gradually approached the building!

The next moment, his feet stepped on the wall of the building!

At the same time, he controlled the rope to descend quickly with one hand, and kept balance with the other, while his feet were constantly leveraging on the wall of the building and galloping!

At this moment, Jiang Chen seems to be on the wall of the building, flying over the wall!

Within three seconds, Jiang Chen quickly descended from the top of the building to the bottom!

And this is not over yet, Jiang Chen continues to demonstrate the handstand cable descent!

The advantage of the inverted rope drop is that you can use your feet to wrap the rope for simple hovering, free your hands, adapt to various narrow and complex environments, and perform rescue operations!

As for the shortcomings, it will take a little longer for the handstand to descend, but it is better than stability and quietness!

However, even so, Jiang Chen still did a very good job. He didn't forget to hover in the air and free up his hands to show the advantages of the inverted cable drop!

As for the last rock drop, although it is not a training subject for special forces, it is the most difficult type of rope drop!

Yanjiang was originally a high-end adventure sports category with extremely high technical content and extremely dangerous levels.

The reason for learning magma is actually very simple. Every year in the global category, many mountaineering enthusiasts and rock climbing enthusiasts die in the process of mountaineering or rock climbing!

And often, they did not die immediately, they were treated in time, and about 60% of them could survive!

However, because their location is generally too precipitous, the rescue is too difficult and requires too much time, so when the rescue reaches them, they have no breath!

The purpose of learning rock drop is to quickly take rescuers to the top of the mountain by helicopter in harsh environments such as cliffs, and then perform rock drop rescues!

The equipment needed for rock descending is also more, more complicated, and the risk factor is also very large. In many cases, the team members need to use oranges to find cracks in the rock to fix them!

Therefore, the training of Yanjiang is more complicated and cumbersome, and the difficulty is also higher!

Even Wang Jiajia's rock drop technique is not particularly proficient!

However, Jiang Chen is different. His rock climbing knowledge is very rich, and his [rock climbing] skills have reached the realm of a master, and his understanding of rock climbing is even more thorough!

When he started the rock descending demonstration, he was like a dexterous goat, jumping up and down on the simulated cliff, his movements were extremely skillful, and he was even able to make complex and difficult movements such as crosscuts and downhills. , It's perfect!

At this moment, everyone present, including Wang Jiajia, was completely stunned!

Every project of Jiang Chen is completed to a very standard, without any flaws, and is perfect and quicker than Wang Jiajia. It is simply a demonstration of the textbook level!

All of a sudden, the exclamation sounded one after another!

"This is what Jiang Chen calls only a little bit?"

"God can only do a little bit!"

"F*ck, if this kind of proficiency can only be regarded as a little, what are we? Nothing!"

"This f*ck, I thought I finally found a project that Jiang Chen wouldn't know, but I didn't expect to be cheated by him!"

"Damn! Laozi has just balanced her mentally, and she has been hit a hundred times in an instant!"

"Everyone is human, why is he the only one so good?"

"Kneel! Kneel completely! I think Jiang Chen can be our instructor! He seems to be proficient in everything!"


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