In Jiangbei City, even if the accumulated water in the city is flooded, many potential dangers appear in the city!

However, because the city has built waterproof dams, floods will not cause much damage to the city, and there is no need to worry about the threat of floods.

However, in Jiangbei City, there are many counties, villages and towns along the Yangtze River, and there are no dams built. In the few days of flooding, the red lights were instantly lit!

Among them, Beishan County is the most serious!

Because Beishan County is not along the river, but there are more rivers running through the entire county, there are three in total!

In previous years, when floods occurred during the rainy season, no matter how the river flooded, it would not have any impact on Beishan County. At most, the water level of the three rivers would rise!

Therefore, Beishan County has not done too many flood control measures, and the dams built are only dams for the three rivers in the region!

However, in the rainy season this year, an accident happened!

Due to the large amount of precipitation in the rainy season this year, the river water rise has already exceeded expectations in previous years, and it has become the year with the highest water level rise in many years!

More importantly, the three rivers actually converge with the Beijiang River. When flooding occurred in previous years, because the irrigation mouth was relatively small, the influx of river water was limited!

However, this year, because the amount of water in the Beijiang River has been so large that it is terrifying, the irrigation mouth has been washed away a lot!

As a result, a large amount of river water poured into the irrigation mouth, causing the water levels of the three rivers to skyrocket again!

Only one day yesterday, the river exceeded the cordon of the dyke in Beishan County. After another night of development, the flood eventually broke through the dam and directly submerged the three bridges in Beishan County and poured into the city!

The heavy rain had been raining all the time, causing trouble to the urban drainage system of the county town, and the flooding in!

Just overnight, Beishan County has become a city of water!

The new urban area is fortunate. Due to the high terrain, the urban drainage system has just been completed, and it is basically high-rise buildings, so it can resist losses.

However, the old city is miserable, not to mention the low terrain, the drainage system has also been aging, and they are still low-rise buildings on the ground floor, and many places are still brick houses!

The flood was like a monstrous beast, completely submerging the old city in an instant!

The whole building was light when flooded, and even more buildings were directly washed out in the flood!

The flood in the old city has reached a depth of nearly 1.5 meters. Many residents can only swim. For some people and children who can't swim, it is fatal!

At the same time, all villages and towns in Beishan County, except for the county seat of Beishan County, were more seriously affected!

For example, Dongba Town, not far from the county seat of Beishan County, was originally next to a small stream, which was connected to a river in Beishan County!

Originally, this was just a small stream for the residents of Dongba Town to play and play on weekdays. Even when floods broke out in previous years, the water level of the stream would not rise!

However, this year, the creek turned into a big river overnight!

The turbid river water ran unscrupulously in it!

The farmland cultivated around the creek was completely destroyed by floods overnight!

And Dongba Town, next to the stream, was undoubtedly destroyed overnight, and now it is basically invisible to be a small town!

The intact house, at a glance, is far away!

In the picture taken by the drone, there is only turbid river water below, and the rest are only scattered black roofs!

On these roofs, a large number of people gathered, waving these colorful sheets and other things, constantly asking for help!

You can see that there are everything in the river water, there are bricks, tiles, TVs, beds, and even pigs, cows, cats and dogs struggling in the water, but everyone has nothing to do!

The losses of the entire Dongba Town are countless!

In fact, the property loss is okay, and what is terrifying is that many people have been washed away by the flood!

"My son! My son ¨々!"

At this time, on a roof, a peasant woman lay on the tiles, crying and patting her thigh.

It can be seen that just under the water, a child who is only seven or eight years old is struggling!

However, the more he struggled, the more anxious the current seemed, pushing him far away!

In addition to children, you can also see that many adults have also fallen into the water. Whether they can swim or not, they can only be washed away by the rushing water!

At this time, no one dared to come forward to rescue!

Because, as long as you step forward to rescue, it means that you are also at risk of being washed away by the flood, as long as you are washed away by the flood, then it also means that life danger may occur at any time!

Therefore, no one will take his life to risk!

In addition, many villages have also been hit by floods!

In the village, most of the people who stay behind are elderly people, and their ability to escape and survive is even worse!

Moreover, the most important thing is that every household in the village may live far away, and it is very difficult to rescue each other, almost impossible!

It can be seen through drones or local videos uploaded to the Internet.

The houses in many villages have been completely swallowed by the river water. The old people can only use some floating objects such as wooden boards floating out of their homes to float on the water and let the current wash away!

There are even many old people who don't even have the strength to catch floating objects, they can only drift with the flow!

Many elderly people with good health took their grandchildren and climbed the tree, waiting for rescue with difficulty!

This scene was recorded by the media using drones and local victims trapped at the scene, and published on the Internet!

In an instant, Jiangbei City attracted the attention of the whole country!

All audiences across the country sweated for the victims!

"` ¨ The flood is terrible!"

"It's too dangerous! Look, there are still many people standing on the house asking for help!"

"This house is almost completely submerged by the flood, and I don't know how long it will last. If the house breaks down..."

"And that kid, who was washed away by the flood, is too pitiful!"

"The same goes for those old people. They don't have much physical strength and strength, and there is no way to escape. They can only let the floods wash away!"

"Old people and children, in the face of such natural disasters, they are too weak, no one will save them?"

"How to save it? Jump down? I'm afraid I will be in danger too!"

"What should I do? Do you just watch them die?"


On the Internet, netizens who watched reports and videos talked a lot.

But soon, there will be real-time video updates and real-time reports, which are disclosed by the scene every day!

I saw that the entire Beishan City fire brigade, as well as the military police, were dispatched at this time to form a rescue team!

Rescue forces from counties in the urban area that were not affected by the disaster also reached the disaster area as quickly as possible to start rescue!

I saw that the child who fell into the water was caught up by them in the motorboat and was rescued safely!

I saw that the old people who fell into the water (okay) were also dragged ashore by them!

I saw that the people trapped on the roof were also moved to a safe area one after another!

I saw that they were walking back and forth in the stagnant water that hadn't been in their chests, using their bodies to carry the trapped people on their backs one by one!

I saw that at the gap of the flood, they went upstream, carrying sandbags, bag after bag, regardless of their own safety, regardless of muddy water washing, and they did not hesitate to plug the gap physically!

They don't even let the trapped people get a little muddy water, but they themselves are soaked in the mud pool all day long!

Others dare not save!

They dare to save!

Others are fleeing!

They rushed in!

Others are afraid of dangerous ministers!

They are not afraid of sacrifice!

At the most critical moment, they stood up for the first time!

Although they have different costumes, some are wearing fire brigade uniforms, and some are wearing camouflage uniforms!

However, they all carried bright red flags, and they all brought hope to the people in the disaster-stricken areas. They all have the same name, called "People's Army"! .

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