Energy Group

Chapter 601:

When Li came to the group headquarters to announce the incident after resting at home for a few days, everyone looked at their food and clothing parents in an unbelievable way. In the impression, this boss didn’t care much about things, so why would he remember to rectify today? Well, the current life is so good. The upper management of the group looks at the entire group and has no time to stare at these middle-level cadres. Therefore, the middle-level life of the group is not ordinary. Although it is watched by the central computer, it adheres to the president. If you don’t go beyond the standard, do your own job well and eat and drink is no problem.

It may be that what Li Cong said at the time gave a large number of energy group cadres a reason to spend money. Apart from anything else, the group’s 120,000 middle-level cadres alone would spend tens of billions of dollars in eating, drinking, and playing every month. Renminbi, an average of seven to eighty thousand yuan per person per month, the standard is that a mayor of the government is almost the same. The supervisory department within the group has also noticed this situation, but these people did not embezzle the money, they just ate the money. In this situation, nothing can be said. After all, the group does not have a standard for eating, drinking, and having fun.

The other is management confusion. Let’s start with a five-star hotel under the group. The general manager of this hotel needs to submit four copies of the hotel’s report every month. This also means that four departments have control over this hotel. Jurisdiction, so that several departments can supervise each other, but it also causes management chaos, which must also be reformed.

   Li Cong talked about the issue of this reform in general. Everyone knew that the president might leave the group in a few days, and this reform would not be over. But then Li Cong's words made them seem to have entered the ice cellar.

"Everyone, my business may be busy, so I will not be specifically responsible for this reform. I would like to invite my eldest son Li Er and eldest daughter Li Yinluan to take charge of this matter. I hope everyone can be as good as assisting me. To assist my sons and daughters."

   After Li Cong's words, there was a commotion afterwards. This is not bad. What kind of temper is the young master of my own. Others don't know. Can people here still know? He is definitely a man of iron and blood. It was revealed during the energy group crisis a few years ago. I heard that I have been studying with Americans in the past few years. What is the human touch? It seems that this time the blessing is really coming to an end, and my future destiny has to be dictated.

Li never paid attention to these subordinates. In any case, these people are still fighting with him. They should have made some contributions to the energy group. Li never wanted to do too much, but he cultivated them like this. It is absolutely impossible to become a parasite. If you still have the skills of the original entrepreneurial period, you may still have this seat. If you don’t, you can only say that I’m sorry to ask you to leave and let those capable people sit on you. Take a seat.

If there are factions in the group, then members of the Li family are undoubtedly the largest faction. Several core family members are also a little puzzled looking at the patriarch and the chairman. You can hear things like this before. , But today it started without hearing anything. What does it mean? Does it mean that the chairman no longer trusts them? Although they are all a family, compared to Li Er and the other children, the relationship between himself and others seems to be farther away. Is it possible that the energy group has begun to replace the old with the new?

Everyone walked out of the meeting room with questions. Li never wanted to explain anything to anyone, because you can't guess what you are thinking, so you will make random moves, let yourself see your mistakes, and give yourself a chance. Kick out those of you who are useless, of course, for those who have the ability, you will still be reused, and even get more rights. The survival of the fittest is what an enterprise should have.

Li never intended to give his son and daughter any reference, and let them think about everything by themselves. First, they can exercise their abilities, and second, they can coordinate, because the future of the energy group is also here. On the two people, it's as if they are the same as their sister, one to look after the house and the other to go out to toss.

The new reform office is just downstairs from Li Cong. The two brothers and sisters are going to work in these two days. Although they are not of legal working age, no one dares to come to the energy group to investigate child labor. Besides, They still hire their own sons and daughters.

Basically, no one went out on the first day of work in the reform office, but the middle-level cadres with an annual salary of more than 700,000 yuan and the upper-level gold-collar workers received an email, which was sent by the reform office, asking all those who received the email to be there. In my spare time, I write a record of myself since I went to work, and focus on my own the reform office has to lay off 100,000 people, if you can’t do it, you can only ask you to leave. .

Originally it’s okay. It’s strange that about 30% of them received another email one hour after the email was sent. The content was not for them to talk about their advantages, but Listed the names of several colleagues in the same department as yourself. It is very simple. This time I want you to talk about the shortcomings of these people, or the mistakes they have made. You can replace their faults with your own. Merit.

This method came to Li Er's mind. Although he does not want to admit it, the Chinese are indeed a very strong nation. If ten people have five opportunities, then no one will beat their opponents more than the Chinese. Li Er also thinks very well. The part that he wants to stay is that he is innocent, but he can count others. As for those honest people, forget it, you can’t even count your friends. How will it bring benefits to the group in the future? Of course honest people also have the benefits of honest people. The group naturally can't tell them to get out. There will be a good place waiting for them. As for those wine bags and rice bags that are not honest, I'm very sorry. Must be eliminated.

Li Er has prepared too many traps for these employees. If you are not careful, you will have to trap yourself, but if you can win in the end, then the waiting for you is very generous. Li Cong is receiving Li Er After the plan, I couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled bitterly. This son is so good at calculating people now as a child. If he grows up in the future, he will be a good person. I think about it again, my son. It is a personal spirit that will cheat others, if a good person can only be cheated by others, choose between cheating and being cheated.


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