Energy Group

Chapter 634:

Wasteland in the Western Suburbs of Beijing

Today, several big guys from the energy group’s security department have basically arrived. The reason is naturally that several empty samples of the energy group have been secretly transported. Li Cong specially picked a sunny day to try this. For the sake of secrecy, there are more people who come here for the sake of keeping the equipment of the alien tens of thousands of years ago.

There is nothing to say about the appearance of the pistol. It is no different from the general domestically produced 54-type pistols. It is possible that this type of pistol is the most in domestic pistols. Even if others see it, they will not think about it. If it is changed, it is very eye-catching. Looks like that, maybe that's the trouble.

A total of 300 guns were produced in the first batch. Except for 100 guns that have been allocated, all the other guns are here. This thing is still relatively important at present, and it is definitely not allowed to leak. A trump card for attending the Washington summit.

Four hundred meters in front of Li is filled with various empty wine bottles. Generally speaking, you can only hit with a rifle at this position, and it has to be an old non-commissioned officer in the army. This ability is also a matter of calculating the parabola at such a distance.

Needless to say, Li Cong’s eyesight is a shot. Although the sound is not small, it is still more than half smaller than ordinary bullet-type pistols, and there is no recoil at all. This is really a major event in the history of weapons. Let’s look at its power again. A wine bottle four hundred meters away burst into pieces. If it’s just like this, then this pistol doesn’t have much abilities. It’s not worth letting Li Cong test fire here.

Li Cong’s eyesight is stronger than that of ordinary people, so he can see that it is a bottle that bursts and drives several surrounding bottles to burst together. In the eyes of those with limited eyesight, this is a bullet that caused five bottles to burst together. Normal The bullet can only break a bottle, and the surrounding ones can only be tilted or pushed away by airflow. It is absolutely impossible to explode like this.

Li Cong smiled. Yes, this gun is really good. It is a little more powerful than he expected. If a PLA armed with this type of gun is opposed to a US Army with ordinary equipment, the damage will be more than It must be at least one to three or even higher. If nothing else, the distance is a problem. It has this power at 400 meters. If the effect you want to create is only to break the bottle, then the distance should be reachable. Above 600 meters, this is the effect of air movement and the velocity of air bombs.

Li Cong turned his gaze to the surrounding mountains again, and fired more than 20 shots at the rock over there. Although I can often see this shot of shooting more than 20 shots without changing bullets on TV. It’s all the nonsense of the director in pursuit of the effect. Some pistols may be loaded to that level, but in the 1930s and 1940s, this kind of situation would not happen at all, just like the revolver, shooting six shots. You have to change the bullet.

The rocks on the surrounding mountains seemed to have just experienced an explosion. The gravel was flowing down like a stream. It would be impossible to know that this was done with a pistol if it weren’t for these people to watch with their own eyes. Li Cong was very satisfied. I greeted everyone and got on the car and drove away. Only a few birds on the mountain over there who didn't know whether they were stupid or dead looked at all this, as if it hadn't just happened.

"You did a good job on the number one. Don’t mass-produce this gun. Just produce a thousand. But it must be stored in an absolutely safe place, but you must be prepared when I let you produce it. I have to give it to me at any time.” Li Cong is also ready to fight. If the other party can give in, there is no need to let such things flow out on a large scale and go to the upper level. But if the other party does not know how to praise, then it can’t be said. I can make the world a little more chaotic, and I can make a fortune with arms.

As for the pricing of this gun, Li Cong has already thought about it very well. A one hundred thousand yuan will cost about dozens of dollars in electricity for each charge. However, Li Cong is going to charge a charge of 1,000 yuan for each charge. You can only charge you once every time, and then charge again when you lose it. You must not have the chance to stock up ammunition, and a gun can only be charged with your own magazine, and you must keep all the people who bought the gun. Record, for those who are not easy to control directly not sell, of course, if it is on the enemy's territory, it is difficult to say.

In fact, there is another reason Li never mass-produced, that is, Tektronix is ​​working on a self-destructing system. Each gun has its own code. If the gun falls to its enemy in the future, the computer can be manipulated. This gun is self-exposed at an appropriate time. Although these weapons will circulate throughout the world, absolutely no one dares to use this weapon against the energy group, so this batch of guns without a self-destruct system should not be too Many, everything has to wait until Tektronix writes the program before mass production.

The current three hundred are all equipped with front-line bodyguards from the Energy Group and security guards from the Li family’s mansion. These people have been brainwashed. They are absolutely assured of safety. Li Cong also wants his family members to get it. The best protection, don’t pull yourself back in this I feel a little proud of the boss’s self-confident gaze. I can’t remember what I did before, I just know Followed the boss to see many things in the world that he thought was impossible. The boss can lead himself to glory step by step. Although it may be a bit dangerous to go to North America this time, after all, it is not their own territory, but those people really want If you play Yin, we are equipped with these things. I'm really sorry if you don't turn your back on your feet then.

Soon Anderson also received such a report. Li Cong made a lot of noise on the outskirts of Beijing. The military satellite above also took pictures. This is the difference between the two sides. Li Cong wants your military satellite to take pictures. , Your military satellite can only take pictures. If I don’t want it, you can’t take pictures, but my satellite is different. Whether you like it or not, I’ll do whatever I want.

   Anderson looked at those clear photos. What is this? Is it a new product of the Energy Group? How can this be done? The United States has always been at the forefront of arms. This is also the biggest support that the United States can run across the world. The Skull and Bones can be based on the United States. If the United States is defeated in the military. If so, it would be a huge disaster for the Skull and Bones to America, and such a thing must not happen.

But soon the old guy felt that he was thinking a little bit more. As far as China’s military strength seemed to be quite different from ours, as long as there was no nuclear war, China would never have a chance to defeat the great United States, but this What is it, how can it be so powerful? Could it be an improved bullet? With this question Anderson barely closed his eyes all night, after all, the impact was too great.


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