Energy Group

Chapter 657:

No matter when these things the energy group masters are necessary for people's lives, 70% of people in Europe find that their lives have really left the energy group, and it seems that they really can’t operate. The traffic on the road has gone through many years. It seems that there has never been such a quiet governance as it is today. In the past, at least twenty cars had to pass by every minute, but now there is only one car in two minutes. Those familiar motor sounds seem to sink to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Today is the seventh day of power cuts in the entire city of Paris. There is no way. The electricity stored by the government has been used up within half a month. Some generator sets have not been used for two years, and there are not so many temporary power-on Moreover, it is not a short distance to transport coal from the Ruhr area of ​​Germany to France. It is said that the trains that carry them do not have enough energy. Now they can still guarantee sufficient supply for the country’s strategic goals. As for the people, it can only be Was sacrificed.

Although the energy group also announced a temporary ban on grain exports, fortunately, the country’s grain reserves are still sufficient, so that half of Europe will not go hungry. It is just that most of the cultivated land is planted with some cash crops, and it will be the harvest season in a few months. It is also impossible to ensure that everyone is fed. A statistical agency has speculated that if energy groups do not send 100 million tons of food to Europe, millions of people may starve to death in Europe this year.

Even those who have food at home will have to scold their mothers now, because the natural gas is gone, it has been in short supply since a month ago, and the supply of natural gas is only three hours a day, but the flame is small and pitiful. There is no more. The government's complaint calls will almost be blown up, but the government really has no way to reply to the people because they don't know when the energy group will resume supply.

The most terrible thing is not over yet, because half of society is paralyzed, most factories have been closed or semi-operated because there is not enough environmentally friendly oil, electricity, and the stock markets of European countries have plummeted. It has fallen rapidly by more than 30% in the past more than a month. The money in many hands has become a pile of waste paper. The financial institutions of the Skull and Bones have used this shareholder wind to make waves in the stock market, which has caused even more trouble. In response to the panic in the hearts of the Europeans, a large-scale sell-off began. The original high-value stocks are now no different from waste paper. Governments have announced the temporary closure of the stock market, and then closed financial transactions in the country. Money must be restricted.

Social security in Europe is also showing a downward trend. Only yesterday, there were tens of thousands of robberies in the urban area of ​​Berlin. On average, one in twenty Berlin citizens suffered from such incidents. Some organizations in the city Started to organize people to take to the streets to protest that the government did not deal with the Ten Stations inadequately, but their government seemed to have no way to do it. One after another group of envoys went to China, hoping that the rich Chinese man could start a career for his country. The green light is that Li Cong's reply is the same, and the group is under maintenance. I hope you can understand.

But there was an episode in the middle, that is, buyers in other regions of the energy group want to sell to Europe to make a fortune. Now the electricity, environmentally friendly oil and natural gas in Europe are now twice as high as the rest of the world. According to the estimates of most experts, there is absolutely no problem in doubling the price in the short term, so these people chose to defy the order of the energy group and take the risk.

Although they did it secretly, the satellites of the energy group captured their photos. The energy group refused to supply these agents again. Your country will also fall into a new round of energy crisis, but this crisis will not last long. , Because the energy group will send a special person to discuss the issue of new agency rights with other forces in the country where it is located. However, to obtain new agency rights, the price paid is almost the sum of its profits in the previous five years, but there are still a large number of organizations with The energy group negotiated, because this profit is too large, even if it pays five years of profit, there is no problem. There are still five years left for themselves to make money.

Originally, the Chinese government wanted to play a mediating role, but seeing Li Cong’s hard-line attitude and the Skull and Bones’ note, the Chinese government chose to remain silent. After all, in the past few years, these European countries have followed On the surface, but secretly, it also made me suffer. If you don't help you at this time, it's just the past, and it's okay to simply make you suffer a big loss.

In the second month of the situation, the energy reserves of various countries have completely bottomed out. Energy groups have not shown any signs of resuming supply. On the contrary, their domestic governments are becoming more and more incompetent. The financial order and social order are in chaos. Some people everywhere. Some people in the organization have begun to contact the people to demand that the government step down, and this call is louder than ever. At this time, they think of their Chinese friends. If they hadn't offended the Chinese people that time, they might not have been rectified so badly now. It feels luxurious to eat a hot meal now.

Pieces of forest have been cut down The original tourist attractions have not been kept, and winter is about to enter. If there are not enough things to keep warm, a large number of people will starve to death, so A deforestation operation has been launched in more than half of Europe. It turns out that the green rate in Europe is among the highest in the world, because the wood they use is imported from Asia and Africa, and the wood in their country is It’s never been cut down, but now it’s good. After so many years, it can be cut clean all at once.

At this time, Yale’s hair was messy, and his beard hadn’t been taken care of for many days. If it weren’t for this glorious room with gold coins, everyone would almost think he was a tramp on the street. There was really no way. I guess. I was in the wrong direction. I originally thought that the Skull and Bones would take the financial market as the main direction. I didn't expect that the main direction this time was the people. The energy group was the main target. Although this way, the loss of the Rothschild family is not the most severe, but this The loss to Europe is really too great. The result of this development is to leave behind a tattered Europe, or Europe will go all out to fight other countries, but the strength of the United States and China, will they be afraid of Europe? Maybe they still think that if you start the war, I will carve up Europe.

The subordinates are even more frustrated when they see Yale's appearance. In fact, they can't be blamed. Let alone Roche, it will become like this even if there is no energy supply in the strongest period. The oil crisis of the 1970s It made the entire capitalist world regress a lot, but at that time it was not only the Middle East that had oil in the world. What about now? Now there is no other place besides the environmentally friendly oil produced in China, and since Li Cong punished the suppliers who shipped goods to Europe, no one was willing to risk their jobs, no matter how high they were. The price is not good anymore.


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