Energy Group

Chapter 707:

Energy Group Investigation Department Headquarters

All the leaders of the investigation department are waiting for the arrival of Li Cong. Yesterday’s plan has been sent, but I don’t know what Li Cong means. It’s already two o’clock in the afternoon. The meeting has been held at nine in the morning until now. The only focus of contention is the issue of money. The Investigation Department requires that an additional annual cost of 100 billion US dollars is used to build huge military bases and military fortresses in Africa. The Group Administration Department and Finance The Ministry raised fierce objections. Good guys, the group investigation department now has tens of billions of dollars in expenditures each year, which almost catches up to half of the group’s expenditures. Now it has to increase by 100 billion dollars. What do you think? What kind of department will the Investigation Department expand into?

Naturally, Li Cong could not explain to everyone at the meeting that he should set up his own private army. Although the manpower in Africa is very cheap, the equipment and training costs required to build a tens of thousands of personnel are very amazing. Energy What the group needs at this stage is not a standing force, but an elite rapid reaction force. It is necessary to train these former hunters and farms into special forces-like elite forces. If calculated at half of the US special forces training cost, they Everyone also needs about 400,000 U.S. dollars. They definitely eat gold. Just cultivating them to learn to fly a plane will cost each one 100,000 U.S. dollars.

The preliminary plan of the Investigation Department is to establish a rapid reaction force of 50,000 in Africa, which will be initially formed within five years, and use 300 billion US dollars to build them into the world’s most elite troops. This 300 billion US dollars is Li Cong disagrees with the price of 70 million tons of environmentally friendly oil. If a 500,000-ton tanker is to be used for transportation, it would take 340 ships to complete the shipment, but now the entire world does not necessarily have 340 ships. The tanker is 500,000 tons, so the mouth of the investigation department is a bit too wide.

The door opened, and Li Cong came in with a trace of fatigue. Since the high-level meeting was held at the headquarters, there was only one person in the investigation department who could attend the meeting with Li Cong. It seems that the two people have failed a bit, although the group is Li Cong. Of course, he can do it his own way, but without the cooperation of other people in the group, how to transfer the 300 billion US dollars is a considerable trouble. Is it possible to open up operating expenses? Everyone knows that the total annual operating expenses of the Energy Group are only a mere US$200 billion. Could it be that it suddenly doubled and a half? People all over the world cannot be regarded as fools. Naturally there will be some fools who have nothing to do to study where the money is spent.

This is the most comprehensive visit by the senior officials of the investigation department. They have arrived from the 1st to the 50th, and they all stood up when they saw Li, but no one spoke. If it’s good news, you don’t need to wait until this. When people ask, the president should also inform. Now it seems that there is no good news.

"Sit down, everyone. It seems that things are not as smooth as we expected. However, the other senior executives of the group cannot be blamed for not passing this matter. After all, things are a bit difficult to handle. Everyone knows the current economic situation. One-third of the money is reserved for our energy group, so the whole world is watching every part of the energy group’s expenditures. It is necessary to find a reason to rashly increase the expenditure of this 300 billion US dollars." Li Cong had to put his sister just now I took the words I said to myself intact.

Sister said these words naturally after some research. Now the energy group’s cash reserves are as high as 10 trillion U.S. dollars. Although most people have not yet figured out why the society is deflationary, it may be understood by the senior management of the source group. There are too many places where energy groups make money, but there are only a few places where they spend money. Some knowledgeable economists have realized this, but they have not fully understood it yet, but they have begun to stare at energy groups. .

Of course, they would not have thought that the US$300 billion expenditure of the energy group would build an army. They were afraid that the energy group would mobilize large sums of funds to impact certain financial markets, but if they were really concerned about the financial market, Li Cong would not be afraid of their research. If they touched the energy group's army along the way, the world could be lively. The army of 50,000 people, including some large military facilities, is not a joke.

"President, I think we can repair the plank road secretly." No. 4 thought for a while and finally said his thoughts. No. 4 has always been the think tank of the investigation department. Than.

Li Cong motioned to this guy to continue speaking, did this kid think of something wrong.

"President, have you forgotten what is the most in Africa? That is the robbers, and the seas are the pirates. We can contact several big bandit groups and ask them to destroy some of our departments in Africa. We can put pressure on the country where they are to wipe out these bandits, but you also know how those warlords will do for us, and then we can justifiably expand the investigation department and the security department. There are three to five thousand in Africa. Mercenaries are a normal thing. We just need to break them down and get a few more." The words of number 4 made some of the people in the room laugh. Why didn't you think of such a simple method? This kid is really clever.

In fact, it’s not a problem that these guys didn’t think of, but that these guys are all high-ranking guys now. They don’t want to sit on those concealing things anymore, they want to do something with integrity, and they don’t believe that there will be people who dare to do something. Confront the energy group.

"This is a good thing. Besides, it can be verified on a small scale. We should hide the large weapons in the government army first. It is best if you can let the local government army give us an independent organization, and occasionally help them fight. It’s useless to exercise in a civil war. A unit that has never seen blood is useless.” One added slightly, but Li Cong's face was still a little uncomfortable, but how the funds passed was still a problem.

Suddenly Li Cong thought of a problem. Africa is poor. Then I will come to help the poor. You can't control donations. "Is our charity still operating recently? Ask the person in charge to have dinner with me at night. "Everyone is discussing the issue of mercenaries passionately. I don't know why Li brought up the charity organization. How can these two things be linked together?

Although I don't know what the boss means, the boss's will is what he needs to implement, and he immediately contacted Miss Kampot, the head of the energy group's charity department who had not left after the meeting.

Relying on the nepotism of Zhong Qingshan, the leader of Hongmen, this Miss Kampot has left the Tibetan Immortal Distillery and has now been promoted to the head of the Charity Department of the Energy Group, but she did a very good job. The previous Kampot was just a flood of love. It’s just to help people. Now in the big circle of the energy group, I understand how to spend every cent of the charity fund of the group. Of course, I also understand how to get back every cent in return. If it’s just a good deed, It is impossible for Li Cong, who has not returned, to let her spend tens of billions of yuan each year to do good deeds.

It happened that Kampot also had something to discuss with Li Cong. Of course, the most important thing is that he will marry Zhong Qingshan next month. It is incredible that I am a charity-seeking woman married to the leader of the world’s largest society. But this happened like that, the two of them fell in love so much. There are too many impossibility and too many coincidences in this world.

In a very ordinary small restaurant, Li Cong and Kampot ordered a four-course meal and one soup. Originally, Li Cong would definitely go to that big restaurant, but the habit of many years made Kampot very unsuitable for that kind of waste. In her work report, she asked the group to reduce the benefits to senior leaders for charity. This made the group's senior executives a bit gritted when seeing this little girl. For example, at the meeting just now, she also said that the group's senior leaders should pay their own salary. Percent is put in the charity department of the energy group, so that the charity department can spend more than 10 billion yuan each year, and also said that the group's welfare for buying cars and housing is too much, and it can reduce tens of billions of yuan each year. Expenditure, of course, similar proposals can be said to be a lot of The group's senior executives are not surprised, anyway, as she herself said, no one else has raised their hands to agree, and can't make any waves.

The simple four dishes and one soup, two meats and two vegetarians are delicious. Maybe it’s been a long time since I have eaten these things. Li Congdor also ate very well, but after eating, Kampot said "Waiter, give me Two plastic bags, I want to pack" Li Cong was frightened.

"I said, Kampot, let's not talk about Qingshan's family property. Even the annual salary of hundreds of millions of yuan I give you every year, you won't be so good at living." Li Cong pointed to the leftovers on the table, although saving It's a virtue, but now there is nothing left to eat, what else can be done when packing?

"The wages you paid, except for leaving my own use, I invested in Tibet. I personally helped more than 3,000 students. I have to take care of their schooling and various expenses, and I will also help some elderly widows. I’m very poor. When will you give me a salary increase? Besides, you see how good this cabbage stewed tofu soup is. I will save it for the evening and go back to eat." Li Cong got a headache when he mentioned the salary increase. If the girl doesn't make a cent for the group, she runs the fastest when she is paid. Li Cong sometimes wonders why this girl has so much love.

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