Energy Group

Chapter 723:

Episode 723

"How come you can’t speak when you see your brother-in-law, Ge Le? I said, brother-in-law, how many people shoot me at this position, I’m all because of how many people you and how many people have abandoned my friendship with them for many years. I'm afraid you might have something wrong in Africa. How could I be right about my sister and niece, I... hey, I said, I haven't finished talking yet, why are you going to you?" Li never waited This brother-in-law went straight to the cabin after he finished speaking. This guy's tongue is as accurate as his marksmanship. If he continues to stay here and listen to him, I guess the plane will not take off tomorrow.

Li Cong, my brother-in-law, has tolerated it. It’s better to have an acquaintance than a stranger. In fact, this guy really came from this position. The Republic hasn’t fought a war for decades, and those of the older generation are still there. They can be patient, but these young and strong factions can't control themselves anymore. Those exercises and other things have long been unattractive to them. What they need is a battlefield with real swords and guns, and the training of guns and bullets. So this African turmoil has become a paradise for these guys. It took a dozen people to fight for three days. Because Liu Zhi is always in the field troops, his training is definitely better than those of the officers who have moved to various places. Many, so he became the commander of this independent brigade.

The external name is the Energy Group Security Brigade, but this name is somewhat similar to the local forces of the Kuomintang before the liberation, so the internal name of these soldiers is the African Brigade. There are three regiments, each with 1,000 people, the air force and the army aviation formation. Temporarily unified command to form the air brigade, and the other heavy weapons were divided equally among the three regiments. With the munitions imported from Russia, these 3,500 people can definitely be said to be armed to the teeth, on average to each soldier. It is tens of thousands of yuan, and it is fully mobile. It is definitely the dream of the young military faction to lead such an army. Can they not fight?

"That Liu..." Suddenly Li never knew what he should call him. He used to call him Master Liu in Xinjiang. Now this guy has become the brigade commander. He was obviously demoted. , But in fact, I went to Africa for a while to exercise and mastered some experience on the field of battle. Is it possible to not get promoted when I come back? My name is, I am younger than him, and I don’t seem to respect him much.

It seems that I can see Li Cong’s embarrassment, “Just call me Brother Liu, hesitating, not like a man, brother-in-law, I’m going to Africa this time, but you can take care of it, so what, I personally like it a bit. Weapons, can you see if you can prepare a set for me and my guard platoon? Of course, this is mainly not because of me, but mainly because of you. You think Africa is so messy, I should not be armed For me, how can I protect you? When I came, my sister asked me to protect you after repeated orders. She said that it was good and put me in the drain with her hair. Alas, this woman is Outgoing, he doesn’t ask about her brother at all.” Liu Zhi said as he threw a purchase list to Li Cong. This kid didn’t plan to be polite with Li Cong. He also knew that this brother-in-law was a rich liar. The 15 billion yuan allocated for disaster relief came from this kid, and it seemed that his dozens of sets of equipment had only survived a few million.

Li Cong knew that such a thing would definitely happen, and he didn’t have to talk nonsense and just called No.1 to do it. Fortunately, this kind of special forces’ equipment and energy group investigation department is the most indispensable, and after some improvements of his own, the effect is even better. .

"Okay, my eldest brother, I have prepared these things for you a long time ago, but you have to make me feel a little low. You are not as good as me when doing business, but I'm far behind with this war, Chairman It means that you must keep the power of the people movement. Don’t tell me that you didn’t do any homework. You just followed me to travel to Africa.” Li Cong is telling the truth. Sometimes the war has to be done. Rely on such professionals.

"Hey, brother-in-law, don’t worry, your brother and I are such an unreliable person? That lady brought me a glass of authentic Guatemala. I can’t afford it in other places. You have it here. I heard Authentic, give me a cup quickly, and I will slowly taste and tell your president what he should know." Li Cong really wanted to punch him when he saw him like that. You have no military qualities like you. , What's the name "reliable," who thinks you are blind, but the stewardess hurriedly downed him.

Liu Zhi drank a cup of Guatemala comfortably. This is really more authentic than those in other cafes. Li Cong, this kid will really enjoy it. After drinking coffee, he knew that he had to show some real skills to these guys. Look, otherwise the reputation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army will really be lost.

Now that the People’s Movement and the League have fought two large-scale battles, using large weapons including 155mm howitzers. Here we have to talk about the leader of the League, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Namibia, Amadila. An African boy who started delivering food on the streets of New York at the age of fifteen. He graduated from Harvard University with a degree in business management. He has his own car sales group in the United States with a net worth of more than 3 billion US dollars. He returned to his home country at the age of 40. Engaging in political activities, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that this guy was appointed by the secret service of the United States. After more than five years, he became the head of an administrative region. After six years, he became the deputy prime minister of Namibia and led the country’s second largest party, Namibian democracy alliance.

Compared with the deputy prime minister who grew up eating foreign bread, the journey of Namibia’s current prime minister, Nahas Angola, is obviously more frustrating. Amadila only suffered some hardship in the United States when she was a teenager. However, the prime minister has never had a peaceful life. When he was born, his mother died of dystocia, so he was an unknown person. When he was older, Namibia started the independence movement, and he joined one in confusion. The warlord’s army. As a result, the warlord was defeated. He also lost **** and became a soldier of another warlord again. After the two wars, he became a squad leader. I thought it would have a future. Who knew my brother would not be a weapon. , Hooked up with the warlord’s daughter. After the incident, his brothers were beaten to death. If the brothers of his team hadn't risked their lives to save them, the two brothers might have to go to the West to report together.

After escaping, Angola realized that what he did with others was the world of others, and he should have his own power. It was at this time that the People’s Republic of China began its policy in Africa, and he naturally won the support of China, but at that time Like him, there are more than ten forces that have received support. After fifteen years, I will be left alone. I became the prime minister of Namibia in 19 and has been re-elected to the present. Everything has been smooth and everything in this country is on my own. In his grasp, until the **** Amadera came back, I also blamed myself for being greedy for money. He received three million dollars from that guy and allowed him to form a political party. After 20 years, he will become the deputy prime minister. This is His maximum tolerance is now, and now this guy wants to be prime minister.

It was something that Mr. Prime Minister did not expect. He thought he would be fine as soon as he announced the banning of this guy’s political party. Who knew that this guy would pull up the team and fight against him. I’m really old. I didn’t even watch this. It is clear that one-third of his troops have been mastered by this guy. After 20 years of development, this guy has mastered four of the 13 administrative regions in the country, and two of them are in a vacillating state. If not handled properly, the entire Namibia is in danger of being divided.

After listening to Liu Zhi's general introduction, Li Cong is not in a hurry. It seems that the prime minister has not reached the most dangerous edge. At this time, he can't bring himself the most profit. It seems that he came in a little too anxiously. This old guy still controls two-thirds of the army and more than half of the country. Obviously he still thinks he has a chance to win. Although the old guy grows older, Li Cong also knows that the old guy’s orders to the Chinese government have also begun to violate the rules. Now, this time can just teach him a lesson, let him understand who is his master.

"Brother-in-law, you can’t do that. We can’t ruin the central affairs. Now the old guy has said that he can’t resist it. If our reinforcements are not enough, he will fall and we will have nothing to eat. "Liu Zhi went back into trouble, and it's okay to do business. The central government gave him the task of helping this old guy master the war in Namibia as soon as possible. The government's decades of efforts must not be in vain.

"Hehe, brother, you are an expert in war, but you can't do business. It is like a business. Since the chairman asked you to listen to me this time, you will listen to me. I am also a Chinese and I will definitely not let us. The one who suffers is just wanting to maximize our interests. I think this old guy can still hold on for a few days. Isn’t the U.S. aid not due to the UN resolution? The domestic strength comparison is still the leader in the human movement. We have to send charcoal in the snow, as long as he feels that he is not good enough, we can get the most benefit." When Li Cong speaks, Liu Zhi feels that his younger generation is sweating, when is this brother-in-law? So insidious, the old guy is unlucky at the moment, who told you to put on such a "reinforcement".

In fact, the real situation is almost like this. The SPD still controls the state power and taxation of the country. The league can only rely on four administrative regions, and they are all economically underdeveloped areas. All plans originally depended on it. U.S. aid. Now U.S. aid is too late, and the entire plan needs to be changed. Before U.S. aid arrives, they can only shrink on their own turf. Angola’s urgent need for aid is just to let himself get aid first. Invincible, so the current stalemate stage is still where Angola is on the top. This is not when Li Cong takes the shot. He will help you when you are down. At that time, what you have at home, it is estimated that as long as it is You have it, as long as I fancy it, it will be mine.


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