NOTE: DUE to the minor roles and short time presence of the co-agents who accompanied Y/N in this mission and since they will be having no roles in any of the plot strands ahead, only code names of them will be used and prolong descriptions will be AVOIDED.

Author's P.O.V-

Dark, ravishing satin outfits embraced the masculine figures to hide their robustness. Silver grip panel of the metal killer-arm glistened once under the fluorescent light disappearing after the tug of the suit as the leader gave a brief comb on his current sprayed brownish hair.

'Take a few more in extra, Hoseok,' The oldest's eyes steadily followed the subject male's tracing fingers over the ammo, 'for extra precautions.' Hoseok nodded at his words. Tick-tock minute hand of the clock muttered, traveling downstairs to reach the digit six. Yoongi watched over the clock and turned back to the others to give off a vigilant look. His stern gaze spoke, it was almost the time to leave.

Jungkook was silently standing outside next to the railings. His roving eyes followed the fewer constellations which were left visible and apart on the void dark sky. A soft touch on his shoulder made him look back.

'Hyung...' Jimin clutched his shoulder lightly attaining a glow of smile on his face. Jungkook looked down, his eyes got lost behind the curtain of black-brown fringes of his, 'Shall we really do this? You don't know how much I hate that object.' His fearful orbs pointed down on one of the murderer guns. Evil jesters, as if laughing under the waning moon.

A simple question he asked, seeking either a yes or no, yet left the older in silence for a second in thoughts. What he said was more than one word, as to put emphasis on his assertion, 'Kookie, we should do what we are bound to do. And he's a bad man after all, think in that way. In where we are, there's no going back, there's no leaving anything back.'

'At least we are in it together.' Jungkook smiled faintly at his words, but his pale expression won't still go away.

'Hyung, what do you do when you are scared?'

Jimin tittered. Jerking his head, he replied, 'Surprising enough, even I asked the same question to someone today.' He looked down at his wrist. A tiny smile across his face.

'Just relax, Kookie. It's just a matter of one night, one task. As soon as it will be over,' he said, 'It will be just like the last moon before a new moon night.'

Jungkook loosened his shoulders, then replied in a casual voice, 'You looked really nervous back when we were about to perform, hyung. Were you tensed regarding our this night's task?'

Jimin tilted his head, 'Well, can say that. But, I am okay now.' Lifting his hand up to hold onto his left c.h.e.s.t, he looked on his wrist and smiled. 'I am okay.' reiterated he.

'Guys,' Yoongi's bold ordering voice took back all's attention, 'Let's go.'

The strings tightly knotted, held up the ornate masks around the steel-like seven pairs of eyes. The black loafers marched out the door, headed for their long-awaited destination.

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