Entertainment From Divorce

Chapter 1092 Ask Fan Shan for advice

A few days later.

Bright Entertainment Company, President's Office.

Tan Yue is looking at the documents.

The film department's new movies are in theaters, and the box office results are not very high but not low either. Overall, the box office received is a satisfactory result.

If a movie wants to do well at the box office, quality must come first.

Although the film department has been trying to buy some relatively high-quality scripts from others, it is really difficult to really become popular.

If you want high box office results, you also need to pay attention to the right time, place, people and people.

The movie's box office results were within Tan Yue's expectations, so his emotions didn't fluctuate much.

There is also a section of the document that contains online reviews of the film.

It can be said that there are good and bad, mixed blessings and sorrows.

Tan Yue continued to look at other IT documents.

‘Dong dong dong’.

Before Tan Yue had time to speak, the office door was pushed open.

"Ayue." The person who came in was Chen Ziyu, and said, "I'm going to the General Administration of Culture for a meeting."

The day before yesterday, I received a notice from the General Administration of Culture to hold a meeting this morning.

Not only Cuican Entertainment received the notice, but all entertainment companies in the country also received the notice.

"Are you going now?" Tan Yue glanced at the time and it was now past eight o'clock.

"There may be traffic jams on the road, so leave early. This meeting is very important. It would be bad if you are late."

The meeting started at half past nine, and it took more than an hour, which was enough time to get from the Bright Entertainment Company to the General Administration of Culture.

"Okay, be safe on the road."

"Let's go!" Chen Ziyu waved and turned to leave.

"Are you coming back for lunch?"

"We'll see when the time comes. I don't know when the meeting will end. If it's too late, I'll send you a message." After that, Chen Ziyu walked out of the office.

The car is already waiting downstairs.

Tan Yue continued to deal with work matters.

At this stage, all departments of the company are developing steadily and the working atmosphere is very good.

Perhaps because it is a goal set by themselves, every department is secretly working hard to complete it as soon as possible.

Of course, the company has also set up a relevant reward system. As long as everyone can complete the goal, everyone will receive generous rewards.

Tan Yue opened the document submitted by the new media department.

After continuous traffic diversion, one of the company's anchors has more than 50 million fans, and one more anchor has more than 10 million fans.

The new media department has more and more experience and can design a complete live broadcast process according to the anchor's style.

Looking at the current situation of various departments, Tan Yue showed a satisfied smile on his face.

If this situation continues, Bright Entertainment Company will definitely get better and better.

After finishing his work, Tan Yue drank tea with a cup in hand and thought about the casting of "Titanic".

He has been thinking about one thing these days: Should one of them, Ma Guoliang or Zhou Can, play the leading role?

What Tan Yue is worried about is naturally not the acting skills, but the appearance of the two people.

When "Titanic" was broadcast on Earth, it is no exaggeration to say that DiCaprio, who played the leading role, directly unified the aesthetics of people around the world.

This forced Tan Yue to seriously consider the appearance of the male protagonist.

Although Ma Guoliang and Zhou Can are much more handsome than the greasy uncle who played with a water gun in his middle age, their looks can hardly support their role in the movie.

Therefore, Tan Yue considered whether to find an actor who not only has good acting skills, but also has good looks.

After a while.

Tan Yue, who was worried about casting, came out of the office and took the elevator to the new media department on the second floor.

It had been a while since he had visited the various floors to see how the employees were working, and he planned to take a closer look.

"Hello, Mr. Tan!"

As soon as Tan Yue got off the elevator, he met an employee and said hello.


As he walked, he responded to employees who greeted him.

"Mr. Tan, let me show you around." Ma Wenru came over.

"You go about your work and I'll take a look myself."

Ma Wenru nodded and continued to do his work.

Tan Yue came to the live broadcast place. Because it was morning, there were not many anchors live broadcasting.

Under normal circumstances, anchors basically start live broadcasts in the evening.

Looking at several unfamiliar faces, Tan Yue knew that the live broadcasts were all new anchors. I watched outside the glass door for a while, and when I was about to leave, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Mr. Tan, I'm sorry."

Before Tan Yue spoke, the other party spoke first.

"Are you OK?"

The skinny little girl waved her hand quickly and said, "I'm fine, I'm fine. Mr. Tan, are you not injured?"

"I'm fine too, why are you so anxious?"

"I, I" the girl lowered her head and did not dare to speak.

"Don't be nervous, just tell me, what's going on?"

"I just saw you were a little nervous, so I wanted to run over quickly, so"

Tan Yue wondered whether he should laugh or cry: "Why, do I look so scary?"

The girl quickly explained: "No, absolutely not."

"It was my fault just now. I forgot to look at the road." Tan Yue asked, "Are you a new anchor who just joined the company?"

The girl nodded.

She has never been shy during live broadcasts, and when she saw Tan Yue being so nervous, she didn't know what to say.

"What content are you streaming?"


Seeing the girl's nervous look, Tan Yue said with a smile: "Don't take what happened just now to heart, just go to the live broadcast."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tan."

"go Go."

The girl quickly left and returned to the live broadcast room, covering her heart and breathing heavily.

She originally planned to run over from behind while Tan Yue was watching someone else's live broadcast, but she didn't expect to bump into them, and she kept blaming herself for her recklessness.

Tan Yue had put the accident behind him and continued to wander around various departments, chatting with employees from time to time and asking if there was anything the company needed to improve.

Not long after, he came to the artist management department.

After walking around on the third floor and preparing to leave, he suddenly remembered something. Tan Yue came to Fan Shan's office door, gently knocked on the door and said, "Teacher Fan."

"Mr. Tan!" Fan Shan stood up quickly to greet him: "Mr. Tan, please sit inside."

Tan Yue walked into the office and closed the door.

"Mr. Tan, why are you here?" Fan Shan began to make tea.

"I've been sitting in the office for too long. Come out and take a breath." Tan Yue said: "Teacher Fan, I just have a question I want to ask."

"You said it." Fan Shan said seriously.

"That's right." Tan Yue said: "If you shoot a movie with the theme of romantic love, does appearance play a big role in the selection of the protagonist?"

Until now, he still can't make up his mind, should a different actor play the leading role in "Titanic"?

Fan Shan thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Mr. Tan, let me tell you this, if I were the leading actor in a movie with a romantic love theme, would you like to watch it?"

The water in the teapot started to boil. He quickly took it out and cleaned the cup.

Tan Yue nodded thoughtfully and said, "I understand."

What Fan Shan is talking about is the sense of substitution. No matter what movie they watch, the audience prefers to put themselves into the protagonist.

What's more, "Titanic" tells a romantic love story.

Picture this: Standing at the bow of the boat, with his arms around his waist behind him, is a middle-aged greasy uncle.

No matter how beautiful the lens is at this moment, it will be broken.

At this time, appearance becomes more important than acting skills.

Fan Shan poured the tea and said, "Mr. Tan, please have some tea."

Tan Yue picked up the cup, took a sip and said, "Teacher Fan, your words really enlightened me."

"There's nothing wrong with your thinking, it's just that the two of us stand from different angles."

Tan Yue has always considered the quality of the entire movie.

When the script is good, the actor's acting skills are naturally the first thing to consider.

The development of Bright Entertainment Company is now the focus of the work, and no problems can occur in every movie.

Tan Yue held up the cup and said, "Teacher Fan, drink tea."

After a word of enlightenment from Fan Shan, Tan Yue made up his mind to find a good-looking actor to play the leading role in "Titanic".

As for which actor to choose, he has no one in mind yet.

"Drink tea."

Tan Yue said: "To tell you the truth, I am thinking of a movie with a love story as the theme. I have been thinking about the protagonist these days."

For half an hour, the two chatted about many things about movies.

After Tan Yue left, he did not rush to the office and continued to the next department.

"Mr. Tan, when will the next movie be shot?"

"Mr. Tan, will you go abroad for your next movie?"

"You kid, don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask."

Tan Yue was in the film department, chatting with the employees.

Many employees have filmed several movies with Tan Yue, and the conversation was lively.

"Don't be anxious about the movie. I will definitely let you know when the filming will take place." Tan Yue asked with a smile: "Will you feel tired when filming a movie with me?"


Everyone answered in a hurry.

One of them said: "It's too late for us to be happy about making a movie with Mr. Tan. Why is it so hard?"

"What we all love most is making movies with you."

Tan Yue said: "Okay, I will definitely call you all together next time we make a movie."

After a brief cheer, the film department returned to silence as Tan Yue left.

Tan Yue chatted with Xu Nuo in the program department for more than 20 minutes before returning to the CEO's office.

"Mr. Tan, we just sent some documents."

"Bring it in."

Chen Ye followed him to the office.

"Mr. Tan, this document requires your signature."

Tan Yue looked at the contents of the document, which was a pre-promotion plan for a singer's album under the company.

The album contains ten songs and will be released early next Monday morning.

Seeing that there was no problem, Tan Yue picked up the pen and signed.

Then Chen Ye took the documents and left.

Tan Yue, who was sitting in front of the computer, was slightly lost in thought. Which actor should he choose to play the leading role in "Titanic"?

Half past eleven.

Chen Ziyu returned to the company and came directly to look for Tan Yue without going to his office.

"What did Director Ye say when he called you to a meeting this time?" Tan Yue took a glass of warm water, put it on the coffee table, and sat next to Chen Ziyu.

"The theme of the meeting is to improve the quality of movies." Chen Ziyu took a sip of water, holding a cup in his hand, and continued: "Some time ago, many countries wanted to purchase the broadcast rights of some domestic movies. Ye Ju and the others negotiated for twenty , as one of the first films to be exported.”

"It also includes our movie "Infernal Affairs". The copyright-related fees will be discussed after the Ye Bureau has officially determined it."

Chen Ziyu was very happy when she saw "Infernal Affairs" on the first list.

I still remember what happened when I was plagiarized.

If Tan Yue's film hadn't been a hit in the global film market at that time, making the issue of plagiarism extremely popular, there would really be no excuse.

Chen Ziyu wanted to take this opportunity to show them what the original version was.

Tan Yue said: "This is a good thing!"

Chen Ziyu took another sip of water, put down the cup, and nodded: "It is indeed a good thing. After many years, domestic films have finally taken the step of exporting."

"It's really not easy."

"At the meeting, Bureau Ye also specifically praised you by name. It's almost all your fault that we are in this situation today."

Tan Yue is not arrogant: "Without me, someone else would have done it. What I'm surprised about is that other countries want to import movies from our country so quickly."

He thought he would have to wait for a while, but he didn't expect the development to progress so quickly! It can be seen that the impact of "The Shawshank Redemption" is very great.

Chen Ziyu continued: "Taking advantage of this export opportunity, Ye Bureau has emphasized the need to improve the quality of films, thereby increasing the visibility of domestic films in the global film market."

"The idea is very good, but the difficulty is too great." Tan Yue explained: "The movies produced now have very strong commercial purposes, all for box office results, and entertainment companies only care about money. In recent years, things have been better. Unlike before, no matter whether you have acting skills or not, as long as you have traffic, you can go filming, let alone spend time polishing the script."

Chen Ziyu said: "Bureau Ye also saw through this. After the meeting, he left me, Tianjing, and Guangmei's boss behind and had a private chat."

"What did she say?"

"Putting your hopes on us, I hope we can set a good example for the entertainment companies below and make more high-quality movies."

"Leave this matter to me."

Ye Wen's idea coincides with the development plan of Bright Entertainment Company.

Tan Yue plans to put quality first in every subsequent film, even if it takes several years to polish a script, quality must be ensured.

"Let's go eat. We've been in meetings all morning and I'm already hungry." Although it wasn't time to get off work at noon, Chen Ziyu's stomach was already growling on the way back.

"Let's go."

The two people came out of the office, and Tan Yue said: "Xiao Ye, stop being busy now and go have lunch."

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu came to the restaurant, sat in a private room, ordered dishes, and prepared to eat.

The two people continued to chat about the content of today's meeting. (End of chapter)

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