Entertainment From Divorce

Chapter 1105 Liu Qian’s worries

"Xiaoye, what did Mr. Tan want me to do?"

Chen Ye smiled and replied: "I don't know either."

Liu Qian pursed her lips and did not continue to ask.

She was studying the script in the office when Chen Ye suddenly came over and asked to go to the president's office.

Liu Qian couldn't figure it out for a moment. She didn't know what the purpose of this trip was.

The elevator stopped on the eighth floor, and the elevator door opened with a 'ding-dong' sound.

Two people came out of the elevator one after another.

Chen Ye raised his arm, bent his fingers and knocked on the door gently.

"Come in." Tan Yue's voice came from inside the office.

Chen Ye opened the door and said, "Mr. Tan, Liu Qian is here."

"come in."

Chen Ye turned aside to make way.

Liu Qian nodded to express her gratitude, and then said: "Mr. Tan."

"sit down."

Liu Qian sat opposite.

Tan Yue put down the document in his hand and said: "The leading actor of "Titanic" has just been confirmed. This time the actor opposite you will be Li Youfan."

Liu Qian was slightly stunned at first. She had always thought that the choice of the male lead had been decided, but she didn't expect that it had been more than a week since she got the script before the matter was settled.

No wonder Tan Yue never said anything about the leading actor.

Then came surprise.

According to Tan Yue's previous habit of selecting actors, in order to ensure the quality of the film, he would choose people with good acting skills to play important roles such as male protagonists.

Why did you choose Li Youfan this time?

Tan Yue continued: "I have already told Li Youfan that the film's start time has not been determined yet. You can take advantage of this period to get along with each other."

Liu Qian retracted her thoughts: "Okay, Mr. Tan."

"There will definitely be some problems when you two start to get along. If Li Youfan encounters a problem, you can help him solve it together. After all, you are partners. Only if you perform well enough can you add color to the movie."

"Don't worry, I will do it even if you don't tell me. I still understand these principles."

Tan Yue said with satisfaction: "The heroine in this movie has a very important role, so she should perform well. After the movie is released, your reputation in the international entertainment circle will definitely be greatly improved."

Liu Qian nodded solemnly.

"How did you read the script?"

"I've been studying it recently, and I think I've mastered about 70-80% of it."

"Have you encountered any problems?" Tan Yue picked up the cup and took a sip of tea.

Liu Qian shook her head and said: "Not yet. I have consulted Teacher Fan on some issues and they have been resolved."

“Come to me anytime if you have any questions.”


After a while, Liu Qian left the office with a complicated mood.

She really didn't expect that it would be Li Youfan who would play the leading role this time.

Although Li Youfan is no longer the top idol he used to be, the label of "little fresh meat" has not been completely removed.

Liu Qian has never had a good impression of this type of artist. She only became famous because of a group of fans, without any real ability.

Not to mention acting.

Liu Qian pressed the button on the wall and waited for the elevator to come up.

In any case, it was Tan Yue's decision to choose Li Youfan as the leading actor this time.

Tan Yue never chooses actors with problems in their acting skills. He is very cautious when choosing supporting roles, let alone the leading actor in a movie.

Liu Qian murmured in a low voice: "There should be no problem with her acting skills."

The elevator door opened, Liu Qian walked into the elevator, shook her head and threw her thoughts behind her.

Anyway, I have to get used to it in advance, so I will take advantage of this time to take a good look at Li Youfan's acting skills.

Tan Yue came to the office next door: "Ziyu, are you going home after get off work?"

"Wait for me for a few minutes and it will be over soon." Chen Ziyu seized the time to handle the remaining work.

After a while, the two people left the office and took the elevator to the underground parking lot.

"Goodbye, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Ziyu was just about to get in the car when he heard someone saying hello behind him. He turned his head and the car had already driven away before he could speak.

"Who was it just now?" Tan Yue asked as he started the car.

"I don't know, I didn't see it clearly."

Tan Yue smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Every time I get off work, I often encounter this kind of thing. I only hear the sound but don’t know who it is.

"Come on, let's go home too."

The car slowly drove out of the underground parking lot.

After returning home half an hour later, the two of them started preparing dinner.

Chen Ziyu asked: "How is the location selection going? Have you found a more suitable place?"

"I've found it." Tan Yue washed the vegetables and said, "Zheng Tong went to Newfoundland today and took a set of photos for me. They look very suitable."

"Newfoundland?" Chen Ziyu hissed, recalling the relevant information about the Titanic, and said, "Is it the sinking of the Titanic?"

"It's smart, it's this place. It's summer now, you can see the icebergs floating on the sea, and it's also the place where the Titanic sank. There's nothing more suitable than it."

"Is Li Youfan confirmed?"

"His audition also passed. Today's performance is much better than last time. If "Titanic" has a good performance in the global film market, our company will have another internationally renowned artist. .”

"The box office performance will definitely not be bad." Chen Ziyu was very happy.

The progress of "Titanic" is so smooth that Tan Yue does not need to spend too much energy on it.

But then I thought about Tan Yue going abroad to make a movie. He would have to be away for a long time and the two of them would not be able to see each other. My mood inevitably became heavy for a while.

Tan Yue noticed the change in the expression on Chen Ziyu's face and comforted him: "I will shoot faster and come back to accompany you earlier."

"No, no need." Chen Ziyu waved her hand quickly: "The quality of the movie must come first. If I really miss you so much, I will go abroad to find you."

"No problem! The scenery over there is pretty good, I just want to take a stroll there."

Chen Ziyu said "yes" and agreed, thinking that the possibility of going was very low.

Once Tan Yue goes abroad to film, she will be responsible for all major matters of the company alone, and there will be no time to go abroad.

Chen Ziyu started chopping vegetables and said, "Have you planned a time to start filming?"

"Not yet. After Zheng Tong comes back, we will start preparing the crew. Making the props will take a lot of time, and the production will not be started in a short time."

After hearing these words and thinking that the two of them could go to and from get off work together for a while, Chen Ziyu felt much better.

"I watched some of the video information you sent me about the Titanic. It would be difficult to recreate it realistically."

Tan Yue said: "So I was thinking to see if I could contact international scientific organizations and ask them to send a professional person to help guide."

"If there are professional people to help, the preparation of props will be much easier and some mistakes will be avoided."

After a while, the aroma of food wafted from the kitchen.

The two of them were chatting and cooking dinner.

The next day.

Bright Entertainment Company, President's Office.

"Mr. Tan, this is the performance of twenty employees who studied abroad in recent days." Chen Ye handed over the information with both hands.

"Okay." Tan Yue opened the document and looked at it seriously.

The people sent by the company to study abroad have been there for some time, and they have also begun systematic learning.

Twenty people hold ten different positions.

Tan Yue has great expectations for this group of people.

"Titanic" is about to start filming, and he hopes that these twenty people can surprise him by then.

This learning opportunity is rare, and it is also an opportunity for them to improve their skills.

The performance of twenty people in recent days has been very good, and the person in charge of training on the other side gave very high praise.

Tan Yue was not too surprised, after all, they were the leaders of the company.

Tan Yue first put the document aside and said: "Xiaoye, please contact the international scientific organizations. Tell them that we are preparing a movie that takes place on the Titanic. We want to truly restore the Titanic Look, ask them if they can send a professional person over to guide us in making props."

"Okay." After Chen Ye returned to his work station, he immediately began to contact international scientific organizations.

Tan Yue picked up the document again and continued to look at the performance of the twenty people during this period.

In this study, he paid more attention to special effects shooting and post-production.

So six out of twenty people are studying in this area.

In any case, compared with foreign countries, domestic special effects shooting is still relatively backward. Many special effects are really special effects, which can be seen by the audience at a glance.

What Tan Yue wants is a more realistic effect so that the audience cannot tell which are real scenes and which are special effects.

Read the document in hand.

Tan Yue took a sip of tea and then continued to work. There was a lot of work to be done this morning.

More than ten minutes later, Chen Ye knocked on the door and came in and reported: "Mr. Tan, the international scientific organizations are willing to help us. Ask us the time. They can come over at any time."

After learning that a movie was going to be made based on the Titanic, the other party directly agreed.

The Titanic was a very serious accident, but few people in the world know about it. International scientific organizations want more people to know about this tragic shipwreck.

"That's great, tell them to come as soon as possible."

Making props is not something you can do directly. You must draw a model before doing it.

The data for the model naturally needs to be provided by professionals.

Chen Ye left in response, and Tan Yue breathed out.

With the help of professionals, the process of preparing props will be much easier this time, and there will be no need to search for information everywhere.

This way they can devote more time and energy to making props.

The work related to the start of the movie is being carried out one by one. The next step is to wait for Zheng Tong to come back and officially start preparing the crew.

Tan Yue looked out the window.

A beautiful melody sounded in their minds, and the two stood on the bow of the boat, admiring the scenery.

"Titanic" is a movie of very good quality. He believes that audiences around the world will be moved by this unparalleled love affair.

It is also a new attempt for him, as he has not yet made a film of this type.

Tan Yue turned his head, recovered his thoughts, and continued working.

Two days later.

"It's been a hard time."

"As long as we can find a suitable filming location, it doesn't matter how hard we work." Zheng Tong sat opposite Tan Yue.

The group of them returned to the capital last night.

"How's the conversation going?" Tan Yue asked.

"The local government has given us permission to film."

The filming location has been found, and of course you have to ask for permission from the local area to allow filming.

Zheng Tong continued: "International scientific organizations helped us connect the dots, so this time it went so smoothly. Just let them know in advance when filming."

"If I have the chance, I really want to thank this international scientific organization in person. It helped us a lot this time."

From providing relevant data about the Titanic, to helping to select filming locations, to sending people over, and finally even helping to negotiate filming locations.

When Tan Yue thought this way, he unknowingly owed a big favor.

Tan Yue said: "We will start preparing the crew next, and you will have to work hard for a while."

"Leave it to me to prepare the crew." Zheng Tong is quite good at this aspect.

"I only have one request for this prop production, which is to restore the appearance of the Titanic as much as possible. I have asked the international scientific organization to help send someone over. You can ask him about the relevant data."

"Okay." Zheng Tong became more confident.

After Tan Yue explained some more preparations for the crew, Zheng Tong left.

He returned to the film department and began to quickly gather people for meetings.

Ten minutes later, there were many people sitting in the conference room.

"What's the meeting today?"

"Mr. Zheng has just returned from abroad. We must have a meeting to talk."

"I heard that Mr. Zheng went abroad to select filming locations this time. I don't know which movie it is?"

"I heard from others that it is very likely that Mr. Tan will be filming a new movie. I don't know if it is true or not."

"In a trial organized by the film department some time ago, they said that Mr. Tan also participated. I think this may be true."

Just as everyone was talking to each other, Zheng Tong came in.

People in the office said hello one after another.

Zheng Tong asked his secretary to close the door of the office, and then said: "What I'm going to talk about later should not be discussed outside."

Everyone knew something big was going to happen and immediately started looking forward to it.

"As you know, I went abroad to look for filming locations a few days ago. Since I am looking for filming locations, there must be a new movie to shoot. This new movie is Mr. Tan's new work. I just came back from Mr. Tan's office, and he asked me to start preparing the crew. , I asked everyone to come here to discuss how to divide the work."

"Damn it, it's really Mr. Tan's new movie."

"As expected! As expected!"

"Great, Mr. Tan is going to make a new movie!"

The news was so surprising that everyone couldn't contain their excitement.

Zheng Tong clapped his hands, signaled for silence, and said: "It's still the same as before, we must improve our work efficiency while ensuring quality. I won't talk nonsense. Let me first tell you about the division of labor. If you have any questions, wait until I finish speaking and express your own opinions one by one."

The meeting lasted for more than forty minutes.

After it was over, everyone, including Zheng Tong, started busy preparing the crew.

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