Entertainment From Divorce

Chapter 1125 Return, Editing

the next day.

Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu drove to the company.

Most of the crew on the "Titanic" crew have taken the day off.

In other words, Tan Yue is the only one in the entire crew who comes to work.

Chen Ziyu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned to look at Tan Yue and said with concern: "Today, you should take a look at the company's documents for the past six months. There is no need to rush to deal with the work."

She knew that she couldn't persuade Tan Yue to come to work in the company, so she had to let him look at the documents first and find some simple jobs.

Shooting a movie is much more demanding than dealing with corporate matters.

"Okay." Tan Yue nodded and agreed.

This is exactly what he planned. After all, he has not been in the company for more than half a year, so he needs to familiarize himself with the progress of each project.

The car drove slowly in the traffic and arrived at the Bright Entertainment Company in more than half an hour.

Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu got out of the car.

"Mr. Tan."

Hearing someone calling his name, Tan Yue turned around and saw Wu Gong not far away waving hello.

Wu Gong trotted over and said, "Mr. Tan, when did you come back?"

"Arrived at the airport at noon yesterday."

"Aren't you going to rest at home and come back to work?"

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there are many things to do. Come and deal with them."

The three people walked to the elevator and waited.

"Hello, Mr. Tan!"

"Mr. Tan!"

A few more employees said hello.

Tan Yue also responded one by one.

With a 'ding-dong' sound, the elevator door opened.

Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu walked into the elevator first, and others followed one after another.

The elevator stopped and went and finally arrived at the president's office on the eighth floor.

Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu were the only two people left in the elevator.

The two people walked along the corridor to the office door.

"I'm going to do my work first."

Tan Yue turned around and walked into his office with a "hmm".

"Good morning, Mr. Tan!" Chen Ye, who was making tea, greeted hurriedly.

"Morning! Xiao Ye." Tan Yue took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, looking around the office where there was no change.

Chen Ye said: "The hygiene here is cleaned every day."

"Thank you for your hard work." Tan Yue sat in front of the computer.

"Mr. Tan, your tea."

"Thank you." Tan Yue took the water glass and said, "Xiaoye, how are the documents I asked you to sort out a few days ago?"

Before setting off from abroad, Tan Yue had asked Chen Ye to sort out the company's documents for the past six months.

"It's been sorted, please wait a moment." Chen Ye turned around and hurriedly went to get the documents, and he could no longer hide the happiness in his heart.

In the past six months, she has basically become Chen Ziyu's secretary. Now of course she is very happy to see Tan Yue back.

After a while.

Chen Ye came in holding a pile of documents.

"Mr. Tan, these are the documents of various departments of the company in the past six months, as well as the progress of some cooperation projects."

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Go and do your work first. I will call you if anything happens."


After Chen Ye went out, Tan Yue opened the first document and read it.

Although there are many documents and it takes a lot of energy to read them all, for him, the vice president of the company, these documents must be read.

Only in this way can we better take over the company's affairs and formulate the next development plan.

Time passed by minute by minute.

No one came to bother.

When you are tired, get up and move your body, look at the scenery outside the window, drink tea, and then return to the computer to continue working.

It was noon in the blink of an eye, and more than half of the pile of documents on the desk had been read.

Tan Yue looked at the time, it was already past 12 noon, and was going to have lunch with Chen Ziyu.

At this time there was a knock on the door.

Chen Ziyu opened the door and said, "Ayue, go have lunch."

"I was just going to find you." Tan Yue simply sorted out the documents, got up and went to the restaurant with Chen Ziyu.

As soon as I arrived at the restaurant, I encountered many employees greeting me.

Since there were too many people greeting him, Tan Yue came to the private room, sat on a chair and took a deep breath.

Chen Ziyu said with a smile: "This is the treatment that a well-known domestic director should receive."

"Fortunately, the company restaurant has a separate private room, otherwise someone might come over to say hello while eating."

"Mr. Tan, Mr. Chen, what do you want to eat?"

"You have some." Chen Ziyu looked at Tan Yue.

Tan Yue ordered two dishes at random.

Although the film was filmed abroad, chefs were brought from China after all, so the crew's working meals were not bad.

The two of them were eating and chatting about work.

"This project stopped me immediately," Chen Ziyu said.

"What's going on?" Tan Yue picked up a piece of meat and put it in Chen Ziyu's bowl.

The two talked about a previous cooperation project with other companies.

When Tan Yue was looking through the documents in the morning, he noticed that a project was directly interrupted. The content on the document was not particularly detailed, so he asked about it.

Chen Ziyu said: "The situation of their company is very pessimistic. I asked someone to evaluate it and found that the probability of bankruptcy is very high. Their financial hole is too big and there is no chance of turning around."

Tan Yue nodded.

It is common for companies to go bankrupt. Competition in every industry is very fierce. If you want to survive, you can only continuously improve your own strength.

If Bright Entertainment wants to develop in the international entertainment industry in the long term, it also needs continuous improvement.

The filming of "Titanic" has been completed, and the next step is editing.

This is also the most important task today, convening a meeting with the editing room staff.

Lunch ended quickly.

Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu returned to the President's Office.

"Want to take a break at noon?"

Tan Yue said: "I haven't had a lunch break since we started shooting, so I won't take a break today."

After a pause, pointing to the documents on his desk, he continued: "There are still a lot of documents that I haven't read yet, so I have to hurry up."

"Don't be in a hurry with the document. Just read it slowly. I can handle other things by myself."

"I'd better finish it as soon as possible."

Both of them are thinking about each other and don't want the other person to work too hard.

Chen Ziyu looked at Tan Yue and had to compromise: "Remember to get more rest."

"Know it."

After Chen Ziyu left, Tan Yue continued to read the documents.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Tan Yue looked up at the door, and a fat body appeared in front of him.

This person is the promise.

"Why are you here?"

"We haven't seen each other for half a year. I miss you a little bit." Xu Nuo sat opposite.

Tan Yue showed a look of disgust and said, "Do you want to have a drink with me?"

"I didn't say it. You brought it up yourself this time and it has nothing to do with me."

"If you don't drink, you will fall down." Tan Yue leaned on the chair and smiled at Xu Nuo.

"Drink, you must drink." Xu Nuo immediately became happy.

"I do not have time."

"Old Tan, that's a bit too much."

Tan Yue said: "I'm not kidding you, I really don't have time. The editing of the movie is about to start. There are a lot of things to be busy with."

"Let's have a drink, we haven't seen each other in half a year."

Xu Nuo knew that drinking was unlikely, but he still wanted to struggle.

"I really don't have time." Tan Yue said, "The Chinese New Year is coming soon. I'll have a good drink with you after I get home from the holidays."

"Okay, okay."

Tan Yue asked: "Has there been any results from the blind date in the past six months?"

Xunuo touched the ornaments on the table with his hand, sighed deeply, and then said: "It's still the same, I keep going on a blind date, and there is no result."

"My advice to you is to lose weight."

"I know that too, but I don't have the perseverance."

"In this case, change your mind and find someone who can accept your figure."

Xu Nuo looked sad: "That's why there has been no result."

"You have to relax your standards and don't ask for too much."

This sentence seemed to come to his heart. Xu Nuo frowned and remembered the several times he had refused.

But if you really lower your standards, will you be happy?

Xu Nuo rubbed his forehead: "Let's talk about this matter again, and it won't be less than this moment."

Tan Yue said softly "Hmm" and did not continue to speak. The more he spoke, the more likely it would be counterproductive.

If the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, he wouldn't have mentioned it.

Xu Nuo stood up and said, "You can continue your work. I won't interrupt your work."

"Go back." Tan Yue picked up the document beside him and continued to read.

When Xu Nuo passed by the coffee table, he looked at the tea leaves on it and said, "Old Tan, do you still have tea leaves here?"

"There should be one in the drawer under the coffee table. You can take it yourself."


Finally Xu Nuo left with two boxes of new tea leaves.

Tan Yue continued to look at the documents.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Tan Yue called Chen Ye to the office and arranged: "Xiao Ye, go to the editing room and inform Hong Yuanda to have a meeting in the editing room in half an hour."


"In addition, let them prepare the filming materials of "Titanic" and prepare to start editing."

Chen Ye responded and went out.

Tan Yue looked at the last document.

From the time I came to the company in the morning to now, it took more than six hours to finally read the company's documents for half a year.

There are so many documents because there is a lot of business being carried out.

Cuican Entertainment is currently developing steadily, especially in movies, and has good competitiveness in the international film market.

The strength of other businesses is also constantly improving.

After more than ten minutes, Tan Yue finished reading the last document, stood up and stretched, and moved his body. Sitting all the time makes my back hurt.

After a short rest, he pulled out a document from the bookshelf and left the office.

This document is about the editing plan for "Titanic".

The editing room was very busy at this time. They knew that they were going to start editing Tan Yue's new movie, so they were particularly excited.

"Mr. Tan's movie is finally finished, now it's our job."

"I heard that Mr. Tan's film editing this time was more difficult."

"With so many people this time, it will definitely be very difficult."

"What are you worried about? Mr. Tan is with us, so what are you afraid of?"

"Mr. Tan is here!!"

For a moment, the editing room fell silent, and everyone focused on the door.

Tan Yue's figure appeared, followed by Hong Yuanda.

"Is everyone here?"

Hong Yuanda said: "We are all here."

"Start the meeting."

Hong Yuanda nodded and said loudly: "Everyone should return to their seats. The meeting will begin immediately."

After the words fell, he returned to his seat.

Tan Yue looked around the crowd and said: "This filming used a lot of techniques that we have never used before, so a lot of thought was spent on editing. Let me tell you something in advance, because this editing is very difficult. My requirements will be extremely high. If there is anything that is not done well in the middle, I will ask you to rework it directly until it meets my requirements."

The meeting about the editing of "Titanic" has officially begun.

Tan Yue opened the document and began to talk about various precautions.

An hour passed before I knew it.

Tan Yue took a sip of water and asked, "Is there anything you don't understand?"

No one spoke.

Hong Yuanda said: "Mr. Tan, there is no big problem at the moment."

"Okay, get ready. Let's start editing. If we encounter any problems in the middle, we'll discuss it again."

After half an hour of preparation, everyone sat in front of the computer and started editing.

Because of the difficulty, progress was very slow at the beginning.

Tan Yue encouraged everyone: "Don't be anxious, everyone. Let's do it bit by bit. Not only is it learning for you, but it is also a learning experience for me. We are entering the international film market. This type of film production is indispensable, and it is a learning experience for each of us." They are all techniques that need to be mastered.”

Lens editing, special effects editing. Hong Yuanda has divided everyone into several groups, and each group has different work content.

After gradually getting started, everyone in the editing room worked hard, including Tan Yue.

Every aspect needs his attention.

Hong Yuanda frowned and came over to look for Tan Yue. He encountered some problems.

Tan Yue took a look and discussed it with people who were studying abroad at the time.

Professional matters need professional people to solve them.

Although Tan Yue also knows some knowledge about special effects editing, he only knows it briefly.

As he said himself, the editing process this time was also a learning process.

After everyone discussed several plans, they began to test them one by one.

Finally found the most effective way.

The successful resolution of the problem was a great encouragement to everyone in the editing room.

There are difficulties, but working together to solve them greatly boosts morale.

It was past seven o'clock in a blink of an eye.

Tan Yue said: "Let's go here today and go back to rest after get off work."

Since arriving in the editing room, he has never left, always staring.

Hong Yuanda reminded: "Save your respective work progress, check the equipment, and get off work if there are no problems."

Tan Yue said: "Just keep an eye on the finishing work. I'll go back first."

"Mr. Tan, please walk slowly."

Tan Yue came out of the editing room and took a deep breath.

Although he was very tired, he was extremely happy.

The editing work of "Titanic" started smoothly.

He knew before starting this work that he would encounter some problems, and he also felt very fulfilled by working with everyone to solve them today.

Tan Yue turned around and glanced at the editing room, smiled and left.

The editing room was very lively, everyone was discussing today's work.

"Today is full of achievements!"

"I was shaking all afternoon, afraid of losing my chain."

"It'll be fine in a few days!"

Everyone went home from get off work amid laughter and laughter.

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