Chapter 96 I was fierce enough to recommend myself, and the autumn leaves were exposed?!!

Feilu Publishing House is generally very quiet during working hours.

After all, the editor’s main job is to review.

But now in the office, there is a cry.

Some sobbed, some covered their hearts, some made angry eyes, some couldn’t help but abuse, lit a cigarette and smoked.

“The Wine Sword Immortal is dead!”

“Zhao Linger is also dead!”

“Akiba this… This is also too ruthless! ”

“It’s just to write the dead female two, she also wrote the dead female one!! Does she have a feud with Yue Ruling’er and the three of them? ”

“This is the most abusive text I’ve ever read!”

“It’s so ruthless! It’s so sad! The old man’s girlish heart was completely depressed by the autumn leaves! ”

“Autumn leaves… Sure enough, it’s a dog thief, read your book again, I’ll kill it! ”

“This ending… Oh my God, something big is going to happen! If this is sent, readers must not fall out! ”

“It’s over!”

“Isn’t it good to write your cool essay well? Fortunately, it is only 420,000 words, and if there are more words, I am afraid that some readers will take it on the spot. ”

“Why didn’t Dugu Sword Saint make a move?!!! Why!!! He clearly has the power to prevent all these tragedies from happening!! ”

The editors said while sobbing.

Even the editors can’t withstand Yang Qi’s abuse, which shows how miserable the end is.


The office door of the deputy editor was slammed open.

Xu Yuanfang was furious, looked angry, and clenched his fists and walked out.

“Autumn leaves!”

“Autumn leaves!”

“You return me the Wine Sword Immortal! Return me Zhao Linger!! Return my fairy sword!! ”

Xu Yuanfang’s eyes were red and she gritted her teeth.

He was also abused by the end of the fairy sword.


At the same time, the juku opened the door and came out.

He also had red eyes, 21 held a cigarette in his hand, and melancholy spit out smoke rings.

A batch of depression. Look at the book of autumn leaves. Good injury. Tired.

Never love anymore.

“Everyone was abused?”

The supervisor came out and asked, with a smile on his face.

But his eyes are also red.

The reason why I say this is to see the editors in the office being tortured and crying, but laughed.

Don’t you usually say that you have strong anti-drug and anti-abuse ability? Now he was tortured and killed.


When the editors heard this, they shook their heads one by one and smiled bitterly.

“It’s not that I don’t give it, it’s really hurting in this ending.”

“Akiba did it on purpose.”

“Supervisor, the ending of the fairy sword can’t be written like that! If it is published according to this ending, our publishing house will be sprayed to death by readers. ”

“And I’m afraid the sales are not good!”

“I have never seen such an author, a good book is on fire, countless authors can’t wait to pour water into it, increase the number of words and chapters, and autumn leaves do not add. It’s just that she doesn’t add it, but she still wrote such an abusive ending… Does she have a feud with readers? ”

The editors complained that they really didn’t understand Akiba’s brain circuitry.

The supervisor looked at Tang Rou, who was already doubting her life, and said, “Xiao Tang, ask Qiu Ye to see if this ending can be changed?” ”

The supervisor understands that once this ending is published, both the publishing house and Akiba will be criticized by Xian Jianmei.

If you can change it, try to change it.

However, he felt that according to Akiba’s previous personality, it was unlikely.

But always try, try anyway and you won’t get pregnant.

Tang Rou collected her emotions and nodded back, “Okay.” ”


Walk through the streets.

Carry a sword.

Yang Qihuang returned home leisurely.

Although there are still many eyes on the road, and there are several people who need to contact us, she can already face it calmly.

It’s already a transformed woman, what else can I do? Do you want to do a reverse transformation technique?

And live it.

Life is like that… Since you can’t resist, you can only choose patience.

“Toot toot toot…”

Yang Qi was just carrying a plate of fruits and was about to start, when the phone rang.

She raised her eyebrows and glanced at it, it was Tang Rou calling.

While picking up a peach, I answered the phone.


“Great God…”

Tang Rou’s voice was a little hoarse, it was too sadistic, and after taking the task of contacting Yang Qi, she locked herself in the bathroom and cried.


Yang Qi ate peaches.

It’s the sound of eating!

On the other end of the phone, Tang Rou was stunned.

What the heck.

You abused us like this, you still have the mind to eat?? This is outrageous!

What about your conscience? Eaten by a dog?

Tang Rou’s brain door appeared well characters, and her heart was infinitely broken.

“Great God… Can this ending be changed, I was miserable, just publish it like this, and it will be mailed by readers with blades. ”

Tang Rou asked weakly.

She could already imagine the crazy reaction of readers after the subsequent publication of Immortal Sword.

Ma Yay!

To die or die!

Six dolphins… Color, color, hanging color…

Tang Rou:… As always, high and cold.

Yang Qi continued: “This ending is actually the final result of the Dao that everyone pursues. And…… Sometimes imperfection is also a form of beauty. ”

Tang Rou was about to crack.

You’re just abusive, right?

But thinking about it, Yang Qi seemed to have a point.

She was going to try a little harder.

“Great God, if it is published like this, sales may be… Not very good. ”

Tang Rou said tactfully.

“It’s okay, so be it.”

Yang Qi said lightly.

Once the ending of the abuse article is spread, it will definitely affect sales.

However, she has already figured out how to solve it.

Isn’t there a large size here?

It’s normal for a big one to advertise a small book, right?

What is this called? This made me ruthless and recommend myself.

Yang Qi felt that in order to complete the system task, he also fought hard.

“Okay, goodbye to the god.”

Tang Rou hung up the phone in disappointment.

On the other side, Yang Qi opened his mobile phone Weibo.

She has not updated her Weibo for a long time, and she posted a rare Weibo.

“Recently found a favorite book, “The Legend of Sword and Fairy 1″, planting grass for everyone.”

In order to earn money, earn prestige value, do not shudder…

As soon as Yang Qi sent it out, the number of comments and likes instantly skyrocketed.

“Capture the female emperor alive!”

“Capture your wife alive!”

She finally remembered the account password! Tears! ”

“Ten Thousand Blood Book Female Emperor wears HS!”

“Uh… The female emperor did not canvass for herself, but advertised for others? What kind of magic operation is this?? ”

“Groove! The female emperor herself turned out to be a fan of the fairy sword! Love love, I have finally found a common language with Your Majesty! ”

“Have any of you seen the Immortal Sword? What kind of book is that? ”

“This is the ninth place in this Feilu Publishing House supernova essay, but the actual sales are the first, the fairy tale theme opening the mountain divine book to understand?”

“All I can say is, super pretty! It’s a pity it’s too short! ”


“Thumbs up for my wife’s vision!”

“I’ve read the book Yang Qi read, are we already hugging?”

“As long as it is published, it must be bought!”


“For the sake of the female emperor, it is necessary to rush a wave.”

“Go and vote for Your Majesty!”

Flying Deer Press.

Tang Rou hung up the phone, and the supervisor, editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief, and editors in the office all looked directly at Tang Rou.


The supervisor asked.

Tang Rou shook her head and said, “She doesn’t want to change. Imperfection is also a perfection. ”

Full Office Editor:…

What the hell is this rhetoric, the great god can really 6, can say the abuse text so fresh and vulgar.

“As expected.”

The supervisor smiled bitterly when he heard this.

As early as when Akiba refused to add the word count of the novel, she understood that this was a stubborn guy with his own ideas and would not easily change the choices she made.

Geniuses basically belong to this category.

Deputy editor Xu Yuanfang frowned and said, “The original print run was 1 million copies, but now this is the case, should we change the publication volume?” ”

The supervisor frowned as well.

It stands to reason that a published novel that has sold more than 1.5 million copies, and printing its next volume, in any case, must prepare at least 1 million copies.

This is a safe move.

But the fairy sword ending is too sadistic.

It can be imagined that after the first batch of readers who bought the book finished reading and were abused.

The reputation of the fairy sword will decline rapidly.

Whether it will sell 1 million copies is unknown.

It will even affect the sales of the entire Immortal Sword series.

When 487 is true, not without exception can happen.

Readers who like abusive texts like this tone instead.

“It’s hard to decide.”

The supervisor said with a faint sadness.

If Akiba is willing to change the ending, then this matter will be easy to handle.

It’s a pity she doesn’t want to.

This time.

A female editor came over and handed her phone to her supervisor: “I don’t think I need to be so entangled.” Autumn leaves are really lucky, the big star Yang Qi has become her novel fan, and even posted a Weibo for her. ”

The voice just fell!

Everyone in the office straightened their eyes and were stunned! Yang Qi??

That newcomer king in the music industry, now a female star who exploded in the 101 girl group? The one who sent the nickname female emperor?

She helped Akiba push the book!!! Groove!


The editors in the office looked at each other in shock and swallowed their saliva with difficulty.

There is an effect called the celebrity effect.

Refers to the effect of the appearance of celebrities that attracts attention, strengthens things, and amplifies influence.

There is no doubt that Yang Qi helping Qiuye push books is a celebrity effect! With Yang Qi’s current fan base of more than 20 million.

This kind of advertising effect is no less than a Weibo hot search.

In the past, it cost at least hundreds of thousands to let celebrities help advertise.

And stars like Yang Qi, who are currently super hot, advertising expenses are even more unimaginable.

It was equivalent to Yang Qi sending a large amount of money to Qiu Yebai.


It’s just terrifying!

Thinking of this, every editor paused.

The supervisor and Tang Rou on the side suddenly straightened their eyes, their faces were full of horror, and a huge wave turned over in their hearts!

Yang Qi? Yang Qi!

If memory serves, the real name of Qiu Ye when he signed the publishing contract was Yang Qi!

Like the female emperor Yang Qi, she is also nineteen years old! Shouldn’t the autumn leaves be Yang Qi???

The supervisor and Tang Rou looked at each other, and their hearts instantly turned over terrifying waves, and their sweaty hair stood upright, and they got goosebumps.

Oh my God!

That’s the real big thing!

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