Chapter 17 The Scene of Social Death (Ask for Support, Third Change).

Sitting in the car, Yang Fan was very well-behaved, sitting in the co-pilot, quietly watching the mobile phone video.

Not noisy, not noisy.

The two people in the back seat were chattering about school.

“Mom, Zuo Zuo is in love.”

Good guy, Yaya almost got the car into a ditch.

The left left said: ‘I don’t, you talk nonsense. ’

“You just have a relationship, you like Yang Fan, I know, you also secretly told me that you plan to marry him.”

Dear sisters?

This moment is not pro-in.

The two little loli are both very sweet ones, with big eyes flickering.

is extremely cute, but the experience of the two is also relatively miserable, which can be regarded as fate.

At that time, Yaya was driving, met the grandmother who went to see a doctor, and sent it.

Then the grandmother did not save it, and the child was left like this, Yaya gritted her teeth and directly adopted it.

“I didn’t, you talk nonsense, right right, I’m going to hit you.”

“I’m my sister, and my sister can’t hit my sister.”

“I can beat you.”

“If you are fierce, Yang Fan will not like you.”

Lean, what does it have to do with me?

Yang Fan directly closed his eyes, not wanting to listen to the nonsense of the two children.

In fact, the most surprising thing is Yaya, this Yang Fan, is really sensible and a little scary.

However, this is the genius put.

The world of genius is always simple, or precocious.

This piano talent shocked the entire piano world, and even modified the rules specifically for him.

The position of the piano world is not comparable to the simple entertainment industry, you know, people play high-end.

It’s not about money.

The car went around and came to the gate of Xiao Nuomi’s kindergarten, and after Xiao Nuomi got on the bus, the war could be regarded as the real beginning.

The little glutinous rice with the whistle was liked by the two little girls for the first time.

Holding each other, blowing indiscriminately in the car.

“Aunt Yaya, don’t you care?”

“I want to manage, but I’m driving, what do you usually do at home?”

“Hide, otherwise, the more you reason, the more you will be screaming.”

Oh, the word “husse” is used? It seems that he is really a little adult.

“Brother, is the kindergarten very well-behaved today?”

Yang Fan really wanted to refuse this idiotic question.

I am thirty years old, and I still ask if I am well-behaved?

Refusal to answer, goodbye, sleep, Lao Tzu died.

Finally, after seeing that his brother didn’t take care of himself, Xiao Nuomi went to play with left, left and right.

After the car arrived in the community, unexpectedly, Yang Fan found that it was the same community, it seems that good sisters, often buy houses that live together, it is still very popular.

“You guys play with toys first, I’ll cook.”

Yaya began to go about her own business.

Yang Fan was sitting on the sofa, intending to watch TV for a while, but the three little girls got together and chattered really copied Yang Fan.

“Brother, we have come to play the house.”

‘I don’t want to play. ’

“Brother, play, just you are a boy, do you want to be a husband or a father?”

“I refuse, you guys are too young, I don’t like to play with small children.”

Xiao Nuomi was very angry and said: “I am my sister, I am the biggest here, you must listen to me, otherwise, I will tell them that you wet the bed.” ”

“Obviously you wet the bed?”

“You must have wet the bed too, children wet the bed.”

“I don’t wet the bed, I’m not a child.”

Damn, I pumped my head? Discuss with children whether they are children.

But I couldn’t hold it, the three children were noisy with each other, it was too irritable. ,

“Then I’ll be my husband, husband.”

Xiao Nuomi said, “Okay, okay, which of you is my brother’s wife.” ”

“I, I, I…”

The younger sister raised her hand first, but felt that it was a little too much, so she put it down.

Right right said: “I want to be a wife too.” ”

“Why, I’m a sister, you have to let me.”

My sister smiled and said, “You just like Yang Fan, well, you fell in love early, I’ll tell my mother to go.” ”

“Then let’s do it together.”

Xiao Nuomi was stunned for a moment and said: “This can’t work, you can’t be Yang Fan’s wife together, this is illegal, and you will be arrested by the police uncle.” ”

Seriously, Yang Fan was moved.

Here comes the bad taste.

Really, this bad taste is something that men can’t refuse.

“Actually, we can not say it.”

The three girls looked at Yang Fan at the same time.

Yang Fan said: “If you don’t say it, uncle policeman, you won’t know.” ”

Yes, so smart, sure enough, my brother is the smartest.

Little glutinous rice said: “Then what should I do?” Vicious mother-in-law? ”

Yang Fan drank water, and for a moment did not know what role to arrange for Xiao Nuomi.

“I see… When your junior…”


Yang Fan spat out a mouthful of water, good guy, is this the future world?

Is it so happy?

“Then let’s start playing, I’ll go get the tools.”

The two little girls began to pour their toys, all small plastic toys of pots and pans, placed together.

Yang Fan, on the other hand, was sitting on the sofa and looking at the three girls.

Being a husband, naturally you have to enjoy it.




Wait a minute?

That’s not right.

Right right said: “Sister Nuomi, how can you also call your husband, you are a junior.” ”

“I watch TV, the mistress is called husband, it seems that the wife is not called husband.”

“What’s that called?”

“It’s all called old man.”

Zuo Zuo tried to recall and said: “Yes, it seems to be true.” ”

Whatever you guys are called, Dad is very happy and satisfied now.

Hahaha, I suddenly felt very happy playing with children.

When it was time to eat, Yaya called out to a few people.

Left left and right right trotted all the way and pulled a stool for Yang Fan.

“Old man, you sit first.”

“Yes, husband, you sit first.”


Yaya looked at Yang Fan very seriously, and Yang Fan covered his face with shame.

The society died.

Depend on.


ps: The new book begs for everything, thank you all, the new book asks for support, thank you.


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