Chapter 29 I choose Boss Yang (ask for support, third change).

As soon as Boss Yang’s words came out, the Internet exploded.

No need to look, it’s all Boss Yang’s, don’t think about it.

“What is this person? Why be a judge, just for traffic? ”

“It’s too much, listen well, and it turns out that Boss Yang’s evaluation is nothing.”

On the side of the scene, Lao Xue was not used to it, and said: “I think that this person can become a superstar in the future, I am very optimistic about him, he is very serious when singing, and the lyrics are not mentioned, but this singing skill is worth it.” ”

“But in this era, to become a superstar, not only relies on singing skills, but also looks and so on.”


Yang Fan directly pretended to be dead.

Gave up, really gave up, didn’t save.

“What you said is not right, you can go down if you have the strength.”

“Do you rely on strength or appearance?”

Old Xue was confused by the question.

Not sure how to answer.

Boss Yang looked at Mao Mao and said: “I also think it’s very good, but you also understand, my team is going to have a small flow of fresh meat, just now it is a public channel, I don’t mind to say, I am a businessman, in business business, investment and efficiency, I value it very much.” ”

The people at the scene were silent, and everyone on the stage was silent.

I have to say that Boss Yang is right.

“Talent is also short-term, and appearance is also short-term, but the investment cost of appearance is the lowest, sorry, make everyone unhappy, but this is the reality.”

Everyone silently stretched out their hands and applauded.

Clap hands.

This is the truest answer.

also sighed that Boss Yang dared to say.

Gina said, “Really? ”

Yaya said: “Yes, a boy, handsome, a little operation, can indeed make money, but she overlooked one thing, now the times have changed, small fresh meat is gradually not good to have a market.” ”

“So what did she say?”

Yaya said: ‘Don’t say that there are no steps under this, do you think Boss Yang doesn’t want Mao Mao? I also want this trainee, but people also have to choose Boss Yang, this thing, it’s not just for you to say. ’

“It means that if you can’t get it, you can only find a step for yourself to go down?”

“Yes, there is no way around it.”


Gina said: “It’s normal, as long as there is no problem with this hairy head, I won’t choose Boss Yang.” ”

On the stage, Lao Xue took the microphone and walked to Mao Mao’s side and said: “I firmly believe that talent can shine, and Mao Mao’s talent can definitely defeat traffic.” ”

Boss Yang smiled helplessly, let it be.

Anyway, talented people will not choose themselves, that’s for sure.

“So, let’s ask, who do you choose?”

“I choose Boss Yang…”

“Well, it’s good, haha I again… Wait, who do you choose? ”

Mao Mao nodded very seriously, pulled away Lao Xue’s hand, and said, “I choose Boss Yang.” ”

What’s the fun?

Boss Yang was a little confused, looked at Mao Mao, and said, “You didn’t say the wrong thing? You choose me? I don’t know music. ”

Poof, hahahahahaha.

Gina said: “Laugh at me, can’t do it for Boss Yang, no, it’s too funny, what does this kid think, there is a problem with his head?” ”

Poof, hahahaha.

Yaya said: “Don’t look at me, I don’t understand it now, is it possible, Mao Mao is planning to chase Boss Yang?” ”

“Don’t make trouble, Boss Yang can’t like someone else’s, he only likes his little husband, Yang Fan.”

“No, and me, I…”

Little glutinous rice waved her hand angrily and shouted, and here Gina nodded hard and said: “Yes, yes, and small glutinous rice, little cotton jacket.” ”

Lao Xue said, “I want to know why you chose Boss Yang. ”

“It’s just that my friend asked me that the lyrics were written by that person, and that person told me that there was just one request, hoping that I could choose Boss Yang.”

Oops, lying groove.

Oh, my God.

Who is this person?

It won’t be the one who wrote songs for Boss Yang before.

Many people are speculating, some people say that Boss Yang may be in love, and, often posting babies, suspecting that the child was born with that man.

And that person is definitely a very talented person.

Otherwise, Boss Yang’s level is estimated to be unbearable.

Now it’s paving the way.

Lying groove, stone hammered, is definitely Boss Yang’s lover.

Boss Yang thought for a moment and said, “I think, I probably know who it is, well, sit behind me, I will train you well.” ’

“What do you cultivate, you don’t understand music.”

Old Xue was very angry, how could such a talented person let it go.

“That’s my business, I don’t understand, I’ll find someone who understands, you take care of me.”

Lean, play Lai, program group, this is Lai.

Mao Mao sat behind Boss Yang reassuringly, and Boss Yang asked in a low voice: “Do you know who the other party is?” ”

“I don’t know, the other party told me that only text chat, no voice, no video.”

“Can you show me WeChat?”

Mao Mao handed her the phone.

Boss Yang glanced at it and said, “Well, okay, I know, don’t worry, the resources will be given to you.” ’

“Really… It’s true? Give me resources? ”

“Yes, rest assured, if you say songs, I may not understand, but you have to say, resource flow, I still haven’t been afraid of anyone, there is no one I can’t hold.”

On the side of the hospital, Yaya said: “It’s really interesting, I’m also curious, who is that person, Gina, are you curious?” ”

“Curious, living with her every day, where did I know that she even hid a man by herself.”

“Why wouldn’t it be a woman?”

“This lyric, girls can’t write it, this is obviously written by people with life, but I remember that Boss Yang came into contact with the opposite sex.”

After speaking, he looked at Yang Fan, who was playing with his mobile phone.

“Sister, what’s wrong? Do I have rice grains on my face? ”

“Nothing, you keep playing.”

Damn, what’s going on, why did you think of Yang Fan in the first place?

This is terrible, this child is only five years old, impossible, definitely thinking too much on his own.


ps: The new book asks for evaluation votes, readers, everyone rush, give more evaluation votes, let me break through 3,000 evaluation votes.


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