Chapter Thirty-Four Is This a Spoon of One Pint? (Ask for support, second change)

Early the next morning, Yang Fan opened his eyes and found that there was no one in the house, and it seemed that Boss Yang had sent Xiao Nuomi to school.

Gina is still the same, and continues to be lazy over there.

After making my own breakfast, I sat down at the piano and began to practice.


Yang Fan turned around, looked at the more presumptuous Gina, and said, “You are a girl, can you wear more clothes?” ”

“What’s wrong with me? I wear a lot. ”

After speaking, he still circled in front of Yang Fan and sighed.

This gave Yang Fan anger, and he couldn’t catch his breath.

Too lazy to take care of you.

Stinky woman.

“Yang Fan, I heard that you are looking for a wife again?”

“Huang Yici? She wants to be friends with me. ”

“Do you know the purpose of Huang Yici’s contact with you?”

“I know, she just likes me and touches me.”


Like, like.

You’re a brat, do you know what it means to like?

“By the way, you will take some fruit in a while, Gong Huang moved over today, looking for you, and added you WeChat, but you didn’t agree.”

Yang Fan opened his phone and clicked Pass.

Soon, the video popped up.

“Godson, are you awake?”

“Wake up, I’m playing the piano.”

“Really well-behaved, sensible, come to grandma’s side in a while, grandma got good fruit, and there are gifts for you.”


Yang Fan hung up the phone, and Gina said with a look of envy: “You think it’s open.” ”


“Don’t care about the details, envy is dead, Gong Huang, I can’t see the existence, now I have come to our community, and I bought a house, I am envious to death.”

“How did you buy a house? I seem to have heard that the house is gone. ”

“The landlord heard that it was Gong Huang, and the house was sold without saying a word, and the price did not increase, and the requirement was to ask for a group photo, what do you think?” People are old drama bones, their own appearance is also powerful, for so many years, they are still maintained the same as the twenty-eight girls. ”

“People don’t stay up late, go to bed early and get up early.”

“Are you hinting at me?”

Yang Fan said: “No, I’m just worried, I had a big brother in the orphanage who left, and it seems that he stayed up late.” ”

“I didn’t stay up late.”

“You have, you came into my house in the middle of the night to grope me, I know, I didn’t sleep.”


In fact, the main thing is that Gina slept a lot during the day, couldn’t sleep at night, was bored, and went to play with Yang Fan, and as a result, Yang Fan fell asleep here, so he had nothing to tease.

“Why, aren’t you going to marry me? When we grew up, we had to sleep together every day. ”

“Then don’t marry, you don’t sleep honestly.”


This scumbag.

But children, nothing to tease, it’s still quite fun.

Yang Fan simply cleaned up and went out, Gina did not follow because of inconvenience, and went to play the piano by herself.

The community is not very large, but this is the first time Yang Fan has walked out of the community.

Because the security aspect is good, there are many children playing in the community.

The security guard stood next to him, staring.

To put it bluntly, in this kind of high-end community, all security guards are trustworthy, not the kind of three, three people average five teeth.


Gong Huang opened the door, picked Yang Fan up, and said, “Come, come, enter the house, grandma made something delicious.” ”

Yang Fan nodded.

Sitting on the sofa, Gong Huang was wearing a nightgown and cooking food with peace of mind.

On the table were small fruits.

Yang Fan himself picked it up and ate it directly.

Sometimes, being too restrained can be counterproductive.

“Here you go, this book.”

Gong Huang put a book on the sofa.

Yang Fan picked it up and glanced at it, his eyes confused.

Good guy, spoon a pint, this is so scary.

“I… Can’t ask for it, Grandma. ”

“Well, take it, what is this, I promised to buy it for you.”

“It’s too precious, Aunt Yang said, you can’t take other people’s things casually.”


Gong Huang smiled and said: “Okay, I’ll take it, and when you grow up, I’ll give it to you.” ”

Yang Fan nodded.

Took out his mobile phone and began to check some information about Gong Huang.

After roughly understanding, I found a more tragic thing.

Gong Huang adopted a child a few years ago and raised it quite big, but later, the child fell ill and left, which is also a mentality that she half-withdrew from the circle.

Yang Fan probably also understood, in fact, it is the lack of love, and the feelings are still on his body.

What to take and what not to take, Yang Fan himself is still clear.

Moreover, this thing, taking it is not necessarily a good thing.

Although I am five years old, it is better to know something.

The room book was set aside, and delicious desserts were placed on the table.

“Come and eat, eat, eat more, see how thin you are.”

Damn, hit the trick.

There is a kind of hunger called, grandma thinks you are hungry.

Yang Fan took a bite helplessly, and then took another bite.

His own little belly was not long taken by Saiman .

How about this?

In eating, it exploded.

Hold on.

“Why can’t I eat?”

“Don’t eat, grandma, eat again, and you’ll die.”

“How about that, young man, just eat more, don’t eat more, how to grow meat, I still have a lot of things to serve.”

“Oh… Still don’t eat it, let me take it slowly. ”


Gong Huang nodded, got up to get his notebook, and began to busy himself with his studio.

Yang Fan lay flat on the sofa, digesting food.

If you eat like this, you will really die one day.

“Godson, has someone contacted you to attend a piano performance?”

“Not yet, they said they were not in a hurry.”

“Well, that’s okay, if there is, remember to tell grandma, I’ll go too, by the way, why don’t you call Boss Yang’s mother.”

“Nothing… It’s just awkward. ”


Gong Huang said: “Then call me grandma, don’t reject? ”

“Not exclusive.”

“Well, grandma is very happy, when I am done, take you out, and we will buy things together.”

“Ah, grandma, you are a big star, can you go out?” ”

“You really are very sensible, you just think more than many children, it’s okay, don’t worry, let’s go to a special place.”


ps: Please support, thank you all, please flower evaluation votes.


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