Entertainment: My Game Life

Chapter 270 Web Games Can't Be Let Go

Fang Yuan nodded.

After all, there were so many classic works in the previous life, Fang Yuan is not afraid that there will be no works.

For example, Bright Sword, my regiment leader and my regiment, and whenever someone asks what movie or TV this is.

"My brother's name is Shunliu" and so on, which are the favorite answers of water friends.

There are also many works in movies, such as "Operation Red Sea", "Wolf Warrior" and so on.

"I have related ideas in my mind, and these things are not in a hurry. Let's finish the game first."

Then Fang Yuan flipped through the relevant application materials.

And Jiang Xin Ganyu was also afraid that Fang Yuan would not understand these stars, so he also started to introduce them.

"This one looks too girly."

"This doesn't work either."

"Doesn't this person have a B number in his heart? How dare he apply for a spokesperson?"

Fang Yuan complained speechlessly.

"Hey, that's not bad." Fang Yuan finally found the right person.

"This is a star who came to the mainland to develop, and he has acted in many shootout movies before." Jiang Xinyu explained.

And Fang Yuan's eyes lit up instantly, "Is his Mandarin not up to standard?"

"I'm not sure about that, I'll ask later."

After Jiang Xinyu finished speaking, he found that Fang Yuan was smirking at this moment, as if he was planning some bad idea again.

At this time, a familiar and magical voice appeared in Fang Yuan's mind.

"Big tie, I'm Tianle, I'm slag, Tanwan Lanyue, introduce the new version of the boat that hasn't been pulled in Sili, it takes three minutes to experience it, Lizao will fuck me, love is like a festival game."

Fang Yuan immediately clapped his hands.

I feel this is very good.

Why don't you make online games yourself?

Fang Yuan also knew that Hongda started out as a web game, even now Hongda, in terms of game profits, is still dominated by web games.

Fang Yuan didn't understand at first, why would someone play the meet-and-greet game, after all, isn't he a fan of client-side games?

After all, in terms of image quality and game playability, it is much better than web games.

It was later discovered that the players who play web games are people of a certain age, who don't like surfing the Internet to socialize in the online world, and don't like to make voices online.

They no longer have sharp operations, nor do they have a lot of time and energy.

But they have accumulated wealth for most of their lives.

You only need to charge money to make them stronger.

Why do they not play browser games?

This is why Xiao Xianrou is not invited to endorse web games, because the player base of web games is a group of elderly

Web games are also a huge market.

Compared with games like the client side, the previous web games are fast and convenient.

Even signing up is as easy as it gets.

Fang Yuan can also make online games, if only to mess up the games that Hongda plagiarized.

For Hongda, there is not much impact.

It will not affect players who play web games.

How about launching an attack on Hongda, just like Nanxun, sniping their games and attracting all their gamers.

And web games are not difficult to make.

It can be done in no time.

In this way, Fang Yuan's player group is no longer the younger generation.

For the middle-aged and elderly generation, Fang Yuan will naturally not miss it.

Fang Yuan quickly came back to his senses.

Jiang Xinyu asked, "What bad idea are you planning again?"

Fang Yuan smiled, "You will know when the time comes."

Then he took out the list separately and put it aside.

Then continue to scroll down.

"Wu Jin?"

Jiang Xinyu also explained, "This star seems to be unlucky. In the previous entertainment industry, no matter whether it was movies or TV shows, tough guys were popular, but he is like a small boy."

"Later, when he transformed into a tough-guy style, the market was optimistic about the tough-guy style again, and the style of Buttercup became popular."

Fang Yuan was also surprised.

It seems that the experience is very similar.

Moreover, the name "Wolf Warrior" is also good, and it can be used as a game name.

Soon Fang Yuan preliminarily determined the celebrity's spokesperson.

"You inform these people and let them try it."

Fang Yuan passed the screened information to Jiang Xinyu.

Just as Jiang Xinyu picked it up, Fang Yuan reminded, "In addition, tell them that the promotional CG shooting of the game video has high-risk actions and some explosion scenes. They are all live ammunition. If you are afraid of bleeding or tiredness don't come."

Jiang Xinyu also understood.

This is not just for the promotion of its own game, it may also be used for recruitment promotion.

Video requirements can be very stringent.

"What about these lists?" Jiang Xinyu asked.

"These lists are reserved for the time being. You can contact them and ask if they are willing to endorse the web game. This web game can be produced in the next few months. We will negotiate in detail at that time."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements here as soon as possible." Jiang Xinyu said.

Jiang Xinyu wasn't surprised that Fang Yuan said he would make web games.

After all, aren't web games also games?

With Fang Yuan's ability, there must be no problem.

And you only need to do these things well.

"In addition, I listened to the song a few days ago and found that this person's singing skills are good. Let the bearded man contact him and let him sing the theme song of this game." Fang Yuan said with a random reason.

After all, Zhang Jie is not very famous now, if he is asked to sing against the war, more or less he will have to find a reason that is not a reason.

No, Jiang Xinyu didn't inquire about Fang Yuan's arrangement, and chose to follow through.


After things were arranged, the final spokesperson for the game was soon determined.

Then the filming of the promotional video for the game began.

And Wu Jin really has nothing to say about his professionalism.

It took a total of 7 days to rush out the three and a half minutes of the game promotional video.

Fang Yuan took a look at the final result, although it only lasted more than three minutes.

But Fang Yuan wanted to convey all the elements such as blood, passion and so on.

Later, Fang Yuan added the theme song of the game to the video and posted it on the Internet.

"January 1st, the national public beta, please look forward to it."

All of a sudden, both Weibo and video platforms were reposted.

"I thought I was watching a promotional video for a movie, but you told me it was a promotional video for a game?"

"If it's really the promotion of the movie, I'm sure it's going to explode at the box office."

"This is a real man."

"A real man should come and shoot."

"Report your ID and come to the game to try."

"Didn't you find that there are easter eggs in the video?"

"I see, there are several objects that have moved. There was a statue of a horse in the square, but it disappeared after the camera turned back."

"Is this implying that there is an anchor who sucks and dies?"

"Now there are videos all over the Internet, it makes me laugh to death."

"Why didn't I find out about this game before, let's not talk about it, I want my roommate to call me together."

"It's finally going to be a public beta, and there's no need to go to an Internet cafe to grab a seat."

"Wait for the public beta."

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