Entertainment: My Game Life

Chapter 308 Editing Training

Fang Yuan is going to build a complete novel website.

And Jiang Xinyu has already arranged relevant staff.

Tang Siyi's original novel website, although some operations are not reliable.

But more or less still have some operating experience.

Fang Yuan didn't want to split it up again.

But Fang Yuan's main purpose is still on the author or editor of the novel.

"How do you guys get paid for writing novels?"

"It's not just you, there are also some so-called great gods, or rushing to the street."

Fang Yuan asked Tang Siyi beside him.

"I'm still doing well. In addition, I still have income from copyrights. Some film and television companies are willing to buy my copyrights to shoot TV dramas for the novels I wrote before."

"The income of many great writers is relatively stable, after all, they already have a certain number of fans."

"For many Pujie, if there are more, there will be hundreds of dollars in full attendance. If tens of thousands of characters are written out every day, the full attendance will still be more than a thousand."

Fang Yuan pondered for a while and said,

"Do you have any drafts of hit works?"

Tang Siyi shook his head,

"I haven't paid much attention to these."

After all, Tang Siyi is writing novels, not managing these things.

It never occurred to me that I would collect and organize these materials.

And if Jiang Xinyu is in charge.

It must be clearly arranged.

But that's not important either.

Fang Yuan directly entered the novel website.

Fang Yuan did not choose to take a second look at the recommended works that appeared in front of him.

After all, others can recommend it.

It's not even a rush.

Isn't it easy to find works by Pujie?

Just find a few books with the worst data.

Fang Yuan casually clicked on a few novels and glanced at them.

The strongest king next door? ? ?

It seems like a good name.

But go in a little.

Fang Yuan felt hot eyes.

What is this author writing about?

Let’s not talk about the profound issues of coolness and rhythm.

But at least make sure there are no typos.

There are many typos.

After reading this book, Fang Yuan contacted Jiang Xinyu to create an internal account for himself.

A few minutes later, Fang Yuan looked at the unsigned works again.

That was even more bleak.

Not even segmented.

It's densely packed, and it's very uncomfortable to watch.

As for other issues.

Fang Yuan didn't want to talk anymore.

It seems that editing is still not easy.

It's completely "digging for gold in shit".

Find some works that can still be read, and give a contract qualification.

It's a dream for him.

As for whether he can get up, that's another matter.


The thing about web novels.

Mainly to cater to readers.

So what if your professional skills are strong.

The novels I write are very literary and exhausting.

Many readers will definitely not like it.

Xiaobaiwen is the right direction.

If it is possible to add more exciting elements to Xiaobaiwen, then the probability of becoming popular will definitely be much higher.

And the role of editing is also experienced at this time.

Sign more such excellent works.

Naturally, it can slowly attract more readers.

Fang Yuan also sorted out some of the most basic theories.

Such as refreshment, rhythm, subject matter, chapters and so on.

Get it all under control.

This group of editors will go off to write novels.



This group of editors knows how to guide authors to write novels.

After the guidance is over, there is nothing to do, and it is okay to write novels again.

Is it over?

When Fang Yuan came here, the first thing he did was to train some editors.

Fang Yuan decided to start with the basic history.

"If a modern person returns to ancient times, what stories do you think will happen?"

A group of editors shook their heads left and right.

"It should be an emperor."

"No matter what, he is still a high official."

"I prefer the Eight Famous Prostitutes. If there is a chance, hehehe."

"You're so nasty and shameless."

"But to be honest, I do too."

"It's kindred spirits."

Fang Yuan directly pointed out the right way,

"Is that what you call liking? You are the bodies of greedy people."

But let's be honest.

How many old SPs don't like it?

Fang Yuan continued,

"Your ideas are outdated."

"When you travel to ancient times."

"For example, on the battlefield, what you should say is, my lord, the (dai) (generation) will change during the food (time)."

"You take out a grenade from your crotch with your backhand, and greet the enemy with a grenade."

"The soldiers behind you all took out a blue fire Gatling, and directly carried out a tug tug, and the firepower crushed them."

"A modern person travels to ancient times, and if he doesn't develop some modern technology, is he still a modern person?"

"Soap, four-wheelers, hot pot, these things should be used to improve people's livelihood."

"If you don't have potatoes, sweet potatoes, or peppers, then go to Geographical Discovery."

"Follow other people's running, so that others have nowhere to go."

At this time, everyone nodded.

"I found that I can still write like this."

"This idea is really novel."

"It feels very interesting."

Under some editors, there are just a few authors who are about to open new books, and it seems that they can guide them.



Why don't I write it myself.

But after thinking about it, codewords are still very painful and tiring, so I gave up.

That's all, it's good.

Fang Yuan continued,

"Even if you travel abroad, don't worry, and don't be afraid if you encounter stinky capital."

"As long as our hearts are red, we will use our greatness to transform and influence them."

The editors nodded again.

I think this is right.

Then Fang Yuan talked about many new topics.

A young man who studies medicine on the mountain enters the city for an urban journey.

A young man who studied art deep in the mountains came to a bustling city and became a bodyguard for a young lady.

When the three-year period expires, the Dragon King returns to the city and finds out that his wife has been sold in a brothel. With a single order, a hundred thousand Chinese soldiers come to help fix the performance.

There are also ten births and one treasure.

A mother gave birth to a baby head.

The second mother gave birth to a neck.

The ten young mothers were dumbfounded.

Suddenly all the organs came together, and the baby cried and exploded.

And this kind of god-level novel.

Fang Yuan didn't say anything for a while.

After all, Fang Yuan felt that this kind of novel was too violent.

Fear of being overwhelmed by others.

Afterwards, Fang Yuan explained many points of attention, as well as many techniques for online writing.

I don't know if it is the blessing of the system or what.

They immediately understood what Fang Yuan said.

You can also draw inferences from one instance and learn from others.

Fang Yuan was very happy.

After all, the charm of novels is endless.

Even addicts are addicted to novels.

In the end, with the help of novels, I gave up such harmful things as drugs step by step.

After training these editors.

Fang Yuan and his former boss Liu Kai.

To be precise, the former boss communicated.

After all, the current boss is Fang Yuan.

It is to improve their treatment level.

After all, money is not enough.

How can it be possible to do things seriously.

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