Entertainment: My Game Life

Chapter 489 Invitational Tournament

"Isn't it all about watching movies? What's the difference between premiere and official?" Sun Yucheng asked puzzledly.

Wang Cong was speechless.

This group of people really don't care about anything else except the game.

"The movie will hold a movie premiere before the official screening, allowing visitors to see some highlights or even the entire movie, in order to attract more people to go to the cinema and buy tickets to watch the movie."

"We will also invite some film journalists to write film reviews to attract more viewers to watch the film."

"You understand now." Wang Cong explained helplessly.

Sun Yucheng nodded, "By the way, where is Lao Fang?"

"I remember that Lao Fang also made a cameo in the movie. Lao Fang was really uninteresting and didn't ask me to join him, otherwise my handsome figure would be seen by more people."

"Ask Lao Fang if you want to go. If you want to go, go together. It will make it more lively."

I have to say that Sun Yucheng is very interesting. When he encounters interesting and fun things, he always thinks of sharing them with others immediately, instead of just thinking about himself.

This is something that many people cannot do.

When Sun Yucheng turned around, he realized that he had not ended the live broadcast. When he returned to his live broadcast room, Sun Yucheng found a familiar ID.

"Lao Fang, when did you sneak into my live broadcast room?"

Fang Yuan was speechless after hearing this. Why do you mean I sneaked into your live broadcast room?

"You didn't notice that I entered your live broadcast room," Fang Yuan said speechlessly.

"These little things don't matter, but when are we going to see a movie?" Sun Yucheng asked.

"Let me make some arrangements. Talk to me when the time comes." Fang Yuan suddenly had some unfinished things and didn't dare to make a guarantee directly.

"Okay, I'll wait for your notice then." Sun Yucheng said to the others after replying to Fang Yuan, "I asked Lao Fang, and he asked us to wait for the notice. He should have relevant arrangements, but now we go to eat first Bar."

Fang Yuan has also received the movie schedule from the theater. The movie will be officially released on July 12th. In the movie, Xue Yihan will sell newspapers because of his life. The news content of the newspaper includes news about e-sports competitions. coverage, and some game coverage.

Is it too much to brag about yourself in your own movie? It's not too much, at least that's what Fang Yuan thinks.

The finals of the Internet Cafe League will be held on July 15th, the third day after the movie is released. These Internet cafe teams will get tickets to the finals.

This global finals hosted by Fang Yuan is an invitational tournament.

It is an invitational tournament, not an open tournament, not a championship, and not a division system.

The invitational tournament invites the world's top gaming teams to participate in this competition.

That is to say, the teams that are invited can participate in the finals, and the teams that are not invited cannot participate in the finals.

From this point of view, it is indeed unfair.

There are many controversies about the format of the invitational tournament.

Some players may think that the invitational tournament will be a backdoor.

If the event organizer is on good terms with a certain team, it will allow that team to participate; if it is on bad terms with a certain team, it will not allow a certain team to participate. This is too subjective.

It will also reduce the value of the game. The players on both sides do not have any technical level, and the game is not worth watching.

Fortunately, this competition is officially hosted by Houlang Games.

Not a small competition run by a third party organization.

The official host of this game also endorsed this finals.

The voices of doubt instantly decreased a lot.

In addition, Fang Yuan also held an Internet cafe league.

As long as any player feels that their skill level is adequate, they can participate in the Internet Cafe League and obtain tickets to the finals.

It is also because of this operation that many players who are unclear about their technical positioning ran to try it.

Then he fell silent.

Being able to go from a small Internet cafe to the final team through one game competition after another has been given enough respect by many players.

Other game teams are training hard in order to enter the official eyes of Houlang Games and qualify for invitations.

Some teams also specially set up rooms to compete with players to eliminate these unconvinced voices.

After these operations, many players gradually accepted the facts.

In addition to these operations, Fang Yuan also transferred the players' conflicts abroad.

A united front and a unified approach to the outside world.

Because famous foreign teams will be invited to participate in this competition, Houlang Game Company may not have much contact with foreign teams, and there is no back door.

This also allows some players to learn about foreign e-sports situations.

After learning about it, I discovered that the game development situation abroad is much better than that in China.

There are many established gaming teams abroad, and they have won many championships in international e-sports competitions.

This is a sad story for many gamers.

Many international e-sports events have been held abroad, but China is even a passer-by.

There were obviously some players in China who could participate in the competition before.

But this group of players has no money, and they can't even raise the travel expenses, let alone food, drink, housing and transportation abroad.

This game was represented by Nanxun. When Nanxun found out that they had no money, they asked them to sign a prostitution contract, otherwise they would not sponsor them to play games abroad.

This group of players did not have a high level of knowledge or much culture. They were intimidated by Nanxun and were afraid that Nanxun would make more excessive demands in the future.

With no choice but to give up the game.

After seeing that this group of people had given up their qualifications for the competition, Nanxun reorganized a team of people and used their qualifications to send them to compete abroad.

In the end, he was beaten to shit and became a joke.

Fortunately, Nanxun Shengji I suppressed these incidents at that time.

But Nanxun's life is not easy now. If netizens are willing to check it out, they will naturally find it out.

It’s just that the follow-up of the original few players cannot be found.

If you encounter something like this, you may have become disheartened and engaged in other industries.

Nanxun’s dark history has been revealed again.

The angry players fired at Nanxun, and they were naturally much friendly to Houlang Games. After all, players could see everything Houlang Games did and could feel it.

This international e-sports competition is held locally.

This means that the games designed by one's own country can also have international competitions.

Many players were embarrassed for a while.

This group of players all want to watch the domestic players beat these foreigners to the ground and call them daddy in the competition, so they can breathe a sigh of relief.

After solving the players' problems, all that's left is to improve the rules of the game.

Invitational tournaments are not suitable as a long-term competition method.

This is just Fang Yuan's expedient measure.

Affected by various factors in China, the development of e-sports is far behind.

The shooting game was launched less than a year ago, and there is no time to accumulate. The number of players is in the expansion stage, and the influence of the game is also somewhat inferior.

So in the end, Fang Yuan chose to hold the competition in the form of an invitational tournament.

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