Entertainment: My Game Life

Chapter 498 Destroying you has nothing to do with you

If the team in front of you is really the final team to participate in the finals.

But their clothes are so shabby.

There is not even money to go online to maintain daily training.

Can you still play the game?

Are you sure this isn't a joke?

Su Luochen felt that there must be something tricky in it.

His guess is also very simple.

It was this money that was mostly swallowed by some people.

Su Luochen thought it was too normal for such a thing to happen.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish. A game competition promoted all over the country will go through tens of millions of hands, and there is not even a little darkness. Su Luochen will never believe it.

He had seen such things and cases when he was very young.

These game players participating in the competition are almost like the group of children in front of them.

I have never stepped out of society at all, nor have I experienced the dangers of society. I don't have much concept of money, and I can't turn around many things.

How could it be the opponent of some old guys.

It is estimated that they were sold, and they still counted the money for him with a smile.

Just when Su Luochen was in a daze.

Huang Mao took out his mobile phone and logged into the official website of Houlang Games, and then found a news report about the Internet Cafe League.

"Look, this is me, but we won the first place in the regional competition."

"We came together for this final."

"I also want to play professionally. My marksmanship is very accurate."

"But every time you die the most."

"But I killed a lot of people, much better than you who are afraid of death and dare not go up and fight."

Jiang Haochen was not polite, and directly picked up the phone to compare the names carefully, one by one from left to right.

This yellow hair is called He Dazhi, the one who spoke to him first was called Sun Zhong, and the one who said he has good marksmanship is called Sun Lei. Although both of them have the surname Sun, they don't seem to be two brothers, they should simply have the same surname.

The other two were Zhang Yi and Lu Xiaojun.

In addition, they really have relevant competition certificates.

It seems that this group of people is indeed the finalists.

"How do I remember the contestants who participated in the finals? Internet access is free during this time?" Jiang Haochen muttered.

"You're confused." Su Luochen said speechlessly, "Several Internet cafes in Pingjiang City recently put out this slogan, not to attract more players to go online, but to increase their income."

"After all, you can see that the large Internet cafes in Pingjiang City are all related to some clubs."

"Especially Times Internet Cafe is backed by Houlang Game Company. Times Internet Cafe is almost becoming a holy place for Internet cafes. Some people queue up to go to Times Internet Cafe to surf the Internet. It is really inexplicable."

"In addition to Times Internet cafes, there are also Wushuang Internet cafes and Yipin Internet cafes. These Internet cafes have already generated a certain amount of fan appeal."

Jiang Haochen was a little embarrassed, "It turns out that I remembered it wrong."

"Hahahaha." Jiang Haochen smiled awkwardly.

However, the words "free Internet access" fell on the ears of this group of teenagers, and they looked different.

They have all experienced the experience of surfing the Internet for free.

The time when privileged Internet cafes were hot.

Many Internet cafes have begun to renovate and change configurations.

After the Internet cafes are renovated, they will launch free Internet access functions, just to attract more people to come to the Internet.

Free Internet access is for poor students like them.

More exciting than stripped/naked/naked, pretty, cute girls.

Whores make me happy.

He Dazhi asked happily, "Can you tell me in detail? There is a friend behind me who really wants to go."

"Obviously you want to go."

"Say you don't want to be together."

"It's really cool to be able to surf the Internet for free again."

Seeing their happy faces, Su Luochen already knew that even if he didn't tell them, they would find a way to go.

Don't know if this is good or bad for them.

But at present, it seems that they need to save money to connect to the Internet. You can imagine how short of money they are.

There's no such thing as a free lunch in this world, it's just an extended period of time for them to pay.

But it seems to be a good thing to find a place to train and compete with peace of mind.

Su Luochen thought about it, and reminded him a little.

As for whether they can understand it, it depends on whether they can understand the meaning.

"As I said just now, in addition to Times Internet Cafe, there are also Wushuang Internet Cafe and Yipin Internet Cafe. These Internet Cafes have already generated a certain amount of fan appeal. With the cooperation between the cafe and the team, the business of the Internet cafe has improved a lot.”

"Some time ago, Wushuang Internet Cafe also opened a challenge game."

"Players only need to get together five people and reach a certain level of skill, and then they can challenge the Peerless team they belong to in the Internet cafe. The successful team can get a reward of 50,000 yuan."

Sun Lei's eyes lit up instantly.

He thinks the money is too easy to take.

You can get 50,000 yuan for winning a game.

The other two seemed to have the same idea.

Su Luochen didn't pay attention to their expressions, but continued,

"But so far, no one has succeeded."

"And if you want to sign up for the challenge, your strength should be up to the standard. You only need to charge 2,000 yuan for the Internet fee. The five of you need to charge 10,000 yuan for the Internet fee to participate in the challenge."

"If you don't have money, let's give up the idea."

"It is estimated that the recharge of the Internet fee is almost 200,000."

"With this new business model, other Internet cafes are aware of the crisis."

"They understand that if they don't make some changes, the business will get worse and worse, and they will be eliminated."

Su Luochen said this just to make it easier for them to understand.

Players want to challenge, if the strength is not up to the standard, as long as they are willing to pay money, they can also play against the team solo.

But this money is not a recharge network fee, but a challenge fee.

This is to prevent someone from applying for a refund after failing to challenge the team, saying that they will not use the Internet in this place in the future, which will waste the time of the team and the money of the Internet cafe to improve.

In fact, the player pays the challenge fee, and the Internet cafe will give you an equivalent amount of the Internet cafe Internet fee.

In this way, players will not be able to extract wool from Internet cafes.

It's easy to understand and it's done. Players can challenge team players by recharging their network fees.

They obviously can't afford that much money.

The originally happy heart suddenly dimmed.

But seeing that He Dazhi and Sun Zhong were frowning and thinking, it seemed that they understood a little bit what Su Luochen wanted to express.

On the surface, these Internet cafes offer free Internet access, but if you go, you will also pay a certain price.

Exactly what that cost is is unclear.

To be honest, Luye Inorganic originally just sent a friendly cooperation signal to Fang Yuan.

He never thought of destroying other Internet cafes, nor did he intend to be an enemy of them.

But this world is so domineering.

Destroying you has nothing to do with you.

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