Entertainment: My Game Life

Chapter 581: The Video of That Year

The day after the program was broadcast, it came to the National Day.

The two games "Resident Evil" and "After Tomorrow" officially welcomed the public beta.

"Resident Evil" itself belongs to the stand-alone game of horror type.

There are almost no horror games in China.

For various reasons.

Very few game makers design horror games.

There are no manufacturers to develop horror games, which naturally leads to few horror games on the market.

There are not many players of horror games.

Because these horror games are not scary at all, there are no zombies chasing you all the way to kill, and there are no scary and gloomy game scenes. Horror, just like visiting a haunted house, even if you don't move, nothing will happen.

Players don't have this tension, and there's no tense atmosphere.

This type of horror game is naturally more interesting to play.

However, Houlang Company's "Resident Evil" has already been passed on by players. An honest horror game, players with poor psychological endurance may be persuaded to quit at the first zombie killing scene. This scene is not only bloody but also Very violent.

The close-up of this kind of lens will make the player feel very substituting, and will make the player think that he is a security guard who was bitten to death by zombies.

Most of the people who saw this kind of tragic death for the first time would be frightened.

Gossip from all sides came.

Let the stand-alone game "Resident Evil" attract much attention.

Players who really like horror games have paid attention to relevant developments early on.

Players who don't like it don't particularly care.

This time Houlang Game Company did not do too much publicity for "Resident Evil".

Even if it only relies on the word of mouth of the players.

It also created a high level of enthusiasm for the game.

The gameplay, game strategy, and the plot content of the game have been figured out by the players very early.

Relevant players have already shared some game guides and game details, but whether other players can learn it is another matter.

The official launch time of the game is nine o'clock in the morning.

By eight o'clock, there were already many players waiting to enter the game interface.

Just wait for these two games to be refreshed.


"Why hasn't it been refreshed yet?"

"Without games to play, I'm dying."

"Without zombies, I can hardly hold on anymore."

"I haven't played games for sixteen hours, I can't, I can't hold on anymore."

"Why don't you open the server yet?"

"Why is it only past 8:50, and there are still six minutes left, can't the official release it earlier?"

"The experience store is not open yet, and I have to enter the game before the game server opens."

"Entering the game before the game server opens, creating a BUG every ten hours?"

"Brother, you have a good brain, why don't you write a novel?"

"Yes, I heard that Houlang Literature is now recruiting new authors. I suggest you give it a try."

"There are still five minutes, it really feels like a year."

"Let's not talk about it, let's do some activities now, and wait a while so that we can enter the game content with a different game experience."

"I'm so angry, I have to go to work on National Day, so I can't play games."

"I can't play outside, so I can only go home to play at night."

"You can watch the live broadcast of the game, so that you can know more precautions when you play at night."


early in the morning.

There are many anchors on the air.

It is to attract the attention of a wave of players first and get more games.

Lin Ranran is the host of the game competition.

At the same time, she is also broadcasting games in her spare time. She knows a truth, she can hide from the first day of junior high school, but not the fifteenth day.

The game "Resident Evil" is a fate that I cannot escape, and it is also a fate that many anchors cannot escape.

As a game host.

Sure to be requested by fans to play various games.

Although Lin Ranran can directly refuse and not play this kind of horror game.

But this is not a good choice.

If a game anchor doesn't play games, what else does he play?

As for singing and dancing, Lin Ranran doesn't do these things. She is a game anchor and a game show host, not a singing and dancing anchor of the Starlight Show. What's more, the Internet is not a place outside the law. Many anchors of the Starlight Show are on Playing around the edges, maybe something will happen one day.

Last time, she was 'threatened' by the fans and spent most of the night playing Tan Ling Ye and marrying. This time, Lin Ranran learned her lesson.

Just get up early in the morning and play horror games when the sun is shining and the yang is in full swing. Naturally, I am not as scared as I am at night.

"The host has changed his sex, and dares to play this kind of horror game."

"No way, but where did you get the confidence to play horror games, have you forgotten the last pig cry?"

"I probably recorded your last live broadcast, hahahaha."

"It can be found on the Internet."

"Go to Xiaopo Station and watch it."

"Of course, do you want to watch the video of yourself being ghosted?"

"It is recommended to watch the video of yourself being ghosted."

"Public punishment."

"Don't do this, but you are still a lovely anchor, I suggest you increase your efforts."

"It is recommended to increase the intensity."


Lin Ranran was also helpless.

I looked at the time.

There is still a short period of time until the game is launched.

Anyway, I was bored, so I opened the small website casually, looking for related videos of myself.

It has to be said that the masters are among the people.

Xiaopozhan still has many masters, no matter what spoof videos are.

I clicked on one of the videos with anxiety.

"What the hell? The number of views is still so high. What does this title mean? How dare you say that my milk is poisonous? It's simply unforgivable."

The long game live broadcast also made Lin Ranran extroverted.

Lin Ranran can also accept small jokes. In the live broadcasting industry, it is inevitable that there will be some maggot-like viewers, so he must improve his psychological endurance.

The video started to play, and the first thing that appeared was the killing of the Three Kingdoms.

At this time, Lin Ranran was playing the Landlords mode of the Three Kingdoms Killing, and Lin Ranran said with a smile,

"This Tianhu card must be stable. In the first hand, the No. 2 Zhang Song is the second, and Liu Bei on the opposite side can't beat me no matter what."

"Is it still not stable every second?"

Lin Ranran just finished speaking.

On the opposite side, Liu Bei took out a Zhuge Liannu from his crotch.

The effect of the Zhuge Liannu weapon can kill infinitely, and the backhand will kill Lin Ranran's lord in seconds.

At the end, Lin Ranran stared blankly at the settlement interface.

Then there is the world lame mode of Happy Fighting the Landlord.

Lin Ranran said with a smile, "I have four threes, four fours and one pair of twos, so I asked how to lose this one?"

Then Lin Ranran gave a reminder to his teammates. The teammate instantly understood that it was to increase the multiplier by releasing the bomb.

Lin Ranran exploded after his friends were blown up.

The two sides kept bombing each other, doubling.

To increase the multiple of happy beans.

Hope to win more happy beans.

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