“Do you really miss me?”

Reba asked pitifully.。


Ye Feng replied patiently.。

“Then do you love me?”

“love you love you~”

“Will you still love me if I turn into a caterpillar?”


Ye Feng suddenly became speechless.。

“You fool, you’re teasing me on purpose, right? Where did you learn this? ”

Hearing this, Reba on the other end of the phone couldn’t hold it back, and burst out laughing, like a silver bell.。

“Hee hee hee, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I want to show off to you~”

Reba didn’t care whether he could see it or not, he stuck out his tongue in a funny way and said: “And I’m not teasing you, I really miss you!”

“Ye Feng, have you returned to Bihai City? ”

She took the initiative to change the topic。

“Yes, I came back two days ago. ”

Ye Feng replied。


Reba responded, and said in a somewhat sinister tone: “Then, you and Chen Duling have been getting along well these past few days, right? Have a good time, right? ”

Hearing this, Ye Feng was stunned.。

“How do you know it? ”

Reba can’t be contacted in the past two days. He didn’t say anything about his encounter with Chen Duling when he returned to Bihai City. This girl should not know about it.。

“Oh, who is I, Dareba? ”

Reba pretended to sneer, and said with some pride in his words: “I’m telling you, I have a lot of spies around you, so don’t even think about doing any bad things behind my back!”


Ye Feng instantly figured out what was going on.

Who else could I say about the spy next to him?

“Did Zhu Xudan tell you?”

He said calmly.。


Reba was a little surprised, “How do you know? ” ”

Ye Feng rubbed his brows speechlessly, “She just stays by my side every day. She has already become a self-destructive wolf. Who else could she be?”

“Why are you still so stupid? Hearing this

, Reba pursed his lips and said dissatisfiedly: “You are stupid!” ”

After a pause, she changed her tone and said: “But since you have been so good and lawful these past two days, I can bring you more delicious food when I come back~ Hehe, I’m fine. ?

Ye Feng nodded in a funny way, “Okay, you’re the best. ” ”

Listening to Reba’s proud giggle on the other end of the phone, he thought for a moment and said, “By the way, there’s something else I haven’t asked you.。”

“How are you doing these days? Why can’t I contact you? ”

If Damimi hadn’t helped ask two days ago to confirm that Reba was okay, he would have considered calling the police.

After all, what would happen if such a beautiful freshman daughter-in-law was lost?

Hearing his words, Reba also stopped Laughing, he said helplessly: “Forget it, I just got home that night, and I was dragged into the three halls for interrogation without even eating.……”

“Trial by three courts?

Ye Feng was a little confused, “What do you mean? “”

“Just my parents. ”

Reba sighed helplessly, “It was already midnight when I got home that night. From the moment I was on the road, I started asking about how you and I met, how far we had developed, and so on. There were a lot of questions, annoying. died! Ye Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, ”

Then what was your answer?””

“I must have told the truth. I was so sleepy that night that they kept asking. ”

Reba said helplessly.。

“That’s it……”

Ye Feng nodded, “What happens after that? They won’t take away all your mobile phones, right?”

He had already automatically made up his mind.。

“Not really. Reba

took a sip of water to moisten his th

roat and said, “But that’s about it. They sent me to my grandma’s house to play.” ”

Afraid that Ye Feng wouldn’t understand, she explained: “My grandma’s house is also in Urumqi, but it is an old house in a very remote area. There is no base station signal. Every day, I either go up the mountain to play around, or I stay in the house and watch the pot lids. If you have an antenna TV, your phone is like a brick and you can’t even play games. What a disaster!”

“I see. ”

Ye Feng quickly figured out that although Urumqi is currently developing rapidly, the city is too vast after all, and many places are sparsely populated due to relocation. It is indeed possible that some places are not covered by base station signals.

But as he thought about it, he suddenly felt something was wrong。

“I saw your TIMI online two days ago. What was going on? ”

He said doubtfully。

“Well, I lent the game number to my family to play~”

Reba said casually。

“Who is it, your brother? ”

Ye Feng was a little curious.。

“No, no, I borrowed it from my dad to play with~”

Reba’s tone was very casual.。


Hearing her answer, Ye Feng was stunned and didn’t know what to say.。

“Um…how old is your dad this year? ”

After hesitating for a moment, he couldn’t help but ask。

“My dad turns 50 this year, what’s wrong?”


Ye Feng swallowed and said with surprise: “Your dad is 50 and still playing TIMI? “”

“Of course, what a fuss! Reba

curled his lips and said very matter-of-factly: “My dad is very trendy and plays games very well. He even held an e-sports cup in the factory during the Chinese New Year and played with the workers in the factory!””

“And not only TIMI, but also playing chicken and certain gods, my dad is very good at it~” There was a

hint of pride in her tone.

Hearing her answer, Ye Feng recalled the Yuan Ge he had watched two days ago, and the operation was not to mention It’s a show, but it’s really good。

“Maybe I have something in common with your dad! ”

Ye Feng sighed from the bottom of his heart.。

“By the way, why do you have a signal now? ”

He asked。

“I’m back from grandma’s house!”

“That’s it.

Ye Feng nodded, “Then when will you come back? ” Is it tomorrow, or will you be back on the day of recording the show? ”

On the other end of the phone, Reba was silent for a moment and shook his head.。

“I don’t know when I will come back either。”

“I was ready to buy a ticket when I came back from my grandma’s house today, but my mom said I can’t come back yet. They said they would wait until they see you.。”

“ah? Ye Feng frowned slightly, ”

Did they say when they would see me?””

“No, they told me to leave it alone。”


Ye Feng scratched his head with a headache, “Aren’t you going to record a show the day after tomorrow, and they won’t let you come back?”


Reba’s voice was a little helpless, “I asked them too, but my dad said he had a way and would not break the contract.。”

“This is… okay. ”

Ye Feng really doesn’t know what to say.

Damn it, what on earth are the father-in-law and mother-in-law doing?

Why don’t you ask everyone and they don’t know anything?

This is not the way to put pressure. It’s just a routine. Is this a trick?

He couldn’t help but be curious, wanting to see who his future father-in-law was and how he could play tricks so smoothly.

In this move, two people exerted pressure in disguised ways, pretending to be mysterious, If it were anyone else, I’m afraid they would be intimidated.

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