Eudemons At The Start, I Lead The Crew to Subvert the Summit

Chapter 65 Col1l Naval Headquarters, Hina!

But here comes the problem again.

Navigators are not Chinese cabbage, where should I go to find them?

It was also when Kronos was troubled.

A fishing rod was suddenly handed in front of him.

Turning his head, Konan handed it over.

"Now the ship hits the reef and can't go."

"Want to catch fish?"

Konan said with a smile.

Kronos took a closer look, and Konan had a rod in his hand in addition to the rod he handed him.

Wujou Wu, not far away, even held four fishing rods and distributed them to everyone with great enthusiasm.

Even Tian Dao Payne and Beast Dao Payne, at this moment, Wu Tiaowu shoved the fishing rod into their hands.

After distributing the fishing rod, Gojo Satoru turned to Kronos again.

He waved with a smile.

"Captain, hurry up."

"This time let's compete together to see who catches more and bigger fish!"

see this scene.

Kronos laughed off the spot.

Well, I am still having a headache on how to find navigators.

Gojo Satoru had already started to take the lead in preparing to go fishing.

But if you think about it, Konan is right.

Anyway, I can't go anymore, and the navigator's affairs can't be rushed, so let's catch a fish first and relax.

Thinking, Kronos took the fishing rod from Konan's hand and said with a smile.

"Come on, let's go too."

Soon, both Kronos and Konan joined the fishing queue.

It was Tian Dao Payne and beast Dao Payne, who seemed to be hesitating looking at the fishing rod in their hands.

Under the warm invitation of Gojo Satoru, the two finally joined the fishing ranks!

"Captain! Why don't we have a lottery? For example, the winner can make a small request or something?"

Gojo Satoru turned his head and looked at Kronos who was sitting on the other side.

Hearing this, Kronos did not refuse either.

Instead, he agreed with a smile.

"Okay! Yes!"

At this time, Konan, who was sitting next to Kronos, also thought about it and proposed.

"The loser will go to sea for a day?"

Wujingwu: "..."

Kronos; "..."

This time, Gojo Satoru and Kronos were both silent.

Did not dare to say a word.

Because as we all know, Wujo Satoru fishing, it is both vegetables and fun.

And Kronos, it wasn't much better there.

If this is promised, maybe I really want to go to sea...

Soon after.

Handymen also successfully repaired the boat.

However, the condition of the ship was not very good.

If you continue to sail, if something happens, the ship may sink directly.

The handymen are not professional boatmen after all, and can only do some emergency treatment.

In the end, Kronos decided to look for islands to land on.

Enter the dock for a complete overhaul of the vessel.

Fortunately, this time with charts and pointers, finding the islands is not difficult.

After sailing for a few days.

The Kamui Pirates successfully landed.

Unlike before, this time the Kamui Pirates did not land on a small island with only a small town.

It is a country with a palace and a huge island!

Send the boat to the dock.

A member of the Kamui Pirates led by Kronos, walking on the streets.

Just as Kronos passed a street, out of the corner of his eye saw a bulletin board erected beside the street.

Kronos' progress suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Konan asked suspiciously.

Kronos turned his head to look at the bulletin board beside him.

He suddenly said with a smile on his face.

"I saw an interesting wanted notice!"



Meanwhile, another part of the island.

A medium-sized Marine warship, slowly docked!

On the boat, a burly man wearing a white Marine cape with the word "justice" embroidered on his back.

Passing through the corridor of the cabin, I came to the door of a room.

He knocked on the door twice, and said in a deep voice.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Colonel Hina, the warship is in port!"


Fourth, here it is! *

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