Every Day One Step Closer To the Manifestation

Chapter 418: fancy colored diamond

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The stones mixed with muddy water were washed again in the water, revealing their original appearance.


Feng Yi looked at the obviously blue, translucent stone in his hand.

It was like a broken colored glass brick, pressed against the hand. Very textured.

The surface is not smooth and uneven. The overall shape is slightly flat, and it is obviously not a complete crystal structure. It should be a fragment of a large crystal.

And judging from what Feng Yi sensed, there was only one nearby that had the same origin as it.

As for why only such a part of a certain large crystal is left now

Well, maybe, it’s been consumed.

The rough diamond in my hand must have been buried here for a long time.

After the transformation of this mining area, the washing area was obviously renovated and expanded a lot closer to the river. This is one of the expansion areas. Due to the increase in tourist traffic, the mine will also conduct regular cleaning here.

Even without Feng Yi, this blue translucent stone would be discovered one day in the future.

Feng Yi made it available in advance.

Its ownership will also be finalized in advance.

Feng Yi looked at the blue stone in his hand and thought to himself: Ah, this is what the ancestors used to pave the floor in the dream.


A sound like a pheasant crowing sounded not far away.

It was a diamond hunter who was nearby, wearing a tour group hat on his head.

Many people nearby suddenly became silent because of his roar, and everyone looked over.

Even the people nearby, who had been exhausted by the sun and were looking for a shady place to lie down and squint, sat up in shock and suddenly became stunned, with bright eyes.

Then, they discovered Feng Yi, who was standing almost half of his body in the water and holding a blue translucent object in one hand.

After a moment of silence.


The people looking over burst into laughter.

"This is a modern industrial product, right? Why is it so broken?"

There are many examples of pieces of glass or crystal objects being mistaken for diamonds.

The person who yelled just now was also very embarrassed at this time. He was looking for diamonds when he noticed the young man picking up something from the water.

At first he thought the young man was out of luck and had stepped on a stone in the water. He was complaining about the inactivity of the workers in the mine. This place hadn't been cleaned for a long time and it was very dirty.

But soon, when the young man picked up the stone and washed it, was this thing Murphy a diamond? !

I got excited and yelled.

Forgive him for his ignorance, he has no common sense and experience in this aspect of life.

"Hey, I was impulsive. I'm sorry, everyone." He said apologetically.

But others did not stop there. Some people started cheering:

"Crack it and test its hardness to see if it's a diamond!"

"You can directly ask the appraisers in the mining area to help with the appraisal. They are working now."

"Is it a jewelry-grade modern handicraft? Hahaha!"

Tourists in the washing area suddenly became a commotion.

Too fake! This is definitely not a diamond!

How can there be such a big colored diamond! !

While everyone was laughing and joking, Feng Yi had already come out of the water. He smiled politely in response to everyone's good-natured or malicious booing, and responded, "Yes, I plan to go see the mining appraiser. "

In the eyes of most tourists, there must be a very embarrassing look behind the pair of sunglasses on Feng Yi's face.

As Feng Yi stood up and left, some of the tourists in the washing area also followed.

Anyway, I haven't found any diamonds yet, so I might as well go over and have a look.

Some people wanted to chat, others wanted to watch the excitement, and some people took videos with their mobile phones, probably hoping to post them online later for fun.

Every year there are tourism projects in the diamond mining area. Tourists did not find much serious stuff, but instead took out all kinds of things.

Such a strange object, the video posted on the Internet can attract a lot of attention.

Xiao Jia and Xiao Ding had already hurried over and were protecting Feng Yi on both sides.

Mark and Chapin followed closely behind.

Cai Bin didn't take it seriously at first, but Mark, who had been nagging him next to him, was rarely silent at this time.

So Cai Bin asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Mark shook his head and said nothing.

Mark felt his head pounding now, and he had a premonition that something big was about to happen. He looked up at Feng Yi in front of him again.

This mysterious young employer has a strange contradiction. Mark can't tell what is true or false. Every time I think I've got it right, but the next moment I find a layer of fog blocking it, and the initial positioning is constantly overturned, making it difficult to see clearly.

Mark's first reaction to the situation in front of him was the same as everyone else's. He didn't think it was a rough diamond, but then a ridiculous and unbelievable thought came to him.

The most unlikely voice in my heart was screaming like crazy.

Mark's breathing became heavy.

What if?

What if it was really a diamond?

When he looked around and glanced at the security guards in the mining area, Mark's blood that had just boiled began to cool down again.

If the diamond in the employer's hands is a real diamond, something big will happen!

You can find diamonds here. Small ones are fine, but big ones cannot be taken out!

At this moment, Mark really wanted to reach out and grab his employer's footsteps.

No way! You cannot go through these procedures at this time!

You should take this thing and run away immediately!

Let them all think you are holding broken glass!

Can't you wait until it's safe to leave here and find someone to identify it?

In front, the number of people watching the excitement increased again.

Tourists who were digging for ore in the mining area saw the movement there and asked someone to ask. I heard that someone found a particularly large item that seemed to be a remnant of modern craftsmanship. It was important to take it to identify whether it was a diamond.

There are too many slots but no mouth. But it doesn't stop them from watching the fun.

"Where? Where?"

"Pfft! Hahaha!" Someone laughed unceremoniously.

The tourists standing nearby fanning themselves with their hats gathered together to discuss. Digging for diamonds can't help you find anything, it's so boring and it's rare to have any fun.

"I just ran over and took a picture. This person was holding this blue stone."

"Do you think the thing he dug up is a diamond?"

"If diamonds are real, why don't you become rich overnight?"

"Does anyone who sees this thing have a share?"

"How long does it take to do the appraisal? Where is it done?"

Tourists who knew nothing about it spoke in a relaxed tone.

Because in many people’s minds, “pigeon eggs” are used to describe the size of diamonds.

This is an ostrich egg, right? !

To say ostrich eggs are an exaggeration, but they are indeed big!

So big that no one wants to believe it!

Messages flow among members of the tour group very quickly.

The tourists who were relatively close to the location of the mine manager shouted loudly for the person in charge of the mine appraisal to come out.

After the transformation of the mine, since tourists occasionally find diamonds, appraisers are always on duty during the opening hours of the mine.

As long as it is identified as a diamond, the diamonds dug by tourists will be recycled based on a comprehensive valuation based on the diamond's weight, clarity, etc.

Of course, there are also tourists who choose not to sell and keep them as souvenirs, especially those that are so small that they cannot be sold at a high price and are not even worth the ticket price. They might as well keep them as souvenirs.

The appraiser was called out.

Feng Yi took the "stone" and went over.

The rough diamond is uncut and does not have that sharp shine when the sun shines on it. Feng Yi looked at it, and what he was thinking about was not how it looked after cutting it, but the stones that paved the ground in the cave where his ancestors lived in his dream.

Look at the size of the stone, and then look at the palm of your hand.

Ordinary small stones for paving roads can be easily picked up by adults with two fingers, but for young children, it takes one hand to hold them firmly.

This is the size difference.

The "small stones" used by the ancestors to pave the way, if a broken piece falls from it, it can cover most of Feng Yi's hand.

"I can't keep up with my development!"

It's hard to imagine that in this situation, Feng Yi was thinking about this kind of thing.

"Wow, this is a really big guy!"

The security guard at the mining area who spoke had a teasing tone. It was obvious that he did not think this was really a rough diamond.

Do any rough diamonds look like this? So big?

Anyway, he has never seen it in all his years of working in the mining area.

Another mine worker came over and said politely: "Do you need help cleaning it?"

It means helping Feng Yi wash the stones.

Feng Yi didn't give in and just said he would do it himself.

The man said considerately: "Please come this way, there are cleaning tools over here."

Feng Yi was not worried that this thing would be snatched away. He washed it himself. He only washed the surface of the rough diamond slightly and would not rub the substances on the surface of the rough diamond hard.

He also wanted to keep it to study his ancestors.

Those things on the surface that look like stains may not necessarily be the target of his research, but what if?

It’s better to keep them until they are no longer useful and then clear them out.

It was impossible for Feng Yi to study diamonds with powers that were different from ordinary people in public, so he could only wait until he returned to study the special rough diamond "patina" left by his ancestors.

The rough diamonds that have been cleaned again are handed to the appraiser.

Under the gaze of everyone, the appraiser's expression became more and more solemn, and then he became excited.

His face turned red, and he even felt a little embarrassed.

"Yes, it's true..."

"It's true!"

The appraiser weighed the rough diamond again.

"2971! 2971 carats!"

1 carat = 0.2 grams

It’s an incredible weight!

This data is not accurate, as some debris on the diamond has not been cleaned up, but overall, the number is not too different, and we know its approximate positioning.

A little regret flashed in the appraiser's eyes.

If this rough diamond breaks off from the original large crystal and brings out a small piece, the world record holder for the largest rough diamond may have to change.

The world record holder "Cullinan" rough diamond is 3106 carats.


The appraiser's voice was trembling with excitement.

"It's a rich blue!"

"It is not the largest natural rough diamond ever recorded, but it is definitely the largest natural colored diamond recorded!"

The appraiser looked at this stone and seemed to see through it a set of gorgeous ornaments that appeared in a top-grade safe after carving. He seemed to see the quiet, elegant, beautiful and charming light of those ornaments shining.

At that time, how many top rich people would be crazy to collect a complete set? !

The more I think about it, the more my throat becomes dry and I need to quench my thirst...

The appraiser looked at a mining security guard, and the man nodded, indicating that he had contacted the mine owner Tamar.

After receiving the news, Tama hurried over without even looking at Feng Yi. She touched her bearded chin and seemed to be wiping the saliva that had not flowed out:

"The color is beautiful. How is the clarity?"

The appraiser just looked at him.

Nothing was said.

But he said everything.

The two have worked together many times.

Tamar raised her brows, her face still didn't change much, but she looked like a tiger about to ambush its prey.

Xiao Jia walked over and took the diamond from the appraiser's hand.

The appraiser held it tightly, and Xiao Jia pulled it hard.

The appraiser's eyes were still only fixed on the rough diamond. Seeing Xiao Jia's rough movements, he couldn't help but said: "Be careful! Although it is hard, it needs to be treated with care. I swear you don't know how rare it is."

Xiao Jia returned a polite smile perfunctorily.

Xiao Jia's heart: Diamonds are nothing, I swear you have never seen anything rarer than diamonds!

Xiao Jia remained calm on his face and handed the diamond to Feng Yi.

At this time, when Mark saw that others were paying attention to him, he quietly retreated, trying to stay as far away from Feng Yi as possible in order to avoid a conflict later and quickly escape from the battlefield.

This stupid employer with lots of money... Sigh, a moment of silence.

Cai Bin's heart sank. He had been making phone calls since just now. He wants to call the police!

The people at the mine noticed Cai Bin's actions, but they didn't pay much attention.

Tamar said to Feng Yi at this time: "Give it to me."

Feng Yi said calmly: "This is mine."

The security guards from the surrounding mining areas gathered around~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tamar smiled.

He looked at a young man wearing sunglasses in front of him.

In his opinion, the person in front of him might just be a man with a small amount of money. When he went out to play, he was accompanied by two or three people to protect his safety. He had a very dull temper, did not know how to assess the situation, and had no sense of crisis.

Because Feng Yi was wearing sunglasses, Tamar couldn't see clearly what Feng Yi's expression was at this time, and wondered if there was panic in his eyes.

Only Tamar's own figure was printed on Feng Yi's sunglasses.

Tamar clearly had a smile on her face, but there was not much smile in her eyes. It was more like a tiger that had locked onto its prey and had opened its **** mouth and exposed its sharp teeth.

He stared at Feng Yi, his voice still suppressed to a very gentle tone.

"Give you a chance to tell me again, who owns this blue diamond?"

Feng Yi: "Mine."

At this time, there was a sound in the air, from far to near, and it sounded like there was still a little bit of momentum.

Everyone present looked into the air.

One, two, three, four...nine, ten!

Ten helicopters!

Moreover, more than half of the ten aircraft are armed and have combat needs!

The question is, why does such a serious formation suddenly appear in our own territory at this time? Tamar looked solemn.

Is there some confidential mission that they don't know about?

Is there any misunderstanding or hidden conflict?

However, seeing these helicopters flying towards this direction with a clear target, Tama wanted to say something but did not say anything. Her lips trembled, and then she looked at Feng Yi again.

Look at this unknown tourist with a new perspective.

Mark, who was retreating outside, paused, observed for a moment, and then quickly came back.

Well, at times like this, I should stick to my dear employer’s side!

Never give up!

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