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Steve originally wanted to go help, but when he turned around, no one was there.

But thinking about Feng Yi's business capabilities, he didn't worry anymore. Besides, there are also tribal villagers.

Compared to Steve's trust, the chief is still more worried.

Seeing that Steve was quickly immersed in work again, the chief didn't bother him. He walked out of the tent and told the villagers waiting outside to find someone to follow him.

The rainforest is full of dangers, and it’s hard to tell what kind of emergencies we will encounter.

The villagers moved very quickly. There was no need to keep this secret, and several people quickly followed.

It stands to reason that this area is also within the range they often walk and is a familiar area. However, on their own territory, they can't even catch up with outsiders when they run!

I don't know how the other party walked. He jumped back and forth as if walking on flat ground, completely ignoring the trap-like root vines, and quickly disappeared into the rain forest.

Villagers:? ? ?

Who are the indigenous people? !

They searched forward in the general direction and suddenly heard the sound of water. They ran over and saw the expert fishing out a big anaconda from the river and dragging it to the shore.

Villagers:! !

Taking action so soon? !

I wanted to help, but when I ran over, the other party had already dragged the snake out!

The posture was like fishing a wooden stake from the water, not like fishing for a live jungle beast.

At that moment, the villagers thought the beast had been killed. Otherwise, why wouldn’t it resist or struggle?

But soon it was discovered that the anaconda was still alive! Not injured!

With confusion on their faces, the villagers saw that after the big anaconda was dragged out of the water, it was wrapped around them like a scarf.

Feng Yi paused and didn't know what he thought of. He removed another section of the snake from his body and dragged it on the grass. He raised his eyes, smiled at the villagers, said hello, and then walked back with the snake, not too slow.

This series of actions confused the villagers. They didn't know what to do for a moment, so they just followed mechanically.

They remembered clearly that the last time a scientific expedition team came here to record anaconda data, they caught an anaconda of similar size. Several people worked together to move it from the water to the boat. Some people were injured.

But the scene just now, if it hadn't happened in front of them, they would have thought it was just a prop!

What kind of expert is this?

Some villagers reacted and chased after him, offering to help carry it.

Feng Yi politely refused.

This anaconda was quite cooperative when caught by Feng Yi, but it was not necessarily the case when someone else took over. It has a slightly more irritable temperament.

Carrying a big snake by himself, Feng Yi could have continued running, but considering rationality, he still greatly reduced his speed.

When Feng Yi carried the giant anaconda back to the tent, Steve and the chief both turned green.

The chief's outlook was shattered and he was dumbfounded.

Steve was attacked by a certain memory, and a similar picture flashed through his mind.

He thought again of the first time he took Feng Yi to do scientific research in the mountains. It was the same situation when he suddenly ran over with a big snake wrapped around his body.

It's like there's nothing in my brain, but nothing wrong with it.

Next to him, the chief pointed at Feng Yi, opening and closing his mouth: "You... like this..."

Feng Yi: "I am strong."

Steve nodded with a dull expression: "Well, this isn't the first time we've done this."

The chief looked at the "cargo" unloaded by Feng Yi. This anaconda’s thick physique is not inflated, it’s all solid muscles!

There are indeed many strong people. He has seen people carrying hundreds of kilograms, let alone dozens of kilograms.

But the problem is, what Feng Yi is carrying is not a dead thing, but a wild and ferocious rainforest behemoth that has not been domesticated, cannot communicate, and is unable to communicate!

He is a rainforest killer who can bring a fatal threat at close range. He can bite people with one bite and use strangulation skills. He can strangle people into incapacity with his muscle strength!

People like them, who have lived in the rainforest for generations, have all experienced the strangulation power of large snakes!

In the past, experts who came for scientific research would try their best to avoid getting entangled when they came into contact with anacondas. The crushing force of the beast's muscles can break the bones of its prey.

If it really gets stuck on you, it will be difficult to breathe, let alone run!

What kind of expert would carry a big snake wrapped around his body?

This is unreasonable!

This is unprofessional!

Look at the anaconda being put down again.

The chief recognized it.

It was the same one we met while talking in the canoe. The chief remembered that not long after he finished talking with Feng Yi, the giant anaconda entered the water and changed places along the river.

Still haven’t escaped!

Feng Yi ignored the chief's dilemma and placed the captured control group next to the skeleton.

The skeleton is not complete, it is sparse and has many incomplete parts, but it can be seen roughly what it looks like and how big it is.

The captured "control group" is over five meters tall. It is already considered the ultimate individual in the wild environment, and it will not grow much if it continues to grow. In contrast, the giant beast's skeleton looks like an adult or a young child!

"Let's take pictures before the big troops arrive." Steve arranged the skeleton, set up the camera, and set up the background.

This place has great limitations. When setting up a tent in the forest, it is impossible to have enough space to spread out. Now the bones of the giant beast Serpan are not combined into a vertical strip, but curved. Special brackets are used in some locations. Support fixed.

After all, the "control group" is a living creature. Steve was originally thinking about how to adjust it appropriately, but he saw Feng Yi neatly posing the control group so that there would be a clearer and more obvious contrast.

The Rainforest Killer, who was supposed to be ferocious and untamable, was now as well-behaved as a toy. If it hadn't been for the fact that he spit out snake bites from time to time, he would have been mistaken for unconsciousness.

Steve worriedly checked the health status of the "control group" cutie. Although love has drifted, it is still loving.

No illness was found. The control group was in good health.

With Steve speechless and the chief looking confused, Feng Yi set up the control group:

"It's ready to shoot!"

Steve set up his camera and came over.

The chief next to him came to his senses instantly and approached quickly. He had sorted out his clothes and accessories just now, and now all he had to do was face the camera in his best appearance. He knew that this photo would be reported by the media! Lenses are indispensable!

Just as he was about to take the photo, Steve frowned and corrected: "Feng Yi, don't mislead the public in front of the camera!"

No matter what happens in private, experts must be rigorous and professional when facing the public.

"Oh yes!"

Feng Yi immediately changed his posture to a professional one, pretending to be restraining the control group.

After a lot of work, the finished product came out.

Two photos together.

One photo shows the skeleton of the giant beast Serpan, and the other is a computer-based restoration of the skeleton. Against the background of three adults and an existing giant anaconda, people can more clearly understand that "the giant beast Serpan" "Pan" is such a behemoth!

After posing for the photo, Feng Yi and Steve continued to search for the remains of the giant beast in the rainforest.

On the other side, domestic.

Director He of the Expert Committee of the Joint Security Bureau continued to review the work reports and task plans of the experts.

In addition to those at work, check out the schedules of experts who are not working. It's not a detailed itinerary, just checking the information records that need to be processed quickly using the certified expert status ~ ~ After looking at it, I found something wrong.

"Why did Steve go to the rainforest?"

Director He knew Feng Yi was there, but Steve, a man who was said to be busy with renovations, suddenly flew over in an emergency?

Searching the records again, it was confirmed that Steve had used the green channel fast process and that this person had indeed flown over in the shortest time.

What on earth could happen that would make Steve drop what he was doing and fly over urgently?

The Butterfly Project hadn't distracted Steve, so what else was worth his rush?

If there is a safety issue in the rainforest, you should contact the relevant person in charge of the Federal Security Bureau. What could Steve do in the past?

After knowing each other for so many years, Director He also knew Steve well.

What makes Steve react like this must be the things he cares about the most.

Steve, plus Feng Yi, these two people suddenly came together at this time, Director He had to think too much.

When they were hunting pythons in Florida, the two of them made sure they were safe in person, but as soon as they turned around, they were running like wild dogs or pigs.

Neither of them are peaceful people!

Now they are together again, still keeping their voices low.

Seemingly quiet.

But Director He's first reaction was: Are these two working on something big again?

Suddenly my heart was hanging.

Director He looked solemn and without hesitation, he found a number, picked up the phone and dialed it.

He didn't go to Feng Yi first because he wasn't sure whether the two were acting as monsters. Then first look for Steve, the person with abnormal behavior.

There was also a satellite phone specially provided by the UN Security Bureau. Soon, the call was connected.

Director He took a deep breath and said in a calm tone: "Steve, do you have anything to report to me?"

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