Fan Hei raised the saboteur sniper rifle and raised his hand to shoot it! The

bullet pierced the sky and accurately hit the head of the pterosaur

! This was just a two-toothed pterosaur that had just reached level 20.

The Saboteur Sniper Rifle, with the blessing of Fan Hei's professional power, is only equipped with an ordinary 12.7mm sniper bullet to kill this strange beast.

Sure enough, after being shot, the pterosaur fell straight from the sky.

After Lin Bai had just put forward the hypothesis that these strange beasts wanted to report the news.

Seeing the pterosaur killed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Fan Hei was even more proud, smiling crookedly.

But Mr. Ding Wu next to him suddenly froze his expression and looked out of the car in despair.

Everyone followed his gaze, and their scalps suddenly tingled, and a chill rushed from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads!

I saw that where the pterosaur had been killed just now, a large group of two-toothed pterosaurs suddenly flew up and flew towards the depths of the forest.

Fan Hei sat in the sniper position on the roof of the car and gave up shooting.

Hundreds of pterosaurs took off at the same time!

He couldn't kill them all.

The atmosphere inside the car became more and more solemn.

Fan Hei retracted into the car, looked at everyone without saying a word, and said timidly,

"Maybe they were scared away by my divine marksmanship?"

"Okay, cheer up!" Xia Jieyun opened his mouth to encourage everyone

, "The soldiers will come to block, and the water will cover it." There is no other way.

It's nice if they're scared away, but even if it's a ventilator and our convoy is moving at high speed, they won't have time to stop us.

Even if there are alien beasts chasing after you that are faster than the car, then kill them!"

Xia Jieyun stretched out his palm in the shape of a knife and waved it in front of his chest.

The look of confidence made the solemn atmosphere much more relaxed.

The vehicle continued to drive, and there were a few small infestations of alien beasts, and there were no further obstacles.

Just when everyone's nerves relaxed a little.

There was no need for Ding Wu's prompt, everyone saw a desperate scene.

The sky behind me was like black clouds covering the sun.

Dozens of Ice Pole Betsy Pterodactyls, Fire Byoped Pterodactyls, and Wind Storm Borders flew over

with a body length of 7 or 8 meters, all of which were above level 30! These bipedal pterosaurs with a body length of 7 or 8 meters flew in the sky, like small helicopters.

They are extremely fast, and the distance between them and the convoy is shrinking.

In the blink of an eye, several pterosaurs that had reached level 40 had already crossed Lin Bai's military vehicle.

They didn't launch any attacks.

When Lin Bai looked up and saw the boulders they were holding with their feet, he immediately knew their purpose.

Lin Bai shouted directly to the principal through the walkie-talkie:

"Stop! Prepare for defense!"

As he spoke, the pterodactyl in front had already flown over the principal's car.

Hearing Lin Bai's warning, the principal immediately issued an instruction for parking defense at all bands.

At the same time, when the brake is pressed, the violent friction between the brake pads and the brake disc makes a piercing sound.

As soon as the principal stopped the car, he saw a boulder smashed directly on the hood! The

back of the whole car was cocked high, and as long as it advanced one more meter, the consequences would not be unimaginable!

The principal and the teacher immediately left the vehicle and used their professional skills to counterattack the pterodactyl in the air.

At the same time, several pterosaurs smashed the boulder down, and their primary target was not the cars in front of them.

It's this highway!

The highway that was once unobstructed is blocked by piles of boulders.

And they are more defensive-oriented in the face of attacks from professionals.

But if there are professionals who attack those boulders and want to open the way.

Then it will immediately attract these pterodactyls, the most ferocious attack!

Lin Bai also jumped out of the vehicle and scanned the entire battlefield.

Discover the true purpose of this group of pterosaurs at once.

They are procrastinating!

trying to maintain their viability, but they are resolutely blocking the way of the convoy.

They just hover high in the sky, like bloodthirsty vultures, waiting for their prey to die of exhaustion.

Van Hei switched from Gatling to the Saboteur Sniper Rifle and sniped at those pterodactyls in the sky.

However, in the face of the defense of level 30 beasts, the power of Fan Hei's sniper rifle at this time was not as good as before.

Su Qingxue began to use her healing holy light to treat her teammates who were injured in the battle.

In the face of the flames and ice spewed by those winged dragons, she raised her hand to summon several protective light shields to strengthen the defenses of her teachers and classmates.

At this time, Xiang Wan was hiding in the car, and she had no combat effectiveness, so she could only protect herself, which was to help her classmates who were fighting.

But even when she was scared, she was anxiously looking out the car window, shouting loudly to warn her classmates of the attacks they hadn't noticed.

And just now, those pterodactyls that could only hover in the sky actually landed on the ground and directly attacked the convoy with fire, or hand-to-hand combat.

Lin Bai's two Nether Twin Blades came out of their sheaths and slashed at the pterodactyls that had fallen aside!

This was definitely not a good sign, although now many students and teachers who had awakened the melee profession could attack these pterosaurs more easily.

But the fact that these pterosaurs landed on their own initiative meant that their reinforcements were coming!

Lin Bai turned over and jumped into the car, "Xiang Yun, I need your help, you said your driving skills are very good, right?"

Xiang Wan immediately nodded vigorously

! Lin Bai no longer hesitated, and yelled at Fan Hei, who had already changed into a troll at this time:

"Gun expert, get on the bus! Let's go to the big ticket!"

Fan Hei didn't hesitate and jumped into the military vehicle in a few steps.

Su Qingxue raised her hand with a holy light to stop the heavy-clawed bipedal pterosaur that wanted to sneak attack from behind Fan Hei

! Then she watched Xiang Wan step on the accelerator to death, and the military vehicle drifted on the spot to bypass the car in front and drove towards the front quickly!

She put a protective light shield on herself to resist the jet of a highly poisonous pterosaur.

Xiang Wan's superb piloting skills quickly shuttled between the dragons.

Coupled with Fan Hei's fire support, Lin Bai leaned out of the military vehicle and attacked like a knight's charge.

Soon the vehicles were at the very front of the fleet.

Just now in the car, Lin Bai had already informed the principal through the walkie-talkie, so at this time, the front of the convoy had been emptied.

Xiang Wan drove the military vehicle and rushed towards the boulder pile!

When there were still dozens of meters left, Lin Bai hugged Xiang Wan and jumped out of the car.

Before leaving, he kicked Fan Hei out of the car.

After rolling on the ground a few times with Xiang Yun in his arms, he just stopped, and then clenched the detonator in his hand.

This was one of the results of the whole night of preparation he had spent with Fan Hei last night.

Like the city guards, they filled the vehicle with explosives.

As the last military vehicle of the convoy, there are naturally no civilians in the folding space on the car.

As long as the car detonates the moment it crashes into the boulder, the enormous destructive force can blow up a gap large enough for the convoy to pass!

There are still 40

meters! 30 meters!

20 meters! But at this moment, suddenly a black shadow swept rapidly from the ground!


level 50 ironclad dragon actually directly pressed the front of the car with its dragon claws and blocked the advance of the military vehicle with its dragon body.

Seeing that there was no hope of blowing up the boulder pile, Lin Bai resolutely pressed the detonator

! There was a loud bang! The

huge shock wave directly knocked down Fan Hei who had just stood up again!

Lin Bai used his body to protect Xiang Wan so that she was not blown away.

The smoke cleared, and the ironclad dragon fell to the ground dying.

But on the back of the dragon, there was a man standing!

He was dressed in strange clothes, with a fierce face and fangs in his mouth.

At a glance, it was clear that he was not human

! Could it be that he was the rumored Inhuman


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