Lin Bai: "What are you talking nonsense?"

Su Qingxue: "This is called Shigong!" Before

Lin Bai's kick hit Fan Hei's ass, he was shocked and stopped in mid-air by Su Qingxue's words.

Fan Hei's eyes were as big as a light bulb, and his mouth was just wide open to fit the light bulb in!

Su Qingxue blushed, glanced at Lin Bai, and turned around and ran towards the conference room.

Fan Hei stood aside and sighed.

Stretched out his hand to help Lin Bai's leg that was stopped in mid-air, and patted the dust on it.

Then he bent down and reached out and made a "please" gesture.

said in a tone of helpless resignation: "Master, please."

Lin Bai was not polite this time, and kicked Fan Hei's ass directly!

When they pushed open the door of the conference room.

The huge conference room was full, and a large circle of seats surrounded the center of the room.

There were still two vacant seats next to Su Qingxue, and she put her small bag on the seat, obviously for Lin Bai and Fan Hei to occupy the seat.

But Lin Bai saw that Yue Nanqun actually walked to the side of the seat, and wanted to pick up the small bag and sit down next to Su Qingxue.

He walked over with an arrow and pulled Yue Nanqun's feet off the ground with one hand.

At this moment, he was even more sure that although he didn't choose to pay the price to pick up the [Slashing Blade], he still absorbed a small part of the power of the Blazing Blood Furious Combat Profession.

It was as if they were deliberately tempting him to experience the power of this power.

Yue Nanqun found out that it was Lin Bai who pulled him aside, and he was immediately furious

! A completely useless puppeteer would dare to treat an A-rank Shadow Swordsman like this?!

The anger even made him ignore that he had already left his feet off the ground just now!

He didn't notice such a big difference in strength.

"Lin Bai, you-" Before he

finished speaking, Yue Nanqun was pushed aside by Fan Hei again.

He is not like Lin Bai, he can be regarded as a carefree person.

The huge impact force directly caused Yue Nanqun to knock down three chairs in a row before falling to the ground.

Immediately around him, four tall classmates helped him up.

Lin Bai was stunned and secretly surprised.

[A-Rank - Hawkeye Archer

] [A-Rank - Healing Priest] [B-Rank - Melee Ninja

] [B-Rank - Dual Sword Samurai]

These people around Yue Nanqun were actually two A and two B high-level professionals!

When did the A-level and B-level professions go everywhere?

When Lin Bai complained in his heart, he didn't remember what level he was.

By this time he was seated.

Su Qingxue, who was beside her, saw his shocked look, and leaned into his ear and whispered:

"It's all open!"

She had just seen it clearly upstairs, and she had to be surprised by the Yue family's financial resources.

Although these four people

were not only Su Qingxue's gentle voice, but also a hot and humid gas blew Lin Bai's ears itching.

Lin Bai's ears suddenly became a little hot, and he turned his gaze to Yue Nanqun and his party.

Seeing those four senior professionals, they were like dogs around Yue Nanqun at this time.

Lin Bai easily figured out that it must be the Yue family who used the secret stone of transfer in exchange to make these people obey Yue Nanqun in the future.

Arrange the members of the team for Yue Nanqun.

After those people helped Yue Nanqun up, they immediately surrounded him, looking like they wanted to fight.

Fan Hei directly rolled up his sleeves, not afraid at all!"

"Please take your seats as soon as possible, the combat professional conference, which is also a graduation ceremony, will start immediately." The

headmaster's voice rang out.

The students had no choice but to give up.

Yue Nanqun glared at Lin Bai angrily, and he was also unwilling to return to his original position.

The assembly began immediately, and the principal began to speak:

"Students, first of all, I am very happy to congratulate you on your successful transfer to a combat profession.

At the critical juncture of Qiming City, it has become the hope of the people of the whole city!

But it also means that you have to shoulder this heavy burden.

Originally, you were going to have a big graduation ceremony.

Enter a higher institution to continue your Xi, and at the same time be selected by major organizations, whether it is the city guard, or the beast hunter.

In the end, you will all have a very bright future.

But now, the hope of tens of thousands of people in the city to continue to survive is all on you!"

Qiming City has always relied on the protection of the city guards to support it until now.

If it weren't for the sacrifice of those city guards, even if it was protected by the city wall, I am afraid that the city wall would have been breached by the alien beast horde.

And now that the food in the city is cut off, breaking through has become the only choice for all citizens of Qiming City.

Not to mention, among these citizens, there are also their own parents and relatives.

Therefore, at this time, the students who had changed to combat professions all felt that it was their duty to take on the responsibility of breaking through the siege!

Soon after the principal's speech was over, Cheng Shan, the commander of the city guards, stepped forward.

"Students, next, I want to tell you about the specific breakthrough plan. At

this point, all the students got serious, for fear of missing a single word.

Even Fan Hei, who had never listened to lectures, pricked up his ears at this time.

"There are still 120 of our city guards left. When

all the students heard this number, they were in awe and grieved.

Before the alien beasts attacked the city, the city guard army was fully organized, and a total of 1,500 professionals were tasked with guarding Qiming City.

Among them, there are more than 1,300 combat occupations

! But now there is not one out of ten city guards! The

fierce battles in the past few months can be imagined!

And their sacrifices are all for the sake of the survival of other citizens in Qiming City.

In order for the students sitting in the conference room at this time to successfully awaken

! Cheng Shan, the commander of the City Guard Army, also had tears in his eyes, those who sacrificed were his cordial comrades-in-arms!

He looked at these students who were about to take over the heavy burden, and continued with hope:

"Among them, there are 89 combat professionals below

the C level, 21 combat professionals at the C level, and

10 combat professionals at the B level. "

Judging from this ratio, we know how scarce

B-level and B-level combat professionals are! Of course, Qiming City, which is an important border town, naturally has A-level combat professionals.

It's just that ...... have already been sacrificed

"I'm glad that all of you here are so good.

This time I changed jobs, and a total of 80 students awakened to the combat profession.

There are 12 B-level combat professionals! There are

even 4 A-level professionals

! And our classmate Su Qingxue has actually become a priest full-time!"

Immediately, the audience applauded warmly, and the commander Cheng Shan and the principal both applauded.

The clergy are too rare

! And at this moment, the clergy have greatly increased the success rate of breaking through!

For a long time, the applause gradually stopped.

Cheng Shan, the commander of the city guards, suddenly looked at Lin Bai, who was sitting next to Su Qingxue.

Only then did he hurriedly say: "That's right! And our S-level puppet master Lin Bai is also very good!"

It's not that Cheng Shan discriminates against Lin Bai.

But he, who is extremely clear about various combat professions, naturally knows the fact that the puppeteer's combat power is too weak in the early stage.

So in the speech just now, I accidentally forgot about Lin Bai.

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