Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1127: Feelings (1)


Under the desperate gaze of Bai Yin, there was a flame in the man's body, and the flames burned on the body of the white voice. The raging fire burned her heartbreaking cry.



The voices of Baiyin were hoarse, and the shouts of screaming and screaming brought a coldness to the hearts of some people in the place.

Everyone in the blue family couldn't help but shudder. They looked at the cold and ruthless eyes of the red lotus lord. It seemed that there was a deep fear that came out from the bottom of my heart and made them tremble.

This man, as if it is legendary, is ruthless.

Even a woman who has followed him for many years can burn her alive so cruelly, let alone other people?

Thinking of this, the hearts of all the blue family have been eroded by remorse, and if they give them a chance to come again, they will no longer be tempted by the woman of white tone!

"Lord Lord, please, please give me a death!"

The sound of the white sound trembled, slowly rang in the quiet courtyard.

In the flame, her face was distorted, and her expression was full of pain. At this moment, for white sound, death is a relief!

"Your ending is waiting for the end of the flames in this flame!" The man's voice was as cold as ever, but it also shattered the final hope of the white tone.

Her face has changed from the initial fear to the gray color, desperately looking at this face that has made her love for so many years, but also hurt the handsome face for so many years.

Nowadays, what makes her more painful than the burning body is the man's unrequited love and indifference.

This kind of pain makes her unable to extricate herself, and she is not as good as death!

"Ha ha."

Turbulent, she laughed, the smile was very bleak, laughing at the end, getting louder and louder, more and more screaming, like a ghost crying, it is very creepy.

"Lord, if there is an afterlife, I hope I will not meet you again!"

As long as she does not meet this man, she will not delay her life, and will not get such a tragic end!

Until now, Bai Yin did not think that she was wrong, she only felt that her biggest mistake was to fall in love with a man who should not love! For this man, she can care for life and death, give up life!

However, in the heart of this unrequited man, he is only a dispensable existence!

How can this not make her heartache?

"Now, you still don't know where the mistake is?" The red-yellow lord looked at the white woman who was burned by the flames. She said condescendingly, "You are a savvy, heart-scarred! Three times and five times offended the lord's baby daughter! In the heart of the lord, even if you are a hundred, you can’t compare with their mother and daughter! Don’t even think about surpassing them!”

The man’s words are like a thousand arrows in the heart, so that the white tone is painfully closed. After a long time, she opened her eyes and looked at the red lotus lord painfully. She asked: "Lord, if there is no lady in this world, If, if I first met the lord, would the lord fall in love with me?"

At the beginning, it wasn’t because the lord’s true feelings when she faced the portrait of the lady that she moved her, causing her to delay her life. Therefore, many times, Baiyin is thinking about a problem. If the first person who meets the lord is himself, not the wife, then will this man be so infatuated with her?

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