Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh

Chapter 51: New Feature: Inner Air Guard

inside the room.

Jiang Dao was covered in blood, the wound on his back was squirming rapidly, and his appearance was terrifying.

In his body, the internal power of health preservation formula is constantly running over and over again, and the cycle goes back and forth.

However, Jiang Dao's eyes flashed, and he suddenly concentrated his thoughts and revised the health regimen again.

The original 240-year health regimen was instantly revised to 300 years by him.


In an instant, the airflow circulating in the body became thicker, not only that, but the airflow extended even wider, as if it had been transformed into a network, spreading rapidly in his body.

Limbs, bones, and organs are all covered by this network of airflow at the same time.

Especially the wound on the back.

The speed of recovery was significantly increased by more than half.

At this moment, he felt like he was soaking in a hot spring, and he felt a warm and comfortable feeling.

In his mind, there was another dense mass of information.

After cultivating for 300 years, a new function has been extended!

【Internal gas protection】!

When the health regimen works to the extreme, the inner qi will leak out from the pores and cover the whole body, forming an invulnerable underwear armor.

He used this trick before when he dealt with the woman in the white dress.

It's just that the trick at that time was not pure, the inner air overflowing from the pores was only a thin layer, about a few millimeters.

But now, 300 years after the revision of the health regimen, the overflowing internal qi has directly reached a depth of 1 cm.

And this thickness will continue to thicken as the cultivation level deepens.

Even Jiang Dao can't imagine how thick it will be in the end.

He looked at the panel again.

Name: Gangdo

Strength: 4.5 (the limit of the physical body has been reached, please practice the inner strength method as soon as possible)

Speed: 3.6 (still 0.4 to reach the physical limit.)

Spirit: 1.6

Martial arts:

Crazy Blood Soul Blade (after 90 years) [modifiable] - Strengthen Quick, Strengthen Sha, Strengthen Killing God Sword

Eagle Claw King Kong Body (60 years later) [modifiable] - King Kong is not bad

Health regimen (after three hundred years) [modifiable] - health preservation, healing, accelerated recovery, internal qi protection

Wind and Thunder Poison Sand Palm (30 years) [modifiable] - Poison Palm, Thunder Flame

Wind Blade Technique (after 60 years) [modifiable] - fast

All exercises are now in the [modifiable] state.

However, Jiang Dao did not modify the other exercises again.

Because his power has now reached its limit.

Even if the other exercises are modified, they will not increase any more power.

He wants to leave this opportunity for modification temporarily!

It is necessary to get a real inner strength method as soon as possible.

"Wait, before killing one evil spirit, two exercises can be modified, but I directly killed three evil spirits last night, does that mean that six exercises can be modified?"

Suddenly, Jiang Dao had an idea.

Killing one evil spirit and killing three evil spirits are definitely not the same.

If even this is the same, it would be too pitiful.


Jiang Dao's eyes flashed, staring at the regimen, and decided to try it again.


The way of health care has changed again.

Three hundred and sixty years later!

Four hundred and twenty years later!

In the blink of an eye, the qi in Jiang Dao's body became thick again.

Jiang Dao was secretly happy.

Sure enough, as he guessed!

To kill three evil spirits, the exercises can be modified multiple times!

His health regimen has been revised three times in a row, but the status of other exercises is still [modifiable].

"It seems that it is exactly as I guessed. Killing one evil spirit corresponds to two times, and killing three evil spirits is six times?"

Jiang Dao secretly said.

The 420-year health regimen made his inner qi protector reach a thickness of 2 centimeters.

The wound on his back was sore and numb, and more toxins were quickly expelled, quickly staining the entire back.

One day effort.

Jiang Dao's injuries have already recovered.

Originally this kind of terrifying injury, if it were someone else, he would definitely die, and any medicine stone would be useless, but for him, it was a day of work that brought life to life again.

It was not until the next day that Jiang Dao changed into clean clothes, walked out of the room, and called Guo Dutian to ask about the situation.

"What did the leader say? Do you want to arrange manpower for us?"

"Go back to the hall master, help the master say that the manpower lost in the hall, the hall master can recruit by himself, as many people can be recruited!"

Guo Dutian said.

"How many people can you hire?"

Jiang Dao's eyes flashed.


"okay, I get it."

Jiang Dao nodded, somewhat unexpected.

But it's better that way.

Because of the people I recruited, I feel more at ease.

He suddenly smiled and said, "Since the gang leader has delegated power, then we can't treat ourselves badly, Guo Dutian, you go out and list immediately, and say that my Feiying Hall is wanting to recruit experts from all corners of the world. Anyone who has practiced martial arts, no matter their background, as long as they are not robbers. , all can enter my Flying Eagle Hall, starting with at least 12 taels of silver every month, I guarantee they can live happily!"

"Yes, Hall Master!"

Guo Dutian clasped his fists and was about to withdraw.

But at this moment, Jiang Dao stopped him again and said, "Wait, how is the situation in the city? How many people died last night?"

"It's extremely unoptimistic. It is said that at least 500 good players have died, including our Raging Flame Gang, and there are also many men in the rivers and lakes. The evil spirits who attacked seem to be chasing the warriors."

Guo Dutian said in a condensed voice.

"Turn to pick a martial artist and start?"

Jiang Dao's heart was surging, and he said, "You find someone to help me deliver a letter to Fengzhou Chengjiang Mansion!"

He still doesn't care about his family.

Since the people in Lingtong Palace can find themselves, they can definitely find their family members.

This is a bunch of inhuman creatures!

Any means are possible.

Therefore, he must prepare early, and it is best to move all his family here.

Jiang Dao returned to his room and quickly wrote a letter, sealed it, and handed it to Guo Dutian.

Guo Dutian clasped his fists, and immediately retreated, looking for someone to deliver the letter.

Jiang Dao thought for a while, but decided to go out and have a look.

The situation in Qianyuan City, he only heard that it was useless, and he had to see it with his own eyes to know more.

Summoning a group of rudder masters, Jiang Dao took them out directly.

Unexpectedly, the entire Qianyuan City was miserable.

There were obviously many more funeral processions on the street, and pieces of white paper money were flying.

The inns and wineries are full of people discussing, people are panicking, and various opinions keep coming.

You can see a lot of catching fast figures on the street.

Jiang Dao made a special tour around Feiyingtang's various industries, his brows furrowed.

Feiyingtang lost more than he imagined, and many of the properties under his name have been temporarily closed and left unguarded.

Some brothels, casinos, inns and other places with huge profits are almost all closed.

After a long turn, he found a fairly normal restaurant.

The location of this restaurant is remote, so it escaped a disaster, and there was not much loss inside.

At this moment, the entire restaurant was actually crowded with many strangers.

Most of them carried knives and swords, and there was a lot of discussion.

"There must have been evil spirits at work last night, otherwise it would be impossible for so many people to die."

"It's terrifying. The Qiankun Gate in the Central Plains was just wiped out by evil spirits half a month ago. Half a month later, the Raging Flame Gang in the south also encountered such a thing. These evil spirits will not want to attack the Raging Flame Gang, right? What's wrong with this world?"

"What's wrong with it? I hope that the Raging Flame Gang will be destroyed, so that we can also drink a sip of soup. It is said that after the destruction of the Qiankun Gate in the Central Plains, the silver inside was piled up like a mountain, and the local government directly sent a windfall. The men in the rivers and lakes who rushed over also all got a huge benefit, the scene is unimaginable, and almost everyone got a lot of money."

"I also heard that after the Qiankun Sect was destroyed, almost everyone went crazy. Some masters made hundreds of thousands of taels in two days, and they can't spend it all in a lifetime."

"What's this, the greatest wealth of Qiankun Sect has not been discovered yet. It is said that after the entire sect of Qiankun Sect was destroyed, their sect's supreme inner strength mind method [Xiantian Sacred Secret Art] disappeared, and together with it, there was also Qiankun. Qin Qingqing, the youngest daughter of the sect master Qin Lieshan, there is a high possibility that the supreme internal training method is in the hands of that little girl~www.wuxiahere.com~ someone said in a condensed voice.

"What? No way?"

"The Innate Holy Art?"

"What does that little girl look like? How old is she?"

Many people's expressions changed and they hurriedly asked.

Jiang Dao, who had just entered the restaurant, also frowned, his eyes were like lightning, and he looked to one side.

The Jianghu man took a sip of wine and said, "It is said that the little girl is only six or seven years old. She was escorted by an old servant, but then the old servant died tragically, and the little girl disappeared. It is suspected that she had fled to the south. But where exactly, no one can tell, in short, now in addition to a group of experts in the arena who are frantically looking for that little girl, there is also that terrifying evil spirit organization who is also looking for each other..."

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