More and more people have entered the war preparation zone, and masters from all continents and various general hospitals are waiting for the Tianjiao Tournament to begin.

Lu Chen noticed that there was already a shadow stone floating above his head. It should have been broadcast from the war zone.

However, the people who can come here are all the top geniuses of all continents, who have not seen the big scene yet, these are all what they should do, and don't pay attention to the shadow stone.

The same was true for Lu Chen, he was just wandering around the preparation zone boringly.

Not long after, he saw a commotion not far away, and it seemed that someone had a conflict over there.

It seemed that two people suddenly wanted to start their hands for some reason, but they were pulled apart in time by the people from the Emperor Tianxian Palace and warned.

"If you want to fight, the Tianjiao Tournament begins and go inside! Whoever makes trouble in the preparation zone will be disqualified directly, and the General Hospital will be punished together!" The people of the Emperor Tianxian Palace said fiercely.

I didn't watch the excitement, but Lu Chen suddenly saw a person's name badge among the onlookers.

"Wangxian Pavilion Thunder Sacred Courtyard"!

Lu Chen's mind was suddenly shocked.

Isn't this another college recommended to him by Yamanaka? He still keeps the high-level recommendation order from the Thunder Sanctuary in his backpack!

The main spiritual vein of Wunian Sanctuary has changed. This is the root of Lu Chen's snatching of Wunian's old site. He inferred that it was precisely because of this that the mountain talent recommended him to Wunian Sanctuary, indicating that there must be some secret here.

Since Wunian Sanctuary is like this, then Thunder Sanctuary may also be!

Even if he didn't join the Thunder Sacred Court, Lu Chen had to check it out.

Just when he wanted to find the person to inquire, as the conflict was resolved, as soon as the crowd dispersed, the person didn't know where to go.

Lu Chen looked around for a long time and never saw the person again.

"Damn, there are too many people..." Lu Chen blankly watched the flow of people coming and going, but the target had disappeared.

However, this occasional encounter is not completely unproductive, at least he knows that the Thunder Sacred Court still exists, and his main hospital is called Wangxian Pavilion.

In addition to the discovery of the Thunder Sacred Court, Lu Chen also saw several familiar power representatives.

"Purple Heaven Palace, Tianyin Pavilion... They are all here! Don't they, there are people from Huangtian Immortal Palace participating in the competition?"


After waiting for almost two hours in the preparation zone, the Tianjiao Tournament is finally about to begin.

The people of Huangtianxian Palace use Hong Zhongfu to broadcast.

"Please teleport from 1,000 portals in the preparation zone, and the game...start!"

Within six days, almost all the students in the martial arts grounds of countless academies were watching this Tianjiao match.

In addition to learning the on-the-spot reactions of these top masters, this continent has its own representatives. This is related to the honor of the Central Academy, and it is also related to the honor of the mainland!

Of course, there are not a few universities that open gambling games...

When the match started, everyone around Lu Chen rushed into the major portals like crazy, and Lu Chen followed the crowd and rushed into the nearest portal!

"It's going to start, it's going to begin!" Xiao Zhan hurriedly ran to his position holding a large plate of fruit and melon seeds.

All the mentors, brothers and sisters all stared at the picture closely.

In Zhongxian Pavilion, Mobei and others also became extremely nervous.

"The key is to survive the early and mid-term! If you can survive the latter, the unnamed competitiveness will rise."

"Yes, especially in the early stage. The previous sessions have just begun, and many people have been eliminated."

"Just quickly find some skills and equipment to use."

In Tianxianbao, the screen of Tianya Pavilion is divided into two parts, half of which is representative of Tianxianbao, and the other is Lu Chen. They knew Lu Chen's strength, so they would naturally pay attention to him.

As for Xin'er, who was not far away, the independent screen in front of her was also divided into two parts, half of which locked the contestants from the Emperor Tianxian Palace, and the other half was Lu Chen.

The entire Sixth Heaven is watching this duel between the top masters!


Lu Chen was sent away soon.

As soon as he landed, Lu Chen found an abandoned large ancient temple in front of him.

However, what surprised Lu Chen was that there were at least dozens of people around who were also teleported here.

Just can see each other, there are 20 or 30 people.

Now everyone's attributes are pitifully low, and they don't have skills and equipment, and no one has the ability to hit dozens of them...In this case, falling into a pile of people is obviously the most terrifying situation.

It is estimated that everyone's thinking is the same, and now I am in a very dangerous situation! Everyone is frozen in there...

"It's over, this guy actually landed in the ancient temple!" Mobei suddenly became nervous, "This place often shows many people at once, and it is the fastest place to eliminate in the initial stage!"

Lu Chen's mind turned sharply. There was probably something in the ancient temple, but there were too many people around...

At this moment, he looked up, and there was a wooden box on the roof of the ancient temple!

That should be the wooden box for the items.

At the same time, Lu Chen was not the only one who found the wooden box. The dozens of people who had been transported to the ancient temple all used their milky energy and rushed to the roof frantically.

Whoever can get the treasure chest first will have an absolute advantage!

Lu Chen's location is very good, and he didn't want to let go of this opportunity, but he just wanted to move, and suddenly found a stone falling on the roof!

Someone on the roof? This was Lu Chen's first reaction!

Although no one is seen, it is good to know, why is there movement on the roof?

This ancient temple is very tall and has a three-story hall. If there are people on the roof, he will go to grab the treasure chest now. Even if he can grab the opponents around, he will definitely not be able to grab the person on the roof!

That guy was quite insidious, he didn't reveal his figure at all!

"From my many years of experience, there must be someone on the roof!" Lu Chen thought to himself, "It is very possible that the thing in the box has been taken by that guy!"

"I'm going, someone brushed directly next to the box? What kind of bird luck is this!" Lu Chen scolded fiercely, "Want to yin me? Dream!"

It is not advisable to stay here for long, withdraw first...

Most people were rushing to the roof, but Lu Chen slammed the brakes and turned around and ran.

Not long after Lu Chen ran, someone on the roof grabbed the treasure chest.

"Hahahaha, it's a technique, you all die for me!"

Boom boom boom, the people who grabbed the treasure chest over there were already killing them, and the crowd turned around and ran away.

When Lu Chen saw this scene, he almost vomited blood.

There is no one on the roof! Moreover, there is still a practice in the box, no matter what level of practice, this is the best in the early stage, people have already killed the Quartet there!

There is no one on the roof. It is estimated that the ancient temple has fallen into disrepair and stones have fallen.

"I'm going! Lost a lot!" Lu Chen scolded and ran away desperately. Fortunately, he ran early, but he escaped the danger smoothly.

In the martial arts field of the Academy of Gods and Demons, all the disciples looked suspicious when they saw the dean's operation.

Tian Mi frowned, "Huh? The Dean would like to be so persuaded... His position is very good. If you go to grab it, there is a big chance, why not grab it?"

"There is no one on the roof at all, it is the stone that has misled the dean." Chu Tian sighed.

In the imperial palace, Xin'er couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, this guy is too cautious, how silly and cute."

But Xin'er's father narrowed his eyes slightly, "This nameless, no wonder he can go so far... Xin'er, you say he is stupid? He is better than anyone! If it were me, he would make the same choice as him."

"Watch his game well, maybe it will benefit you for life!"

Xin'er frowned. It was obvious that Wuming had missed a good opportunity to let her father give such a high evaluation?

One mistake can benefit oneself for life? Is my father making a fuss too much!

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