Li Shang and the others also couldn't understand. Since Lu Chen arrived in Seventh Heaven, he has plunged into the training room.

This is the end of Lu Chen's fourth year!

Except for seeing him every day, this guy is like rooting in the training room.

"It's been four years since Li Shang! Lu Chen has passed from the Seventh Heaven to the present, and four years have passed since the last protection period of the earth is less than two years. But... but he hasn't left Jiuxing Dongtian. !"

"Jin Luan, I know you are in a hurry, and we are all as anxious as you." Li Shang said, "But, don’t forget, Immortal Lu Yuan did give Lu Chen a different chance, but he can go to the present day. It's all himself."

"So, we have no reason not to believe him. I think he must know what he is doing."

Jin Luan furrowed his brows, glanced at the closed training room, and sighed, "I didn't believe him, but now all our hopes are in him, and he is not even a fairy... ah, look. After all, we will not be able to hold the earth."

This time Li Shang didn't say anything, Lu Chen's situation was really special.

"By the way, how many spiritual films have you saved in the past few years? Let's take a look at them. When the time comes, we will wait for Lu Chen to come out and see if we can help."

Everyone took out the spiritual tablets on their bodies.

"I have received salaries from the Immortal Lord in the past four years, plus the immortal Lord's rewards, and I got a total of six pieces."

"I take one slice a year, there are four slices in total."

"I sold the bone transforming pill, plus four slices earned by people in the Immortal Lord's Cave Mansion, totaling eleven slices..."

Everyone, you and me, take out all the spiritual tablets on your body.

Li Shang gathered everyone's spiritual films together, his face was scorched, "A total of 64 pieces...The kid will only need 1,000 pieces to transfer items. This spiritual film is probably just a drop in the bucket for him."

"Didn’t Lu Chen have a magical set, it’s not surprising that that thing requires a lot of spiritual films, but... this kind of consumption is really not something we can afford, we ourselves have forcibly crossed the calamity and came to the seventh heaven. The strength is already weak, the guardian coordinates the deaths and injuries, and now there is no money to heal the wounds. It is the limit to earn so much." Jin Luan sighed.

Li Shang sighed, "I know, everyone has worked hard..."

After that, he put away the spiritual film, "It's too early, everyone rest first, and you will return to your immortal master tomorrow."

After all, everyone rested on their stone beds.

In the dead of night, everyone has rested.

The door of the dusty training room opened gently, and a dark savage came out from inside.

Lu Chen had just broken through, and his body was covered with impurities. He didn't dare to come out when he heard someone outside the door before, but now he didn't dare to come out until everyone was resting.

After staying here for four years, Lu Chen was already familiar with the surroundings and ran to the stream to wash.

This time Lu Chen also let the Little Beast out.

"Dad, how many stars do you have?" As soon as the little beast came out, he ran to Lu Chen in a hurry, "Dad, I'll rub your back for you."

"Ten three stars." Lu Chen shook his head helplessly, he was already ten three stars, he was still the Savage King!

"Then Dad, when will you take us out for a break? We have all been here for four years and we are so bored."

Xiao Maotuan and Xiao Yuan were fighting in the water, and they were suffocated at first sight. Anyway, they managed to come out once, and the two guys were making a fuss.

"I know you are bored, and I am bored. I practice every day, and my cultivation speed is slow." Lu Chen shook his head. "But you also heard it before. In order to help me collect spiritual films, Senior Lishang went to the Immortal Lord's Cave Mansion. Human, I only collected dozens of them in the end. It will take a long time for me to extract the Nine Changes of Gods and Demons, so I can only practice first."

Little Beast nodded thoughtfully, "Then, Dad, what are you going to do next? Only two years are left before the protection period."

Lu Chen said, "It's been the last two years, and I can no longer practice. Not only is the earth protection period, but there are only two years left in the final battle... The next days, I have to break it up!"

"Can the Ten-Star Savage King ever beat a real fairy?"

"I don't know, if I calculate it quantitatively, I should be able to see my 80 million spiritual power?" Lu Chen said uncertainly.

"Also, when I made this breakthrough, I felt quite strange. In the past, after my spiritual power was improved, I needed to improve the three-dimensional body separately, but in the seventh heaven, every breakthrough will transform the physical body, and the three-dimensional attributes are obviously higher than before..."

Suddenly losing the data reference, Lu Chen was a little uncomfortable.

"Forget it, now I can't manage that much, I must earn spiritual tablets as soon as possible to restore my strength!" Lu Chen said.

After taking a bath, Lu Chen quietly returned to the Jiuxing Cave Mansion, found an empty stone bed, and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Li Shang and others found that there was another person beside him, it was Lu Chen who had been in seclusion for four years.

Lu Chen opened his eyes faintly, and saw that everyone was watching him, and hurriedly sat up.

At first sight, he saw obvious trauma to four or five people. Although he had done a simple dressing, bones could even be seen in some places!

This is a trauma, it's just like digging and deboning!

Lu Chen's eyes immediately rounded, "What's the matter with your injuries?"

Everyone's eyes flickered.

Lu Chen sat up, grabbing someone's wrist, "Senior, what is going on!"

"This..." The man hesitated to speak, looking at Li Shang for help.

"Lu Chen!" Li Shang pulled Lu Chen's hand away, "It's not a big deal, as a subordinate, sometimes we will inevitably be punished...We are all used to it."

Lu Chen's eyes widened.

"Lu Chen, stop talking about it, look at what it is!" Li Shang happily took out a small stack of spiritual tablets and handed it to Lu Chen, "Hahaha, this should be what you need most at the moment, it's a pity Those of us are just half-scrupulous people and can't make much..."

Lu Chen took the Lingpian, his eyes widened!

These seniors did not hesitate to give other immortal masters the present person, endure the humiliation, and earned him a spiritual film!

"Who is your Immortal Lord?" Lu Chen asked coldly.

"Lu Chen! Don't be impulsive, can you do it!" Li Shang sternly said, "Could you still go to the real immortal for revenge? You are not even an immortal now. How many pieces of the magical set did you pick up? Are you looking for death? !"

Lu Chen stood up angrily, "I'm here in the Seventh Heaven, not here to let you present to others!"

"Even if I am not a fairy, those who dare to move me must pay the price!"

"Now tell me who hurt you, otherwise I will leave Jiuxing Cave!"

Everyone had never seen Lu Chen so angry, looked at each other, and no one would say.

"Don't say yes, I will check it myself!" Lu Chen said, turning around and leaving.

"Stop!" Li Shang also convinced Lu Chen's violent temper. "You, your current safety is related to the survival of the earth!"

Lu Chen said in a cold voice, "I never thought that I would have to endure the humiliation to save the earth! No matter it is me or the earth, I won't succumb!"

"Okay, you, you are really mad at me. The one who beat them is not their immortal master, but the scattered immortal clerk under the Five Tribulations Immortal Master Changsheng. If you move his clerk, it is equivalent to offending the true immortal. You really want to offend the fifth Jie Zhenxian?!"

There was a strong killing intent in Lu Chen's eyes, "You will take me to meet those San Xianmen now!"

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