This is the last day of the Earth Coordinate Protection Period, and Lu Chen is still in a certain technological world.

Even Lu Chen, who has never given up, felt exhausted physically and mentally at this moment.

He looked at this strange world with a dull expression, and he asked blankly, "Linglong, am I unable to keep up?"

Linglong didn't know what to say at this time.

Time is too late!

Not only is it too late, they haven't even found the way up to now, and they are still lost in the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms!

"Anonymous, you have done your best. No one can guarantee that everything can be done seamlessly, everyone will have their own regrets..."

"What's the use of trying my best? I still failed to hold the last coordinate on the earth." Lu Chen said as he walked forward desperately.

"Why are you going?" Linglong hurriedly pursued, Lu Chen's state at this time was a bit wrong.

Lu Chen didn't speak, just walked along the blood stain.

Lu Chen did not speak, Linglong could only follow him silently...


In the seventh heaven, all the planet query devices in the Terran Immortal Territory had a red alert at the same time.

The earth protection period has expired!

At the same time, the basic information of the earth is also displayed.

[(Red message) Earth (20-digit coordinates), 20-digit coordinates have been claimed, and the number of remaining coordinates is "1". The protection period of this planet has expired! 】

In the cities in Xianyu, each query device is usually the place with the most people. At this time, people are attracted by this eye-catching warning message.

"The protection period of a planet has expired!"

"'s a technological world, meaningless."

"The world of science and technology also has resources. Although the development of spiritual power in the world of science and technology is often ruined, there are still some available spiritual resources."

"This is easy to grab, there is only one coordinate left. As long as you grab this coordinate, you can divide resources."

Soon, another row of information appeared on the query device.

[Information of the owner of the remaining coordinates]

[Only I am crazy, immortal level: none, Dongfu: none, immortal battle record: 0 battles and 0 wins. 】

"Ah? There are none at the fairy level? It turned out to be a loose fairy! Didn't I give away resources for nothing?" A man walked to the query device and inserted an information card, "Challenge me to be crazy."

[The challenge has been accepted. The current number of challengers is 168. They are ranked according to the time of application challenge. If the challenge fails, the order will continue to be challenged. If the challenge is successful, the ranking will be invalidated. 】

"One hundred and sixty-eight people challenged! So many people want to pick up the bargain? I didn't want to challenge if I knew it, and it would be a waste of time."

When other people saw it, there were people who were eager to try, but immediately gave up the idea of ​​challenge.

One hundred and sixty-eight people are waiting for the challenge. How long to wait is a small problem. The key is that there is no chance at all for their turn.

"If you want me to see, if this kind of garbage planet still challenges, it should be sacrificed directly."

"It's true. The last coordinate is still held by someone who hasn't even opened a fairy road or even a fairy-level. This is a waste of time."

Just as people in various cities were talking boringly about the planet that was about to be sacrificed, the query device suddenly added two lines of words.

[Information changes, there are currently three remaining earth coordinates. 】

Then there were two more lines of information below the soloist information.

[Flyer, Immortal Level: None, Dongfu: Jiuxing Dongtian (**Lower Dongfu), Immortal Battle Record: 3 battles and 3 defeats. 】

[Bright Lantern, Xian-level: None, Dongfu: Jiuxing Dongtian (**Lower Dongfu), Xianzhan record: 2 battles and 2 losses. 】

Some people no longer pay attention to the information of the earth, and suddenly they are attracted by these two new pieces of information.

"In any case, are they all scattered? Did they **** the coordinates from the real fairy?"

"It should be otherwise. The record of the fairy war is clearly written. They have never won the war of the fairy. Naturally, it is impossible for them to regain the coordinates. It should be their fairy master who helped them."

"Which immortal lord would be so stupid, there is no point in helping these people. Their strength is too weak, and the protection period of the earth has expired. The coordinates in their hands will soon be taken away. I will have to see when that happens. Will their Immortal Lord continue to help them?"

New information was flashed on the query device again, and it seems that there is much more information about the earth!

[Only I have no corresponding challenge within 20 minutes, I was deemed to have given up the Fairy Fight, and the coordinates were transferred to the hands of the first challenger! Remaining coordinates of the earth: 2】

Since then, the information about the earth's coordinates will be refreshed every time!

[Flyer, 54 challengers, remaining response time 18 minutes 47 seconds. 】

[Beacon, 62 people challenged, and the remaining response time was 2 minutes and 12 seconds. 】

[Mingdeng accepts the challenge of Baiyuan Zhenxian, the location of Xiandou, Kunlun Fairy Arena. 】

[Information changes, new coordinate information: Huahun, Xian-level: None, Dongfu: Jiuxing Dongtian (**lower Dongfu), Xianzhan record: 2 battles and 2 losses. The current total number of coordinates held by the earth: 3】

[Information changes, the coordinates of the beacon have been captured, the total number of coordinates currently held by the earth: 2] At the same time, the personal information about the beacon is also deleted from the form.

[Information changes, new coordinate information: Wentian, Xian-level: None, Dongfu: Jiuxing Dongtian (**lower Dongfu), Xianzhan record: 3 battles and 3 losses. The current total number of coordinates held by the earth: 3】

This information was refreshed in a few minutes, and everyone was confused.

"What's the situation? Are these scattered immortals crazy?"

"Who is helping them? There is a problem with the real fairy, right?"

"How many real immortals are helping them? This is the first time I have seen this kind of thing."

"It's kind of interesting. All of their fairy fights are in Kunlun City. Let me see what the **** is doing."

It's too easy to teleport in Seventh Heaven, it can be done with a teleport symbol.

At this time, more and more people flocked to Kunlun City, wanting to see with their own eyes what happened.


Kunlun City Fairy Arena!

Ye Fangang recaptured an earth coordinate from a Five Tribulations Sanxian and quickly handed it to Li Shang.

True Immortal Lilong is just an unknown person in Seventh Heaven, but even so, his star is two stars higher than Ye Fan!

Ye Fan first entered the Seventh Heaven, and even though he opened the path of immortality, he was only a true immortal star.

That is to say, relying on Ye Fan's extremely strong leapfrog fighting ability, after a fierce battle, he finally grabbed the earth coordinates.

"Senior Lishang, I will challenge the next one right away!" Lu Chen just got up, and suddenly vomited blood.

This is not Ye Fan's first battle!

Although these earth-spreading immortals waited until the final response time before accepting the challenge, delaying time as much as possible, but Ye Fan and Jiu'er could not delay!

Others also have 20 minutes to respond, and they must grab more coordinates as soon as possible, so that there will be no coordinates in their hands.

However, the time it takes for the Earth to lose a game may only take a few minutes, but it may take a long time for Ye Fan to win a game!

Because of this, Ye Fan didn't dare to pause at all, and every fairy battle would definitely defeat his opponent in the shortest time.

Li Shang looked at Ye Fan vomiting blood, his eyes ***, "Ye Fan, I..."

"Senior needn't say much, the dean's home is my Ye Fan's home, if it were him, he would fight to his death! Time is running out, I will go to the next person immediately!" Ye Fan hurriedly left.

Not long after, Jiuer also retrieved a coordinate and gave it to Li Shang.

It's just that Jiu'er's situation is worse than Ye Fan's, and a long cut has been cut in his arm.

"Senior Lishang, this is the coordinates, I will challenge the next one!" After that, Jiuer hurriedly left.

Li Shang was a little choked, both of them have been fighting for three consecutive games! The body is already injured! But they have not given up yet.

What makes people depressing is that even though Li Shang has mixed feelings now, there is no time to think about it.

"Li Shang, Ming Lan, and the pilot are all seriously injured, give me this coordinate." Gu Yan said.

"Give me another one." Jin Luan checked Ming Lantern and the flying commander's injuries, and walked quickly.

Li Shang's hands trembled, these coordinates are not for honor, but for tickets to hell!

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