Gu Ying's eyes widened, "Useless to use it so freely?"

However, at this time, the Ice Extreme Flame Explosive Sword has swept across the sky, like two ice and fire dragons, entangled and swooped!

Lu Chen changed his trick suddenly, the ice attribute reduced his activity rate, and the lone shadow couldn't dodge it. As a last resort, he could only make it hard.

"Glass Sword and Shield!"

With a loud bang, the spiritual power in front of Gu Ying suddenly exploded.

In addition to the ice attribute, the extreme ice explosion also has the fire attribute, and the spiritual power burst of the fire attribute is fully utilized at this moment.

The terrifying flame instantly engulfed the lone shadow...

Everyone couldn't see the situation of Guying. After a short while, Guying's figure was quickly shaken from the fire dragon, and the whole person flew back hundreds of meters like a cannonball, directly blasting on the defensive shield!

Gu Ying was burned all over, her hands trembled, and she weakly leaned on the defensive shield.

Even the Nine Stars Immortal King can hardly stop the sword? !

The black and white swords were lightly tapped on Gu Ying's chest. Lu Chen stood in front of Gu Ying with the sword and smiled slightly, "You lost."

Gu Ying was angry and wanted to stand up, but Lu Chen shook his head at him.

"Guying, stop till you click, I don't want to hurt your life."

Gu Ying stared at Lu Chen, and after a moment, he took a deep breath and sighed, "So...the sword is your most powerful weapon?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "It can only be said that you suppressed my God of Extinguisher too much, I have to use a sword."

I alone admits that Gu Ying has indeed suppressed his Destroyer Spear!

This is undoubtedly a very high evaluation of Gu Ying.

Lu Chen put away the Promise Sword, stretched out his hand, smiling at Gu Ying.

Gu Ying hesitated for a moment, and shook her head mockingly, "I am the only one who is crazy, everyone says you are extremely arrogant, but the strange thing is that I actually think you are not that crazy."

"Perhaps you have tried your best not to show yourself in front of others."

After all, Gu Ying grabbed Lu Chen's hand, got up from the ground, and put Lu Chen's shoulders on it.

"Hey, tell me quietly, you won't be able to get your aura at your fingertips, just follow your mind...your move is too fast."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Get some fur."

"Just said you were not crazy, did you start again?"

"I really felt a little fur!"

"Yes, I don't want to talk to you... Hey, your Ice Blast is a dual element technique, but, but what is your affinity for the ice and fire elements?"


"Ice and fire have reached 10,000?"

"No, ice and fire are 20,000."

" many medicines did you take!"

"I don't have much elemental affinity. Hey, I only need one pill to add how much. Before our Pangu Immortal Venerable gave me three Loess Sky Crystal Pills, I only added 1500 points.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore."

Lu Chen sent Gu Ying to the sidelines, and the two murmured along the way. Others didn't know what they were talking about.

Gu Ying's colleagues glanced at Lu Chen, and then helped Gu Ying, "I am the only one who is crazy, you are really strong...thank you."

Lu Chen smiled slightly and returned to the court.

Standing on the ring again, he suddenly found that many people stood up and looked at him in the bustling Fairy Arena auditorium.

In the stands, a fairy king called to Lu Chen.

The human voice Ruo Hongzhong, "I thought at first that your Sacred Lotus sword heart and firepower suppression were a big failure. Not to mention wasting a lot of spiritual power, this kind of aimless attack would not be able to concentrate on the lonely shadow, but I did not expect you to It is to use two large groups of attacking techniques to spread their spiritual power to the audience, and use spiritual power to change to lock the lone shadow!"

"Such a hidden and unsolvable layout, I admire it!"

Lu Chen smiled at the man slightly, "Senior praised."

After that, he jumped onto the stage and held a fist to Lu Chen, "Senior dare not be, your strength makes me shine, this fairy king of Huang Ting wants to learn from the little friend Du Kuang."

Soon, Huang Ting's information was revealed.

Nine Star Immortal King, 56 wins and 56 wins! It was a total victory record!

"Huang Ting can't sit still!" In the glass room, a fairy shook his head and sighed, "That guy hasn't taken a shot for a long time."

"His strength, maybe when he will break through the Immortal Venerable."

"Huang Ting, it should be regarded as the peak of the Nine Star Immortal King's combat power among ten thousand races."

"That's not necessarily. All races, Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons, and masters' tricks are instantaneous. Unless it exceeds a large amount, no one dares to pretend that he is the pinnacle. However, he is the top immortal king of all races. It's not controversial."

After Lu Chen glanced at Huang Ting's record, he smiled slightly, "Okay."

The man also threw two pills, "These are the best spirit sacrifice pills and the best blood activating pills. After taking them, sit and practice for half an hour, which can help you recover."

Lu Chen looked at this person in surprise, but the person smiled, "Since it's a discussion, I don't want to fight a person who is incomplete."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, took the pill by mouth, and sat cross-legged...

Half a quarter of an hour later, Lu Chen stood up, "Senior Huang Ting has been waiting for a long time, let's start!"


Huang Ting's strength is even higher than that of Gu Ying, and he majored in monk and imperial sword, minored in talisman formation, and pharmacist, he was actually a strong four.

The two fiercely fought for hundreds of rounds.

However, whether it is the Wanling Race, the Human Race, the Demon Race, and the God Race, everyone no longer cares about the outcome of these two superpowers. The battle between them can be described as wonderful.

The application of exercises, strains, changes, and subtle application of spiritual energy can all be called classics.

"It's wonderful!" Mu Long sighed sincerely, "Both of them are both offensive and defensive, and their reaction is so fast that they are simply dizzying."

Feng Wu also said, "This is the real skill of the strong! It's just that I can't think of how Lu Chen can compete with Huang Ting..."

Mulong was about to chat with his difficult brother Ye Fan, and when he turned his head, he saw Ye Fan watch the battle between the two with unprecedented concentration.

In order to see the offense and defense of the two people clearly, Ye Fan seemed to have opened some state, his eyes turned purple, and the two figures were printed in his eyes.

"This guy... takes such a serious look..."

This battle lasted 3 hours!

Even the defensive array of the Fairy Battlefield is already riddled with holes.

The two still didn't know the outcome.

"Can you actually play with Huang Ting for three hours without losing the wind?" Gu Ying watched the match between the two in shock, "This guy's strength and actual combat ability are already close to that of Xianzun!!"

In the field, the two retreated after facing each other.

Huang Ting laughed, "Hahahaha, fun! I am the only one who is crazy. It has been a long time since thousands of rounds of such a fun battle! Well, you are qualified to pick up my stunt!"

Lu Chen's eyes were also extremely hot.

This Huang Court sees no mountains or water, but only after fighting against each other did he show extremely terrifying fighting ability.

Own attacks were repeatedly resolved by the other party, and various strategies were quickly seen through by the other party. The two of them are almost a match for each other, and Qin meets a friend!

It is not an exaggeration to say that Huang Ting is at least one grade better than Gu Ying!

"I'll pick up your stunt!" Lu Chen sneered, and drew out the magic gun with his left hand.

Left and right hands, one sword and one shot.

"Xianshu·True Fire Xuanbing Sword·Ice extremely hot!"

"Conquer the Void, Destroyer Spear, Sky Fury Spear!"

Huang Court's long sword blessed the power of the formation, and shouted, "Xianshu·Huangtian Nine Swords·Nine Swords into One!"

The three powerful moves collided, and all of the shadow stone pictures suddenly went blank at this moment...

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