In the clouds, the figure of a dragon is looming!

The body of the giant dragon shuttles through the clouds, and it can be guessed that its length is more than 100 meters!

Ah Tie's eyes widened, "My God, this is the sacred beast of the Dongfang Clan?!"

"This, is this something humans can defeat?"

Dongfang Qinglong glanced at the giant dragon in the sky, and smiled even more triumphantly, "Lu Chen, your death date is here!"

Lu Chen shook his head, "This is your Dongfang family's Zhen Clan animal? To be honest, I'm quite disappointed."

Speaking of it, if Shiyi could come out, Dongfang's Zhenzu sacred beast would be several sizes smaller than Shiyi.

"Hahahahaha, Lu Chen, you are still stubborn! The town's sacred beast was born in the spirit realm, and it is more than enough to kill you!"

"Dragon God, please help me!" After that, Dongfang Qinglong exploded with astonishing spiritual power, and suddenly the surrounding wind became more violent.

"Lu Chen, the background of my Eastern family is beyond your imagination!" Dongfang Qinglong rushed out a purple long sword from its sheath.

"It's the Ziwei Starlight Sword!" Ah Tie recognized this long sword at a glance, "The Ziwei Starlight, one of the three great artifacts of Tianwu!"

Dongfang Qinglong sneered, "Seeing you being arrogant for a long time, now, you should die too!"

"Dragon God!" Dongfang Qinglong shouted angrily.

The sky dragon descended from the sky, and the huge dragon claws grabbed to Lu Chen!

At the same time, Dongfang Qinglong stabbed with a sword with a very fast figure at the same time, "Nine Extreme Sword Judgment·Star Falling Sword Light!"

Lu Chen's anger opened wide, and his spiritual power was lifted, "Earth Demon Xuan Ming Spear·Sky Demon Earth Demon!"

Three peerless powerful moves crashed into each other, and a ring of gas exploded in the field instantly!

Standing in the big formation, the thick iron pillar with a diameter of nearly ten meters was directly split in half by the gas ring!

A loud noise shakes the world!


In Tianwu City, countless people heard the huge sound just now, and the whole Tianwu City felt a shaking.

The civilians were still in an enemy formation, but the real masters all looked towards the eastern sky.

"The voice of the dragon chant just now, could it be... the sacred beast of the Dongfang Town Clan?!"

"What's going on, Dongfang Furniture has awakened the town's sacred beast, and the previous sound seemed to be a fight!"

"Couldn't someone be fighting against the town's sacred beasts? Then, at least they must be super powers in the realm of gods!"

"What a heavy smell of blood... something must have happened to the Dongfang Family."

In the imperial city, a valiant man wearing a golden dragon robe is standing in the attic of the Xuanwu Hall, looking at the eastern sky.

"Your Majesty, Dongfang Qinglong summoned the Zhen Clan sacred beast. At this time, he is teaming up with the sacred beast to fight Lu Chen." An entourage reported.

This entourage was slightly different from the people around him. It seemed that he was a little bit tired all the way, and seemed to have just returned to the imperial city.

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, "An 18-year-old boy slaughtered more than 70,000 people from the Dongfang family. Among them, even the Spirit King and the Spirit King died tragically hundreds of people! Is his spiritual vein investigation clear?"

"Your Majesty, I have checked it out, the Nine Star Chaos Spirit Vessel."

"What! Nine Star Chaos Spirit Vessel?! You, are you sure?" The man suddenly turned his head, his face full of shock.

"Your Majesty, I have found out that it is indeed the Nine Star Chaos Spiritual Line. Eight years ago, the Dongfang family slaughtered the Lu Family, a small family in Xizhou City. It was not the Lu Family treason at all, but to **** the Lu Chen Spiritual Line."

The man frowned deeper, "Nine-Star Chaos Spirit Vessel, a rare encounter in a thousand years! However, even if the spirit pulse is outstanding, but within eight years, the strength has increased so terribly, I still can't understand."

The entourage asked, "My lord, should we intervene now?"

Jun Shang frowned, pondered for a long time, and said in his mouth, "Dongfang Qinglong's ambitions are getting bigger and bigger in these years. If he gets the Nine Stars Chaos Spiritual Vessel, I'm afraid this person will not be willing to stand by himself! But then Lu Chen, his strength has grown. It's too scary, I'm afraid he will be beyond our control in a few years..."

"Xiang Qing, immediately rushed to Dongfang's home with half a million city guards and surrounded those two people. I'll go to enshrine them out of the mountain and join you in the imperial city.

"My lord, you... won't you want to make a move?"

"Let's watch the changes first! Quickly, gather the people!"


In the Dongfang martial arts field, the dragon was directly forced to retreat, and the Eastern Qinglong also retreated several hundred meters before stopping the castration.

On the other side, Lu Chen's figure shot directly backwards, and slammed into half of the iron pillar impartially, smashing the iron pillar directly into it.

The huge impact made Lu Chen couldn't help but vomit several mouthfuls of blood.

The residual blood gun in his hand broke and deformed!

"Chen'er!" Qin Yueqin and Uncle Tie rushed over immediately.

"Mother...Uncle Tie...I..." Lu Chen's voice was weak, but he vomited a few more blood before fainting!

Dongfang Qinglong stopped his castration, glanced at Lu Chen's situation, and immediately felt relieved.

"Lu Chen, I didn't expect that I would still underestimate you, this will not kill you!"

"However, you have been fighting fiercely, and your physical strength has long been overdrawn, and now it is the end of the force, you have no strength to recover!"

"I didn't expect the power of the Profound Sky and Earth Shame to be so terrifying. Fortunately, I didn't make a move before, otherwise I might not be able to beat you."

Wan'er had already burst into tears, she raised her injured arm with difficulty and touched Lu Chen's face with distress.

"Brother... I blame Wan'er for being useless, I can't help you with a little help!"

"Brother, don't die, don't die!"

Dongfang Qinglong came over leisurely and raised his long sword.

If he doesn't do anything at this time, he is really not sure whether this desperate Lu Chen will suddenly wake up!

"Lu Chen, your spiritual vein is mine, and your life is mine!"

Tie Shuqin rushed back towards the Eastern Blue Dragon!

"Get out of here!"

Dongfang Qinglong kicked it, and Ah Tie, who had already lost his combat effectiveness, was kicked out several tens of meters, vomiting blood and unable to move!

Qin Yueqin couldn't wake up Lu Chen anyway. Seeing that Dongfang Qinglong was about to come over, he pounced directly at Dongfang Qinglong, "I'm fighting with you..."

"Bitch, get out!" Dongfang Qinglong slapped Qin Yueqin away!

Now in Dongfang Qinglong's eyes, only Lu Chen, he must first abolish Lu Chen, so that he has no hope of a comeback!

At this moment, Wan'er stood up struggling, and opened her arms in front of Lu Chen.

This time, Dongfang Qinglong finally stopped. He was really funny, "You Lu family are really funny, come one by one to die?"

"You just cried for your father and mother, and now you are dead, do you still want to keep your brother?"

"You know, if I go down with this sword, you will die!" A trace of cruelty and mockery flashed in Dongfang Qinglong's eyes.

There was no fear on Wan'er's face, her eyes were extremely firm!

She ignored Dongfang Qinglong, but said softly, "Brother, you have always been protecting Wan'er, today, I want to protect you!"

"Na Wan'er can't do anything, even if only once, let Wan'er protect you..."

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