At this time, everyone in the world is passing through the shadow stone, and online TV is watching the China South China Sea and sky.

Millions of figures, standing in the air, all over the sky, like the legendary one million heavenly soldiers and generals, swallowing thousands of miles, menacing!

"You don't need to mount magic weapons to float in the air! Are those immortals? Xiuxianxiu, they have stood at the pinnacle of nine days!"

"It's really here... our end is really here!"

"Why, why must we destroy our earth!"

Hundreds of destroyers fired thousands of air-to-air missiles. However, some people just raised their hands and these missiles detonated directly beside them.

The artillery fire outlines the edge of a spiritual power shield.

Hot weapons are useless in front of these immortals!

The sky shot a sword gas instantly!

The sword energy swept across, the sea surface was directly divided into two, and the battleship was instantly cut and sank...

Blink of an eye

The world of science and technology is not worth mentioning in front of immortals!

However, the opponent did not seem to be anxious to attack.

Among the crowd, a man flew into the air and laughed at Shadow Stone, "Hahahaha, it's finally here! Don't be afraid, we won't kill them all, because I will make all of you living puppets!"

"Billions of puppets, old people, men, women, children, babies, hahahaha, all of you will become my collection! Although you have to hollow out the internal organs, destroy the meridians and reorganize the bones, it is a little bit painful, but you Once you become a living puppet, you won’t die!"

"Isn't this the longevity you want! You should thank me! Hahahaha!"

Countless people are pale, that lunatic, who wants to make billions of people on earth into living puppets?

They will not only invade and destroy the earth, but also abuse all human beings!

"This guy, yes, is a lunatic!"

"Is this an immortal? Why is it more cruel than humans? Why is such a cruel person possessing invincible strength! The benevolent is invincible, is it a lie!"

"God, is there anyone who can save us? Is it true that today is the day when my earth is destroyed?"

"Now we can only pray!"

However, a powerful enemy is coming, the world is in chaos, and the gods and Buddhas are speechless!

On the day of the destruction of the earth, there is no such thing as a savior of gods and Buddhas coming to save humanity!

The man yelled, "Exterminate the human race from your earth! It is useless if you ask God to worship Buddha, because we are God!"

"No one can stop this army of ten thousand races!"

On the sea surface, the waves roared, washed up on the bank, set off huge waves, the sky, the dark clouds rolled, the lightning and thunder, the day is like the night!

An old Jiangcheng taxi driver in his 40s was sitting at home, his wife and children were already desperate.

Anyone who is a little rational knows this battle, the earth does not have the power of a battle at all.

However, he was still staring at the screen, holding his hands in front of him and rubbing and rubbing, and muttered, "I know you are back! I saw you that day!"

"If the earth still has only hope, then this hope must be you!"

"If you were the one who guarded the earth back then, you would definitely appear!"

On the side, the teenage son looked at his father strangely, “Dad, what are you talking about? Don’t have any illusions, we have no hope. We don’t even dare to think about the strength of immortals! How could it be possible for so many immortals? Is there anyone who can turn the tide in this situation?"

However, the old father didn't listen at all. Instead, he shouted angrily, "What do you know!"

"In the face of all impossibility, there is always one exception!" The old father stared at the screen, "because that person is called "I am the only one!"

At the headquarters of the Earth Alliance, all the leaders are looking at the South China Sea.

The hope is not in the army now. Lu Chen said that if they come, they should not use large-scale weapons. Not only will they not be effective, they must wait for Lu Chen.

Everyone is waiting for that figure.

Ice city.

Crazy Waves Guild Headquarters, Leng Nuo, Ningshuang, Stardust, Ten Steps, Fragrance of Flowers, Wind Bells...All the top of Crazy Waves are staring at the screen.

"President... will you show up? Just like before!"

After several waves surging, the waves gradually subsided.

The immortal army has already crushed the realm, rushing towards the low altitude.

However, I don't know who shouted, "Look, there are people on the sea!"

Everyone's eyes all looked at the surface of the South China Sea.

I don't know when, there was already a figure standing there.

This person is dressed in a black-bottomed golden dragon robe, with white hair raised in the wind, his face is calm, his eyes are slightly closed, and his hands are behind his back.

Beside him, a spear of more than two meters stood in the air.

One person, one shot, the void stands above the sea!

"Who is that person?" Many young people didn't know this white-haired man.

Even for some older people, many people are wondering at this time.

White hair, black robe, long spear, in their minds, there is no such person.

However, some people still remember his appearance.

On the shore, a defender suddenly came and shouted, "It's nameless, it's a mad god! It's me alone!"

As soon as the four words are mad, the dusty memories of some older people are opened.

"I am the only one crazy?! Only I am the only one crazy come back?"

"God of Earth! Why did I forget him? He's back!"

"Brother, who is I alone?"

"Only I am crazy? He is a legend, a legend, a legend that no one can surpass forever!"

"Then, can he win?"

I alone came back crazy, but can he win? The opponent is an army of millions of immortals, scattered immortals, true immortals, immortal kings, and immortals! How powerful?

Ten thousand clan immortal wars, once defeated, they will be annihilated! Throughout the ages, there have been no exceptions!

Can a solo madman stop this incomparable army of terror?

Seeing this person on the sea, the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal Army also became agitated.

"I'm the only one crazy, he really came out of the world in the mirror?"

"This guy was also quite strong before, and he can almost be invincible under the Immortal Venerable in the Human King Realm."

"It's just that the Immortal Venerable is invincible, don't forget, our one hundred thousand Immortal Venerables, this time the main force of the Xuanling Clan alone, there are 300 Immortal Venerables, thousands of Immortal Kings, killing him like a chicken."

Lu Chen closed his eyes slightly and said lightly, "Thousand Chance, we finally meet again!"

The man who jumped the most was obviously a Thousand Chance.

He narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw Lu Chen.

Years of grievances finally broke out at this moment.

How many days and nights, because of this Lu Chen, kept himself awake at night, reminding me that I couldn't kill this person how many times he calculated a conspiracy!

This is the first person who can let him return so painstakingly but without success. In front of him, he has no sense of accomplishment at all!

However, their second meeting was in Lu Chen's original world!

Immediately, Qian Ji laughed wildly again.

"Hahahaha, I am the only one who is crazy. I didn't expect that the world in the mirror didn't kill you! Okay, I admit that you have a hard life! But what about it?"

"Look where we are now? This is your world? Hahaha, yes, I just want you to watch your people being slaughtered to death... No, forget, it's not a slaughter, but a puppet! "

"No matter how strong you are, you are only a mere mortal, or the most useless human race!"

"How to fight against ten thousand immortals, how to fight against the heavens!"

Lu Chen opened his eyes slightly.

His voice is not loud, but very firm.

"Remember my words...

"Human race should be the strongest of the ten thousand race!"

"Ordinary people should go against the sky!"

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