Extaria : Grimoire Of Gods In Marvel

Chapter 6 - CH 05 With Effort and Grace

By the next day, he had managed to gather all the information he needed. He had got a general idea about the war efforts, the hidden truths about the super energy weapons, and the one partially successful super human test subject in the current facility. She was a Indian spy, working with the french revolutionaries on the war effort for the allies.

When she was compromised due to some mistakes of the Allied Army, they abandoned her and she was caught trying to help as many revolutionaries escape as she could. Currently she was a lab rat, having partially become a super-human thanks to tortures they called experiments. With a combination of the experimental chemical compound and the super energy these guys had access to, she was able to get superhuman strength and some enhanced recovery.

However, as a result, her body would start to heat up more she exerted effort, literally burning her out. She had to take long dips in icy water filled tanks for long periods of time just to stay alive. However he had to give credit to the woman, from what he read in the mind of these torturers, she was one tough cookie. Even under all the torture and experimentation she was put through, she never broke or gave them the satisfaction of seeing her suffer.

His Malachai instincts could feel her Wrath, Pain and Misery. But on the outside she was a statue, not one emotion showed on her face. The Malachai inside was raring to go free, but he knew it was not calling out for mindless chaos. Rather it empathized with her and wanted righteous wrath to be unleashed on her foes. It was moments like this that gave him hope that he might not be the complete monster he believed himself to be.

Yasha finished making his plans, and they definitely involved freeing this woman. And with his expertise, he was sure he could stabilize her condition somewhat. He was sure with his initial ȧssessment that he would be able to allow her to use her powers for limited time each day. He also noticed that there were not too many soldiers in this facility, the ratio of prisoners to soldiers was more than 50:1.

He waited until her experiments for the day were done before he appeared before her. She was bȧrėly conscious so she didn't react to him emerging before her. He was in his winged Malachai form, looking like a demon from hell, So it was probably good that she didn't wake up. Seeing her in a semi lucid state he inserted spirit energy into her and coaxed her body to heal itself, by temporarily powering it with his energy.

His Malachai powers weren't suitable for healing, otherwise he would have already healed her directly. After ensuring that she was stable, he slowly freed her from her bindings and conjured some clothes for her. They were just made out of temporary energy but since they were just emulating casual clothes he could maintain it for a long time.

He picked her up and hid them both with spirit energy, before flying out. He flew them to one of old warehouses in the camp that was used to store old equipment and emergency war supplies. He lay her down and waited for her to regain consciousness while he meditated. With all these new powers coursing through him he felt it was high time he should get a sort a control over them.

He went deep into himself and spent his time floating in a null space with none of his senses active. He kept channeling his energies, making his control finer and more precise. After an unknown an amount of time he finally woke up and saw that the woman was holding a metal stick to his neck, slightly sharpened at the end that pointed to his neck.

"Wow, this a new way to wake up." Yasha joked

"Shut up" the woman growled "Who are you?"

"Well, first of all your saviour" Yasha said as he held the stick suddenly with two of his fingers and jerked it out, while she looked at him in shock "And secondly much stronger than you so you better watch your mouth."

She was stunned for a moment before slowly nodding. Yasha sighed in relief in his mind that he was able to convince her with this. He didn't want to unleash all his powers here in this time as he didn't know what repercussions it may have. He decided to pose like her, a superhuman just more stable than her and who knew of the formula to stabilize her so that he could get her to cooperate with him.

"Now, I just have one question for you" Yasha said, catching her attention "Do you want to take over this camp and rescue the other prisoners? Or do you want to escape with me? I just saved you because you are like me, an enhanced human. Rest is in your hands, decide now."

"War then ?" he asked and she nodded back "Hmm okay, You can call me Amratva. What is your name?"

"My code-name was Grace while I was on duty" She replied "I guess I will use the same while fighting these sickos."

"Nice name" Yasha said "so what is the plan? Frontal charge or sneak attack?"

"Well you should do a frontal attack while I sneak" she said.

"Because I am a man?" Yasha asked with an eyebrow raised

"No," she shook her head "because as you said, you are stronger and I have a defect. Moreover I have a feeling you will be able to give them a solid thrashing. So you pull their attention, I will sneakily cause chaos. By the way, its already been about six hours or so since I woke up. They must be about to notice my disappearance, so lets go and show them something to be worried about." .

Yasha nodded and looked around the warehouse. He found a long white curtain, patched with dust here and there. Tearing it in two halves he fashioned them into two impromptu scarves. Wrapping lower halves of their faces in it they were able to hide their identity at least temporarily.

They climbed out through the warehouse window and Grace ran off to one of the shadowy parts of the camp. Yasha ran towards the nearest patrol group he sensed. Finding a team of three, he sprinted towards them from their backs and rammed into them like a charging bull.

Two of them literally flew a dozen feet from the impact, damaging their spines intensely and losing feeling in their feet and hands temporarily. The third got the left side of his ċhėst crushed and died instantly. Before the other two could call out to someone, Yasha leaped at them and landed with a foot on each of their throat. After killing them without a sound he rushed towards the next team.

Yasha didn't feel the slightest of exertion, in fact the fear, pain, anger and despair of those three made him energized. He felt like he was back in that basement where he fought the bony guy, rapidly getting stronger. He became stronger, faster and more ruthless and tore through three more teams before someone finally raised the alarm after noticing the bodies.

Yasha ran like a bolt of lightning to the place he knew the armory was. Now that the alarm had been raised that was where the soldiers would rush to. A few soldiers found him and tried to fire at him with their pistols and rifles, but he ducked and weaved before dispatching them hits to their vitals. As their numbers increased, Yasha picked up two of the rifles that were on the ground and started using them like two blunt rods. Soon the floor was littered with corpses with their heads, ċhėst and limbs crushed.

He finally reached the armory and saw a panicked captain instructing a few soldiers to open the hidden compartments. They took a few gun like weapons that were glowing with blue energy. Yasha narrowed his eyes at that as those weapons could actually hurt him a bit in the premise he didn't unleash all his powers. And that was what he had decided to do as he didn't know the consequence of unleashing his full powers.

He threw the two rifles he held like javelin and pierced through two of the soldiers, but the third activated his weapon and started unleashing his barrage, hitting everything in sight. Yasha managed to dodge most while many of the German soldiers were vaporized by the beams, including the captain who had instructed them to take out the energy weapons.

He picked up a grenade from one of the corpse and flung it to the freaked out crazy soldier who was firing. The grenade hit his ċhėst like a speeding rock and exploded, tearing him to pieces. Downside was that his weapon exploded, along with others that were behind him. That generated a huge energy shock-wave that threw Yasha and the other corpses through a few walls. While Yasha was intact, the corpses were reduced to puddles and bone fragments.


After a while, Yasha rose while groaning but soon he was okay. All the negative energy was rapidly healing him like a supercharged tonic. He was soon even more powerful than before, more faster stronger and durable. His perception and reflexes were faster and better too.

He noticed some shouts and gunshots coming from the area where the experiments were taking place. He suddenly realized what Grace might be intending to do. She had sent him on a wild goose chase, thinking that it would kill him. While she herself planned a suicide by overusing her powers while destroying all the experimental procedures and records.

"Urgh, foolish woman" Yasha said as he rushed towards the experimental procedure area. He soon reached it and saw a bunch of corpses and destroyed equipment, not unlike what he left behind but more messy. Following the trail he found himself in a large cell where a lot of people in white coats had been brutally crushed through punches of great strength.

He saw Grace herself at the end of the large cell, red and steaming like a extremely boiled lobster. One of her legs had nearly been melted off and she had dozens of bullet wounds all over. He left arm was broken in multiple places due to bullets breaking her bones of her arm. She must have tried to cover her head with that arm as it was the only part of her without a scratch.

He slowly walked towards her and she gave him the bȧrėst hints of a bloody smile. She knew that he knew what she had done and wasn't afraid as she had at least partly achieved her objectives.

"Why?" Yasha asked while kneeling in front of her.

"Because we are monsters that are not supposed to exist" Grace replied "look at us, two going against an entire troop and winning. Lets say we had survived the war, what was stopping us from opposing the entire world? Only our morals and ethics, and after what I have been through I couldn't trust them."

"I have been beaten, tortured, rȧpėd and experimented upon so many times that its become a blur. I am no longer human, and only human can be trusted by other humans. That is because they understand the weakness of other humans. We on the other hand are monsters far beyond human, doomed to never be accepted as people."

"We will always be monsters to them, so why not go out like a monster and do some good in the process. Well I hoped you would be like me too and would die, but I think even I knew in my heart that it was a long shot and just didn't want at least you to see me as a rampaging monster. That is why I sent you away, and here we are, one monster about to die and other standing in triumph and victory." Grace said with a mocking laughter.

Yasha didn't reply for a moment, until he looked in her eyes "we are not monsters, we can never be one until we lose our morals and ethics and conscience. The only way that will happen is if we give in. That is all that this boils down to, where one is strong enough. You simply failed, while I haven't, and I will never fail. Watch over me from heaven Grace, and repent at the opportunities you missed to do good."

"I look forward to it then" Grace said while coughing out blood "By the way, my name is Inayat which means grace. That is why I picked that code name. But I guess currently there is nothing graceful about me huh?"

"You do justice to your name Inayat" Yasha replied "You are the Grace of the Heavens that has strengthened my resolve even more. Thank you for this lesson, Rest in peace in the Afterlife." Yasha said as he closed her eyes and she breathed her last. Her steaming body started to break down into piles of flesh and bones as he left without looking back.

The rest of the day was hectic as he wiped out all the remaining hidden soldiers in the camp and freed the prisoners. He then went through all the transmissions and communications and determined where the next fight might be.

Many months passed as Yasha moved all around the German borders, destroying many bases and camps. The freed prisoners spread stories of the vigilante soldier with the bloody face wrapping who arrived like a demon and became their angel of salvation. Soon his name was spread to and noticed by all of Europe, with a certain team from America taking a lot of interest in the rumors about him.

"So this is the guy huh?" the blond man asked.

"Yup, he is making a lot of noise among the Germans, Steve. Which is why we are having a comparatively easy time in our raids." the brunette beauty said.

"Hmm, what do you say? Should we try to find him, Peggy? He seems to be on our side." Steve asked.

"I think we should try to meet him at least" Peggy said "As you are Captain America Steve, he might be persuaded to join us. We can definitely use his skills."

"What do you say Bucky?" Steve asked the handsome man in military haircut.

"Well I say we go for it" Bucky said "We are close to ȧssault on Hydra Headquarters, we can use all the help we can get."

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