In the VIP reception box of the barracks senior canteen in Baishan City, Wu Weimin and Fang Ran sat opposite each other.

The large dining table is already full of large portions of meals at this time, quite like the style of One Piece’s meals.

“Come, Brother Fang! Move the chopsticks! ”

“Don’t dislike this canteen of our troops, don’t believe me when I said it, I searched all the high-end restaurants in the entire Baishan City, and I couldn’t find anything more delicious than the food here!”

“The chef of our canteen here, but the veteran chef with specialized cooking skills, is the exclusive chef of Admiral Chen Yu, and ordinary people can’t ask him to cook a dish for money!”

“These ingredients are also the best parts of the alien beast, ensuring that you will have an endless aftertaste after eating!”

Fang Ran smiled, and did not think in his heart, he had not eaten extraordinary food in the Academy Palace, although these meals looked beautiful and fragrant, extremely tempting, but they did not make him gaffe.

Casually put a chopstick in his mouth, Fang Ran’s heart clicked, and a lying groove suddenly sounded.

Nima! It’s actually better than in the school palace! There is simply no comparison at all! This taste is already delicious enough to heal the soul!

So, even if you are a supernatural chef, the level is very different?

Just a Venerable-level general has this level of treatment, what about the general? What about the King of Swords?

Sure enough, the real talents were handed over to the state!

Fang Ran sighed in his heart, but he didn’t gaffe, just faintly complimented a delicious, and then the chopsticks basically didn’t stop.

That is, when you raise a glass and drink and talk, you will stop slightly.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors, this meal was eaten for two hours.

During the meal, Wu Weimin repeatedly mentioned the various treatment of the military, or explicitly or implicitly tried to let Fang Ran join the military after graduation, Fang Ran did not give any promises, but only said that he would consider it.

Wu Weimin knew that the subtext that would be considered was that there was no drama, but he really didn’t want to let go of such a talent, so he sacrificed the trick of retreating:

“If Brother Fang can’t decide for a while, I won’t force it, and life in the army is indeed not everyone will adapt, but our military also has such nominal idle positions as advisors, coaches, and honorary generals, which are designed for the consideration of the strong who are determined to be in all directions, and the treatment status is not weak at all, and it can also mobilize troops from all over the country, and most places in the territory of the Xia Kingdom can be unimpeded!”

“Many strong people have a name in the military, usually do not need to go to the army to report, do not affect other positions, only urgent events will be convened as needed, this is a good choice, hundred benefits and no harm, brother Fang after graduation to give me a call, I will arrange an identity for you as an adviser, no matter what you do in the future, it can be much more convenient, this is always okay, right?”

When Fang Ran heard this, he was immediately moved: Without the slightest constraint, it is indeed possible!

“That relationship is very good, I will definitely contact Brother Wu at that time, but the matter of naming will not bother you too much, right?”

“No trouble, no trouble, a word of things! Come, drink again! ”

Wu Weimin was relieved to see that he had finally taken him, and he was in a good mood, and he greeted and drank again.

After taking another drink, Fang Ran entered the topic and asked, “Brother Wu, I see that this beast tide has a tendency to become more and more intense, and today it has developed into a large beast tide, Your Holiness.”

They have already shot, and the situation is so serious, it is not a good sign! ”

“Hey, I know what Brother Fang are worried about, we have been shrinking our defenses like this, and we are also holding back! But I’m afraid this beast tide won’t end for a while.”

“Huh? Why? Is there any mystery in this? ”

“This was originally a secret, but you are already a strong person in the four realms, and I will not hide it from you, General Chen Yu went directly into southern Xinjiang not long ago and went to meet the three major six-realm exotic beast monarchs in southern Xinjiang, and asked why they connived at their subordinates to violate the agreement and launch a large-scale long-term siege of the human city.”

“Where did you think that this time, those three alien beast monarchs didn’t even bother to prevaricate, and directly attacked Admiral Chen Yu, openly tearing the core non-violation agreement between the King of Swords and the Desolate Beast Emperor!”


“Admiral Chen Yu was injured and escaped, and he is still recovering from his injuries, it is not a big deal, but the attitude shown by the alien beast side is very bad, although it has not yet started a full-scale war, but it is estimated that a new alien beast invasion war is about to begin.”

“After the matter of Lord Dragon King was exposed, the surrounding area of Daxia has not been peaceful in recent years, and the side of the alien beast is often ready to move, our military has actually been prepared, but I didn’t expect that the first to start would be the alien beast.”

When Wu Weimin said this, he was a little indignant and sad…

Fang Ran knew that it turned out that Xia Guo still had an agreement with the side of the alien beast.

It turns out that the reason behind this beast tide has always been known by the military, and there is no conspiracy, that is, it is to see that one of the two pillars of the Great Xia Dynasty has a problem and the force is unstable, so the high-level of the beast has bad intentions again.

Fang Ran thought for a moment and asked, “Then what should we do?” Is it really dragging on like that? ”

“For the time being, the matter has been reported and a request for support has been applied, but other border areas are now beginning to show signs of a large-scale beast tide, some places are more serious than here, and the official is now seriously understaffed, so we can only wait.”

Fang Ran nodded to show understanding, but he already had a premonition in his heart.

The official Xia Kingdom has already shown a bit of embarrassment, and the surrounding jackals, tigers and leopards will probably come together, and the situation may continue to rot.

Baishan City’s side will continue to wait so passively, and when a full-scale war begins, I am afraid that it will be in danger of destruction.

Maybe he’d have to act sooner.


After eating a meal of wine and completing his purpose, Fang Ran originally wanted to rest for one night before returning to the outpost, but not long after he came out of the garrison canteen, the wooden doppelganger of the original sentinel sent back an emergency war report, which made his face change.

The forest front has been destroyed on a large scale, and it is suspected that the combat power of the Venerable Realm has struck! lose

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