True Roku Hanging Flower no Kirito,

Plane: Tutoring world,

Strength: S class (normal state).

Abilities: Multiply, Summon, Asura Open Box!

Shinroku Hanging Flower no Lily of the Valley,

Plane: Tutoring world,

Strength: S class (normal state).

Abilities: Water magic, summoning, Asura opening box!

Pomegranate of True Six Hanging Flowers,

Plane: Tutoring world,

Strength: S class (normal state).

Abilities: Fire magic, summoning, Asura boxing!

True Six Hanging Flower Wolf Venom,

Plane: Tutoring world,

Strength: S class (normal state).

Abilities: Illusion, Summoning, Asura Opening!

The Daisy of the True Six Hanging Flowers,

Plane: Tutoring world,

Strength: S class (normal state).

Abilities: Activate, Summon, Asura Open!

True Roku Hanging Flower no GHOST,

Plane: Tutoring world,

Strength: Unknown

Abilities: Absorb mana, transmit mana!

Phantom Knight,

Plane: Tutoring world,

Strength: S-class

Abilities: Swordsmanship, Illusion!

King of the Void - Brandeso,

Plane: Tutoring world,

Strength: Great Demon Mentor (normal state).


The abilities of True Six Hanging Flower and Bai Lan, in Shen Wuyue's opinion, have changed more or less after being assimilated by the laws of the Demon Tail World, but no matter how it changes, the strength of the eight of them is beyond doubt.

However, the appearance of Bai Lan, as well as the summoning of the True Six Hanging Flower and the Phantom Knight, made the plan in Shen Wuyue's heart a lot earlier.

Originally, Shen Wuyue was ready to wait until the beginning of the plot, waiting for almost the same time, and starting to establish a new guild, but now that Bailan appeared, Shen Wuyue was ready to let him establish the guild first, and when the plot began, when the time was right, Shen Wuyue was leaving Fairy Tail.

As for the previous time, firstly, let Bai Lan secretly develop the guild, and secondly, let Shen Wuyue experience the love and hate of Fairy Tail!

As for the guild established by Bai Lan, although Shen Wuyue is the guild leader, except for giving the guild a name, everything else seems to be dumped on Bai Lan.

And for the name of the guild, it is also quite wasted - the top of the gods.

Shen Wuyue compares himself to the gods with the twelve kings, comparing himself to the peak of the gods, and at the same time hopes that his guild can do something that only gods can do.

The name is domineering, but now the people in the guild, except for Bai Lan and True Six Hanging Flower, and the Phantom Knight can handle it, all the others are children of a few years old.

This is also the attention of Shen Wuyue, today's continent is not peaceful, the slave trade still exists, the dark guild is even more rampant, and some countries are even at war.

This situation has led to a large number of orphans on the mainland.

Anyway, Shen Wuyue has time, and he is not big, so he asked Bai Lan not to recruit guild members, directly to adopt orphans, and then train himself.

In Shen Wuyue's own budget, if his guild really comes to the table, at least it must be the beginning of the plot, or even seven years after the start of the plot, so it is undoubtedly the best to adopt children and cultivate them themselves.

After all, loyalty is the most important thing.

Moreover, Shen Wuyue did not want to establish a guild like Fairy Tail, he wanted to establish an organization rather than a guild.

For Zhenliu Hanging Flowers, or core members such as Bailan and Ulu, they will naturally be family-like in the future, but for ordinary members, what Shen Wuyue wants is to implement militarized management.

Shen Wuyue has a grand goal, a goal that a guild like Fairy Tail cannot achieve, and the Fairy Tail people will not understand and support him.


"At this time, Natsu and they should have already arrived at the guild, go back at this time, I don't know if those people still recognize him, and that Kana, I don't know if he is still angry with himself?"

After dealing with some things in his guild "Top of the Gods", and after completing the S-level task at hand, Shen Wuyue was also ready to go back.

However, the last time I went back to take the S-level exam, although I didn't see Kana, I heard Makao and others say that she was very angry about someone's 'goodbye'.

Although Shen Wuyue asked Wakabadai to say, in Kana's eyes, this is to say goodbye without saying goodbye!

As for why Shen Wuyue was willing to return to the guild all these years, would Shen Wuyue say that he was just bored?

Busy tasks to make money is only one aspect, and the more important reason is only because Fairy Tail in previous years was too boring.

Only from 777 will Fairy Tail come alive.

In 774, Gray joined Fairy Tail.

In 776, Elsa escapes from the Tower of Paradise and joins Fairy Tail.

In 777, the dragons disappeared en masse, Natsu joined Fairy Tail, and in the same year Miston Gun (Gerald of the Other World) joined Fairy Tail!

Gathering so many future protagonists at once, the fairy tail at this time is fun, and the previous fairy tail is too dull.

Moreover, as far as Shen Wuyue knows, in 778, the three sisters of Mira will also join Fairy Tail!

ps: The abilities of True Six Hanging Flowers and Bailan will be like this first, and when they really fight later, they will be explained more specifically.

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