"Purple moonshine?"

As soon as Elusa set foot on Galuna Island, she immediately noticed the strange moonlight above her head.


And just as Elusa looked up at the purple moon in the sky, at this time, on the top of the Moon Temple, Leo and the others also began to collect the last moon magic.

One magic array after another appeared under the night sky, looking at Elusa's point of view, as if the magic array spread directly from the moon to the earth.

"What an amazing magic array, did Moon and Natsu do it?"

When she saw the Moon Magic Array, Elusha immediately thought that this was the movement made by Shen Wuyue and Natsu and others doing tasks.

"Well, let's go check it out first!"

Elusa looked at the landing point of the magic array falling from the sky, and then accelerated and ran over.

Originally, with Shen Wuyue taking over this S-class task, Elusha should not have appeared.

But because Shen Wuyue's words "I won't care if I die", it made Makarov uneasy, so when Elusha returned from the task, he would let her go to see it together.

Speaking of which, Makarov is really fussy, an S-class mission, actually sent two S-class magic guides, and two quasi-S-class magic guides to shoot, it is really broad.

Boom -

Top of the Temple of the Moon. Almost not long after the Moon Magic Array appeared, there was a battle movement at the top of the Moon God Temple.

"Leo, what are you doing?"

At this time, the two teams were facing off at the top of the Temple of the Moon Temple.

One of them is Gray, Natsu and other Fairy Tail personnel, while the other side is Leo's group just now.

Zero Dilio, and his three small henchmen, and the short man that Urrutia had changed. In addition, there are some people who are the dragon set wizards of the Abbot Moon Drop Magic.

At this time, the short man of Urrutia was intentionally or unintentionally standing in front of the group of dragon set wizards who presided over the magic, which was to prevent the battle between the two sides from affecting the moondrop magic.

"Gray, hahaha, it's really a meeting of fate~."

Leo, wearing a mask, took the mask off his head the moment he saw Gray.

The beautiful face and powerful breath are quite okay in terms of appearance.

"Leo, did you ship Déliola here? What exactly do you want to do? Gray questioned Leo with an angry face, gritting his teeth, it seemed that he hid the anger in his heart deeply.

"Do what? Of course, to unlock the seal of Dailiora, and then defeat the demons that even Uru cannot defeat, so that I can surpass Ulu, surpass Ulu. "

Speaking of this, Leo was also excited.

Leo is targeting Ulu, because Gray is going to challenge Delila and kill Ulu, so Leo hates Gray, but hates Dailiola even more.

Leo wants to unlock Ulu's seal, he wants to defeat Déliorah to accomplish his goal, he wants to kill, not seal Déliora, he wants to avenge Ulu.

"Unseal? Impossible, Ulu's seal was completed with the absolute sacrifice of his own life, and it was impossible to melt. Gray said loudly.

"Hahaha, you're still so naïve, Gray."

Leo looked at Gray mockingly and said, "See this magic?" This is the magic of the moondrop, the magic of the moon gathered in one place can undo any magical power, and the absolute ice of Ulu is the same, I have been preparing for three years, absorbing enough moon magic, just for this day, if Gray is familiar, just obediently stay on the side, I don't mind a few more spectators when I defeat Diliora. "

"Defeat Déliora, Leo, are you serious? You don't know the horror of Daliora, you will die, and all the members will die. "

Gray's expression was hideous, and he unconsciously remembered the scene when Dailiora destroyed his hometown, killed his father, and killed Ulu.

"My strength has already surpassed Ulu, you just need to stay obediently on the side and witness the moment I defeat Dailiorah and surpass Ulu!"

After Leo finished speaking, he was not ready to talk nonsense with Gray, and with one hand, a huge ice dragon rose under the feet of his Gray and others, knocking the defenseless Natsu, Gray, and Lucy away in one fell swoop.

"See, this is my strength!"

Saying that, Leo waved his arm, and the ice dragon that flew into the air smashed towards Gray and the others again.

"Modeling Magic - Ice Shield!"

Watching Leo's attack fall, Gray immediately unleashed the Ice Shield.

However, it is not more flexible than Gray's Silent Modeling Magic and Leo's Moving Modeling Magic.

When he saw Gray using the ice shield, the corners of Leo's mouth raised, and with another wave of his arm, the ice dragon moved flexibly, directly bypassing the ice shield in front of Gray and slamming into Gray's body.


Gray screamed, and his figure was thrown away again.

"Oh, you guy is amazing!"

Seeing Gray being shot away, Natsu, who had been impatient after listening to nonsense for so long, was also excited, and said: "I'm burning, now it's up to me to be your opponent." "

Saying that, he shouted "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist" and then jumped up, and the fist entangled in flames was directly aimed at Leon.

"Hmph, don't measure yourself."

Looking at the simple and direct Natsu, Leo smiled contemptuously, and then shouted at the flying Natsu with his other free hand and said, "Ice Vulture." "

As soon as the words fell, dozens of ice-type vultures not much larger than the slap flew out of Leo's hands and then crashed into Natsu's body from various directions. “


Natsu suddenly screamed, also followed in Gray's footsteps, and was shot away.

"The last one, ice dragon!"

Natsu and Gray were shot away, and only Lucy could be left alone, and it was obvious standing there.

Leo also did not have the idea of pitying Xiang Xiyu, and directly created an ice dragon, twisted his body, and attacked Lucy.


This time it wasn't shot away, but Lucy had no other way to do it at this time than scream.

The speed of the ice dragon was too fast, and there was no time to summon the star spirit for Lucy. Who told Lucy to be stunned for a while! “


The impact sounded, but after destroying the enemy, Leo was not the slightest bit happy, because in his senses, it was as if the nasty intruder had come again this time. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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