Fairy’s Box

Chapter 460: Glamorgan's caste?

In front of the lush green forest "city wall", a path runs through the entire forest, the ground is covered with a thick layer of moss, and a row of small pine trees stands on both sides.

This arrangement is like a guard of honor. It is the specification that the old tree demon made a special trip to greet the Count. The other three of the four curses suffered, and they surrendered in the end. If it does not express its position, it is estimated that it will not be much better than Albert. .

But fortunately, he was far-sighted and sent a group of servants in exchange for such a long period of peace.

The old tree demon looked at the intact forest around him, and then looked at the thriving tree children and grandchildren around him, and he thought of it with no regrets.

"I need more labor, and the quantity still needs 20,000. Of course, I will not ask for it in vain. I am willing to exchange 20,000 pounds of fertilizer, would you?" Do not blink.

"Of course I do!" It happily agreed, there are servants in the forest, and it would be better to be able to exchange rations for its own descendants.

"It's settled like this, let them go with me later." He sat on the top of an oversized mushroom, supported by five large pine trees in mid-air, and looked at the old tree demon. .

"No problem." It immediately ordered the most clever little grandson to complete the task.

"Besides that, there is one more thing to discuss with you." Yale looked at the other party thoughtfully.

"Lord Lord, just say, as long as you can use the old one, the old one will never refuse." The old tree demon slapped his chest with a branch and vowed.

"Have you heard about my new training ground?"

"I heard... I heard about it." Its face became ugly. Could it be that the earl also wanted to force himself to die once a week?

Although being a plant doesn't feel any pain, it is still very humiliating to be killed by a human. Should I agree? If you agree, there is no end. If you don’t agree, the demon on the opposite side is likely to become angry. What can we do...

The old tree demon fell into a deep tangle.

"Don't worry, your relationship with me is different from normal, and I won't force you to do anything." Yale easily guessed what the other party was thinking, and Wen Yan felt relieved.

In order to maintain the rule of Glamorgan, the Old Dryad is an ally that must be drawn, because it represents a large amount of labor, and itself can be a scumbag in the source of the curse.

"Lord Lord, what do you mean?" The old tree demon's uneasy mood immediately relaxed.

"I will build a reward arena on the edge of the forest. You can appear whenever you want, and I will never force you to appear if you don't want to. Every time you appear, I will give you a thousand pounds of fertilizer, but, You must die once when you appear..." The black-haired knight said slowly, noticing the other party's expression.

"..." The old tree demon pondered for a while, and slowly lowered the crown of the tree: "Lord Count, you really promise not to force it."

"Of course." Yale nodded firmly.

"Then the old man agreed, and the old man also promised that the number of appearances would not be less than three times a year." Since the other party has compromised, then he should also express that he only died a few times a year, no big deal.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, and may you and your descendants always be safe."


After saying goodbye to the old tree demon with a good attitude, Yale returned to the earl's mansion with a large group of newly harvested shrubs and mushrooms, and glanced across the moat not far away.

The bearded miner goblins in twos and threes were beating and beating on a construction site, and the clanging sound kept coming, and the tree demons and mushrooms were carrying stones and wasteland back and forth under their command.

"Lord Count, you are back!" The old miner goblin with six beards mopped the floor when he saw him coming back, he hurriedly drove the unicycle under him and dashed over.

"What, is something wrong?" The black-haired knight immediately stopped and turned to look at them.

"We would like to discuss with you the construction and planning of the Wraith Arena."

"I suggest building it into a labyrinth style, with various organs, which can exercise the ability to visit the secret realm in a targeted manner. It will definitely be very popular!"

"The troll room you mentioned is in the center of the labyrinth."

"It's going to be very wide and solid there, and it's going to be a great fight for everyone."

"The escape route is built into the ground in the form of a sculpture for those who give up the challenge to leave."

"I just felt that the labor force was not enough. It's great that you brought back so many tree demons, Lord Count."

The miner goblins, you spoke to me one by one in an orderly manner, and quickly explained everything clearly, and at the same time presented the blueprints placed on the back of the wheelbarrow.

"Let me see."

Yale turned over the huge blueprints, and felt dizzy for a while. After a rough look, he gave them back: "Do it according to your ideas. My requirements are very simple, safety first."

"We will keep this in mind." The goblins said in unison with a burst of joy.

"Do you need anything in life?" he asked casually.

"No, we are all living well on the construction site, and Lord Sebastian has arranged everything in an orderly manner." The six old goblins were very satisfied with their current life and were almost intoxicated by it.

Being able to work on the construction site to the fullest, not being bullied by the terrifying queen, and being able to live without worry, this life should be the ideal paradise for every miner goblin.

Their wishes are simple, and like most fairies, they are simple and kind creatures.

"That's good, if you have any requests, just tell Sebastian, and I will try my best to satisfy you." After he said goodbye to the goblin leader, he quickly grouped the newly acquired dryads and mushrooms into their seniors. .

In this way, most of the previous batch of tree demons were promoted, and the twenty best performing trees were promoted to head of the group. Relying on the instinct of plant communication, they soon brought their younger generation to join the division of labor.

Of course, the attitude will not be very friendly.

In Yale's plan, Glamorgan's social structure is a simple and rude pyramid, and the first class is naturally the miner goblins, who have a detached status except for the staff of the Earl's Palace. The second class is the old tree demon, which belongs to allies and business objects. The third class is the dryads and mushrooms who are coolies.

The fourth, and the most special, is the atonement such as Albert, Gorivis, and Shalier. They will be strictly detained within the scope of their activities and live as training opponents of mercenaries. for about thirty years.

As for those mercenaries from outside, they were naturally bound by Rosevia's rules, and it was easy to deal with.

This is just his preliminary structure. If it doesn't work, he can change it. Anyway, the boat is small and it is easy to turn around. It is such a big piece of land, and there are not many humans, so it is very tossing.

Back at the Earl's Palace, on the main road, a ghost maid was walking slowly with a trolley. A wooden end plate was placed above the trolley, and inside the plate was the high-spirited Sebastian.

"Ah! My most respected master, the humble servant Sebastian greets you again." It began to howl from a distance, and made the ghost maid speed up and run to Yalei.

"You did a good job."

He glanced at the stone animal head approvingly. Since it became the housekeeper again, the operation of the Earl's House has been getting better and better.

I really didn't expect this guy to be so suitable to be a housekeeper, but after thinking about it a little bit, Sebastian can become a housekeeper under someone like Albert, which naturally has its advantages.

"Sebastian will always be at your service."

The stone animal head exaggeratedly said that it was sincerely satisfied with the current life, not only in the Earl's Mansion, but also in the entire territory, it was really cool.

"From now on, if the miner goblins have any requirements, please try to meet them, and you don't have to ask me for everything."

"Yes, my most respected master!" Sebastian wrote down his instructions.

"Well, what is Charlene doing?" Yale felt that Charlene's aura was weird now, and frowned in confusion.

"The madam is training her disobedient maid Shalier." The stone beast head replied quickly.

"Got it, go to work."


Under the apple tree in the backyard of the Earl's Mansion, Charlene was sitting on a chaise longue and sipping a cup of flower dew, looking at the tree canopy happily from time to time. There, Shalier's calves were raised upwards, and his ankles and wrists were tied together by ropes, which were tied and hung from a branch, covering his raised hips.

She had never felt that bullying would be such a happy thing, suppressing her excited voice that was almost trembling, she asked slowly, "The Count let you go, but you sneaked to the construction site, do you still pay? Want to bully miner goblins?"

"Absolutely, that's absolutely not what it means." Shalier's eyes showed embarrassing shyness, his body trembled slightly, and there was a feeling that she couldn't explain.

"Then talk about it." Charlene stood up gently, walked slowly in front of her, squinted and pinched the other's chin: "As long as you can convince me, you can avoid punishment."

"I'm just...I'm just..." Shalier's pretty face was flushed, she couldn't say why, she knew she was longing for something, and things were going in that direction .

"Can't you find a reason? That is to say, you admitted your crime?" She lifted the other person's soft neck, stroked the beautiful face, and said softly:

"How am I going to punish you?"

"Treating me, treat me like a disobedient slave girl." Shalier closed her eyes, followed the surging heat in her heart, and said in a hoarse voice.


Charlene's eyes were full of excited flames, her thin lips curled up in a satisfying arc, her thin white index finger was raised, and a light whip was condensed in front of her.


There was a painful groan in the backyard.

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