Fairy’s Box

Chapter 801: candidate

Blue sky, transparent as water.

Whitebeard covered his mouth with one hand, yawned a long yawn, and withdrew his gaze from the splendid hall of the council hall, with a smile that was not a smile on his energetic face:

"Even if you make a whole bunch of plausible things, pirates are still pirates, and the things in their bones will not disappear just because they change a layer of skin. When are you going to make these crows quarrel?"


The redhead smiled without saying a word, lowered his eyes, stared at the nameplate card on the stone table in front of him, and just smiled silently.

Yalei looked solemn, his hands were on his knees, his back was straight, and he stared at the noisy venue with cold eyes. After hearing the words of the big pirate, he replied with a smile:

"Even if there is no substantive significance, the style has to be done. We need to convince all the pirates to believe in the authority of the Pirate Council...even if it is just a tool for wrangling each other."

On the seat on the far right, with a cold expression and his hands crossed his chest, Kaido, the big pirate like a granite statue, snorted coldly after hearing his words, which was considered a tacit consent.


Whitebeard pinched a tuft of beards, showing an unfathomable smile, silently watching the pirate councilors who were dressed in bright clothes and talking loudly below. Suddenly, the big pirate grinned and showed a row of neat white teeth, pressed the armrest of the seat with both hands, and slowly stood up from the seat.

When Whitebeard stood up, the entire hall fell silent in an instant, and the rhetoric turned into a whisper.

The pirates in the hall raised their heads in unison, and they even stopped whispering as the long shadows of the pirates crossed the stone stairs and cast them on the seats of the councillors.


His temples are white, his eyes are like tigers and wolves, his serious face is full of anger and self-pretence, and his generous chin is raised high. Just a glance, the pirates present held their breath subconsciously.

"I know what you are arguing about. You are working hard to choose the most suitable commander-in-chief, but what's the point of doing so? Can a selected commander be qualified for this position?"

Whitebeard's vigorous voice oscillated clearly from the top of the stairs, sweeping across every corner of the hall, allowing all the pirates to hear it clearly.

Facing the questioning of the big pirate, all the members bowed their heads in obedience, and no one had the courage to question his gaze.

"There is no doubt that the Pirate Council has the final right to appoint."

The big pirate didn't seem to have forgotten the authority of the Pirate Council.

"But the task of selecting candidates is obviously beyond the capacity of the currently under-functioning parliament. Since there is no reason to discuss it, and the situation is really urgent, why don't we use our old way of doing things?"

Under Whitebeard's suggestion, the pirate councilors quietly raised their heads, observed the expressions of their masters, and after finding that they did not mean to contradict, they all showed the expressions of "awakening from a big dream":

"Yeah, why don't we do it the old way!"

"Pirates should follow the rules of pirates, forgetting traditions is a shameful act!"

"That's right, only the strongest pirates can become the commander-in-chief of the combined fleet!"

After the members finally understood the "pirate spirit", the previous white-hot ripping process was interrupted instantly, and opinions were quickly unified.

Under the review of the top four, a notice titled "Selection Guidelines for the Commander of the Combined Fleet" was released successfully.

This document stipulates that, in the spirit of democracy, nourishment, and justice, the selection method of the commander-in-chief this time is direct audition. Any pirate living in the mysterious sea, as long as he has enough strength, has the opportunity to become the commander-in-chief of the combined fleet.

There is no limit to the number of candidates, the number of candidates is unlimited, and there are only three conditions:

First, there is no counter|human|human crime, no alien manipulation background, no record of madness and mental illness.

Second, to become a candidate, you need to raise 50 million Bailey's funds, and the expenses are self-funded.

Third, they must be at least 25 years old, have lived in the Uncharted Sea for at least 14 years, and must have a second-order or higher extraordinary occupation certificate.

The three seemingly simple conditions have actually screened out most of the ordinary pirates in disguise.

According to the prescribed restrictions, candidates will only be monopolized by capable or powerful people, but it also gives ordinary pirates a seemingly fair and reasonable public opinion environment - you can't be the commander-in-chief just because you are poor and weak , It has nothing to do with others, and you should obediently recognize your own shortcomings.

Pirates who believe in the law of the jungle have no temper at all about this meaning, and everyone is convinced that they are the boss, and everyone is equal. For them, it is a real fantasy.

Although the notice in black and white said the direct audition, even a fool can see that the candidate for the commander-in-chief must be one of the top four, because there is no one who is stronger than them in Uncharted Sea.

At the same time, some pirate leaders with brains also realized that the commander-in-chief of the combined fleet is likely to be the cane that took the pirate king's crown.

However, they do not contradict the birth of One Piece. Compared with the current chaotic tax rates and intricate regulations everywhere, the pirates really need a strong enough leader to solve this series of problems.

To commemorate this historic moment, the Pirate Council decided to set the selection site for the commander of the Combined Fleet at the highest peak in the mysterious sea - Mount Kosciuszko.

The rules are as follows:

Each candidate will get a special magic nameplate, and losing the nameplate means losing the candidacy. In any way, the person who collects the most nameplates will be recognized by the Pirate Council as the commander of the combined fleet.

Such a simple and rude way has brought hope to many pirates who are not confident enough in their own strength. These people who are more confident in their own minds have silently started to draw up plans, trying to become an "asymmetric" way. commander in chief.

It is worth mentioning that ordinary pirates are not yet aware of the conspiracy of the ghost island and the undersea remnants colluding.

The reason is that the great pirate Blackbeard argues for reasons, claiming that a premature public conspiracy will lead to a full confrontation between the two forces, and the war at this time is extremely unfavorable for oneself. This vicious conspiracy should be announced to the entire Uncharted Sea after confirming the candidate for the commander-in-chief of the combined fleet, completing the formation of the combined fleet, and making all preparations.

Blackbeard's far-sighted idea was naturally recognized by the House of Representatives, and they all believed that keeping the conspiracy public for the time being was indeed the most appropriate way to deal with it.

In fact, the so-called preparation and forbearance are just the skin of Yalei's proposal. The real core is just to keep Hailong's position in the heart of the deep sea will - if such a powerful traitor can only be used once, then is too wasteful.

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