Fairy’s Box

Chapter 880: daily

A minute later, without waiting for her idiot subordinates to report, Luya pushed the door and greeted her.

By now she had changed out of her home pajamas, replaced by a red military uniform and knee-high black boots, her dazzling red hair still combed into two long ponytails and draped softly over her shoulders.

Wearing this dress, she is not the girl who sits in the study reading books and drinking tea, but the kind of murderer who can cut you into eight sections if she is not happy. To a certain extent, he is still a **** of killing, and his severed head can circle around the city of Shechem.

She rolled down the stairs like a fiery red smoke, and when she stopped in the hall, she picked up the hat from the wall hook and put it on her head.

Turning around, his eyes just met a blood-colored eye.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" She raised her eyebrows slightly, looking up and down at each other.

"The side effects of the research don't get in the way." Yale smiled happily, observing the old acquaintance he hadn't seen for a long time.

After a simple dialogue, the two suddenly fell silent, their eyes met, their gazes collided back and forth like knives and swords, as if sparks could be rubbed out of the space.


Luya's pupils shrank, as if a dazzling light had exploded, her figure seemed to be blurred in an instant, her tensed body suddenly bounced, and leaped out like a cheetah.

She raised her hand, and the five fingers of her right hand flexed and stretched like hooks, and five red lines flashed in the void immediately. Then, when he probed his arm, the air immediately swayed into a circle of ripples, like mercury surging, and the ripples squeezed into distinct layers of heavy folds.

Simply raising his hand to probe his claws, in the hands of this pair of ponytails, there is a golden iron horse and a vigorous momentum. The visual shock affects the sense of smell, and it instantly seems that a strong **** smell dissolves from the void.

Luya's sprinting figure was as fast as lightning, and she saw a flash of red light, and the strong wind it brought slashed the air where it passed, forming a vacuum channel like smoke and mist.

In a blink of an eye, she grabbed the black-haired knight's face with one claw.

At the same time, Yale's eyes lit up, neither dodging nor dodging, his feet were separated from left to right, his right hand was raised upwards, his five fingers were suddenly spread, and he took the initiative to greet him.


The power of the black-haired knight's claws was so strong and powerful that it shattered the airflow, and under the refraction of the light, the entire space went dark.

At this moment, the air squeezed a thick and condensed air circle between him and the other party, and the air flow rolled in front of the other party, as if the sky and the earth were turning over, and the whole world instantly fell into a state of chaos.


When the claws were handed over, the entire hall was shocked, and the whole building seemed to have completed an expansion and contraction in an instant.

Not waiting for the sound to come out, the figures of the two instantly staggered, turning their positions on the spot, and the forearm to the forearm, the elbow to the elbow, and the calf to the calf collided with each other. Obviously, flesh and blood bodies collided together, and the void frequently appeared vortex-like distortions. The stone floor below vibrated, and sparks were faintly rubbed out, but there were no cracks.

The movements of the two were exactly the same, the claw, forearm, and calf collision sounded in a line, and then separated again like a phantom.

"The power is heavy... But it's as fast as lightning. It seems that your achievements in Celtic have no water." Luya lowered her numb arms, bit her cherry lips, and her eyes showed admiration. .

"Mighty and murderous, you didn't waste your time in Shechem City." The black-haired knight commented without hesitation.

He was also surprised by the opponent's progress. Even with the restrictions of the Holy Sequence Lock, the explosive power of the eight poles was still invincible. Luya was able to compete without changing color. It seems that Charlene is right. The unique advantage of blue blood will blow out in the later stage.


Three strikes to show friendship when meeting each other is a warmer etiquette between knights.

As soon as Yale got off the boat, he led people to the city master's mansion. He knew very well that when he came to the city of Shechem, he would definitely have to bow down to the top of the mountain in front of the general manager, otherwise he would not be able to say anything.

If it was the black-haired knight himself, if a group of people went to Celtic to do things without a word, even if they were old acquaintances, it would be very hurtful. Of course, Celtic specialties, highland wines, and Gaul luxuries also have to come over a little bit. He knows that the two ponytails have been in distress here, and there must be no shortage of greetings.

On Luya's side, she has been gnawing on sand for a long time every day. The people she usually see are either foreskins or shrouds (Catholic believers). When she sees old comrades in arms and old classmates coming to visit, she has a feeling of meeting an old friend in a foreign land. Naturally Is in a very good mood.

After the two met and fought, they climbed up to the study and started to catch up with each other, drinking tea and snacks. By the way, you praised me and I bragged about you, and the atmosphere became familiar all of a sudden.

"Are you looking for the Blade of Time?"

After listening to the black-haired knight's description of his purpose, Luya's expression was very surprised.

"You brought so many people here to find something that has disappeared for a long time?"

"It's gone, but it's not destroyed. Even if it scratches the ground, I have to find it." Yale expressed his attitude.

"What's the use of that thing?" Luya's ponytails trembled slightly, changing to a curious expression.

"He is the legacy that Mr. Casper left me, and an important tool to build a perfect body." He confessed frankly.

"General Casper..."

Her eyes dimmed, she shook her head, and said seriously:

"You can go and find it with confidence. I don't have any problems here, but I have to tell you some things in advance. Although I have the final say in Shechem City, there are many disobedient people in the Canaan region. Imperial decrees are the air, and they may become your resistance."

"As long as you don't care, they pose no threat." The dark-haired knight's red eyes flickered slightly.

"Of course I have no opinion. On the contrary, the more miserable you make them, the happier I am."

Luya picked up a strand of hair and played with it around her fingertips. As long as she thought that those disobedient shrouds would be abused, she was in a very good mood.

The two were talking when they suddenly heard a series of hoarse roars:

"Hail Mary!"

"God is the greatest!"

"Seventy-two virgins!"

Before he finished speaking, there was an earth-shattering loud noise outside the door, and the violent wind of the shock wave instantly poured into the room, and then the cries, footsteps, and the rubbing of armor followed one after another.


The black-haired knight immediately stood up and went out to check.

"No need."

Luya reached out and grabbed his arm, the other hand was smoothing the hair that had just been ruffled by the wind, her expression was indescribably calm, and she said calmly:

"This is the daily life of Shechem City. Shrouds fry the foreskins seven or eight times a day. We can just watch."


Yale turned his head to look at his old classmate with pity in his eyes.

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