Fake Ancient God

Chapter 117: can't sit still

Looking at Assef, who was sincerely kneeling in front of him, the shadow Nie Yuan was unmoved. He felt the state of the other party in the air.

As a shadow, he was born with the ability to hide in shadows.

This shadow naturally includes the shadow of anything.

When he is truly integrated into it, he can manipulate the shadow's body like a marionette by manipulating the shadow.

Assef in front of him is such an unlucky person.

But it stands to reason that Shadow Nie Yuan's manipulation of others is limited to the level of physical actions, and cannot occupy the other's mind.

That is to say, under normal circumstances, even the words and deeds of the person being manipulated are under the manipulation of Shadow Nie Yuan, but in reality, his mind is very clear, but he cannot call for help or show it with expressions.

Instead of the current situation, after Assef got rid of the control, he was still convinced and bowed down in front of the demon who controlled his actions.

It was because of this flaw that Shadow Nie Yuan was almost discovered twice before.

Once from Assef's subordinates.

Once was the shadow from Lillian's side.

Fortunately, he manipulated Assef's body and reluctantly found a reason to fool him.

However, after trying hard in the past few days, Nie Yuan still found that he seemed to be able to establish some kind of connection with the person being manipulated.

This connection seems to be somewhat similar to the abstract source that gave birth to itself, the state of controlling those townspeople.

That is, through in-depth manipulation, to gradually affect the other party's mind, until it reaches the point of being completely convinced of oneself.

The Assef in front of him is a masterpiece of his own abilities.

However, the seemingly incomprehensible ability is actually quite flawed.

For example, one cannot control the minds of others endlessly, but has a certain upper limit of ability.

Just like my current self, no matter how hard I try, it is impossible to control people at the level of Buck and Quentin.

A character like Asef can control three or five times before encountering a bottleneck in ability.

It's really like a puppet master. Too heavy and complicated puppets are impossible to control easily. If there are too many ordinary puppets to be manipulated, they will also be in a hurry.

If you want to control more and stronger people, you need to continue to enhance your ability.

Moreover, it takes a certain amount of time to completely absorb the mind of the other party before it can gradually corrode and disintegrate the spirit of the person being manipulated.

Like the fact that he was almost discovered these days, it is also the defect.

But it seems to be enough.

An Assef, fully able to help himself to deal with the current situation.

And can make some preparations for his plan to go to Wangcheng.

Now Lilian has taken the initiative to go to Buck's Bookstore, trying to convince the main body and them to be bound to it.

"Get up."

Shadow Nie Yuan did not notice any abnormality in Assef, so he said lightly.

"Yes, my lord."

Assef stood up straight, not as rigid as before, but walked smartly to the back of the chair, gave the only seat in the center of the room to the shadow Nie Yuan, and then bowed slightly, saying:

"Assef will offer you absolute loyalty, even if he betrays Lord Gladys, he will not hesitate. You are the only meaning of my existence."

Shadow Nie Yuan smiled, instead of going to sit on the chair, he said:

"It seems that you usually don't flatter Gladys. The first time you found your new self, I felt your skills."

Assef hurriedly bowed and said: "Everything my subordinates said is from the bottom of my heart. I dare not deceive my lord. I am sincere and sincere."

"It seems that the habits that were retained in the past are indeed difficult to change."

An adjective that expresses loyalty, that comes at the mouth, without thinking at all.

But no matter how sincere Asef said these words before, Shadow Nie Yuan is not worried at all. In the future, he will definitely be his die-hard loyal.

Because the personality of Assef in the past has almost been completely wiped out, and only the memories and habits of the past are retained.

The reshaped personality will only exist for itself.

Shadow Nie Yuan raised his finger and said, "Forget it, it's better to keep the complete habit, and there will be no flaws."

"Thank you for your sympathy."

"Well, you can find me a mask later, and I will appear with a mask in the future. It's better not to be easily seen by others."


This is also a flaw in Shadow Nie Yuan.

He couldn't easily change his appearance, which would violate the rule that he was Nie Yuan's shadow.

Even though shadows are supposed to be able to transform into any shape, that's only in shadow form.

Unless he chooses not to remain in human form, he can change whatever he wants.

But in this case, it will be more troublesome, and anyone can find out that he is not human.

Instead of humans, in the normal area of ​​this world, people have to associate with monsters, infestations, and the like.

So after thinking about it, it is more simple and practical to wear a mask.

Shadow Nie Yuan walked into the study, flipped through the documents that Assef brought from Wangcheng, and said:

"The key documents, I manipulated your body to destroy, and the news sent back to the royal city was also cryptically added by me. Lilian got up early and went to visit the Buck's bookstore in person. pressure.

You lost the paperwork. After you go back, the former master Gladys will not embarrass you, right? "

Assef thought for a while and replied:

"Lord Gladys, you still trust me very much, otherwise I won't let me come and send a signal to Lilian. As long as I find a suitable reason, I will not be criticized."

"That's fine."

Shadow Nie Yuan nodded and said: "Then you can give me a good description of the situation in Wangcheng, especially the situation of your Lord Gladys. I want to call her into our group next. Is there any chance of success?"

"It's not very likely, but there is also a certain room for manipulation. The premise is that your ability will not really shake her soul after success."

"It shouldn't be, it's just a slight tampering of my personality. There is a certain trait in me that will not be easily noticed by others. If there is a level of this trait, it is very high.

So based on this trait, the realized personality tampering is not so easy to be discovered. For the sake of safety, you can choose to keep most of her personality, but let her be absolutely loyal to me. "

"To realize your plan, do you have to spend a few days alone with Lady Gladys? Just like me before."

"No, you can come gradually, but I also need some time alone with her."

"That would be a lot easier. Maybe, you can show up a little, I will vouch for you, create a short alone time, let her be interested in you first, then gradually fall in love with you, and finally be exactly like me."

"No, during this period, I can't let her see my face."

Because the main body, Nie Yuan, is also going to Wangcheng.

Doesn't this confuse him?

"That's it, then it can only be discussed in the long run."

Next, Assef didn't think of a good way, so he followed Shadow Nie Yuan's thoughts and first told the situation of his former master and the current situation of Wangcheng.

Shadow Nie Yuan listened thoughtfully, constantly weighing in his mind the feasible ways for him to gain a firm foothold in Wangcheng.

And the other end.

In Buck's Bookstore.

After hearing Lilian's voice, Nie Yuan also reacted. It had been three days.

I really forgot to eat and sleep these few days, burying my head in the library and studying hard. I haven't eaten at the same table with Qiao Qi and the others, and I haven't seen the sunrise and sunset.

Time passed by so quickly, I almost drank Quentin water in the blink of an eye. Originally, within three days, I would go to the Moonlight Church to go through the appointment process.

It turned out to be forgotten.

After Qiao Qi and the others led Lilian upstairs, Nie Yuan also opened the secret door of the library and walked upstairs.

"Where's Nie Yuan? Why didn't you see his shadow?"

Lillian's voice came from the second floor.

"You won't see his shadow~"

This is the voice of honest Nancy.

While lying on the sofa in the small meeting room on the second floor, listening to the story with her radio in her arms, she answered honestly.

It means that Nie Yuan's shadow is lost, how can you see people here.

But Lilian obviously didn't understand, so she walked over and sat down on the spare sofa, saying: "Call him out, and Buck, you can sit too, I really have something to do and need to talk to you guys. Be serious."

"What's up?"

Nie Yuan's voice came out from the corridor along with his figure ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Lilian was stunned for a while, and said, "Are you downstairs just now?"

Nie Yuan nodded and said, "Yeah, I watched you come up, but you didn't seem to see me. I thought I had such a low sense of existence."



"Ha ha."

Lillian said that I don't believe your nonsense, but I don't want to pursue it too much. She looked at everyone and said:

"Forget it, it's normal for you to be a little secretive, but the next conversation requires everyone's participation. There are only five sofas, and eight people can't sit there. Or Nie Yuan and Miranda, you two sit on my lap and talk. ."

"You think beautifully."

This is Nie Yuan.

"It's an honor~"

This is Miranda.

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