Fake Ancient God

Chapter 184: follow your heart, follow your heart

Popular recommendation:

Brush with fantasy.

Awareness as a medium.

Rely on the spirit.

Move with your heart, go with your mind.

It is the real character of this abstract source.

This was a weapon that Nie Yuan had never imagined before. It had no clearly visible shape, and could not even describe what it was. It could only be referred to as an abstract source.

Even it is not simply a weapon, even if it is mastered by Nie Yuan, it will definitely burst with astonishing energy.

But its effect is not limited to attacking at all. As Nie Yuan's mind moved, it repaired the holes in his body, which is the best proof.

Defense and healing are also its abilities and characteristics.

All of this depends on how Nie Yuan thinks about it.

He can completely use this object to go to the imagination.

As long as the medium between oneself and it is not broken, oneself is always its master, and by manipulating it, countless absurd ideas can be brought into reality.

Yes, the changes in Nie Yuan's body, whether it is the growth of angel wings, the growth of demon wings, or the filling of his own trauma, are all events he imagined.

However, this abstract source made it perfect in reality.

Nie Yuan recalled that the first slight tingling on his back was when he saw the angel sculpture in the fountain at the intersection.

He seems to have had vague thoughts of unusual things on his back and the back of the sculpture, and he may have imagined what his back would look like when wings grow.

It's just that in one day, there are too many distracting thoughts that have not been attached to his heart, and he has forgotten it.

After returning to Buck's Bookstore, under the guidance of Buck, I strongly imagined the feelings at that time, and then I extracted the thoughts at that time a little.

When such thoughts became stronger and stronger, the painting behind him also changed.

He imagined that he had a pair of wings behind him, and a pair of wings really appeared behind him.

At that time, I wanted to look back and confirm the conjecture in my heart, but Buck stopped it.

That's because at that time, behind Nie Yuan, there were only a pair of small wings, which were still in the "infancy" and hazy stage, not fully formed.

Buck didn't allow him to look behind him in order to keep him fantasizing.

Once a person has a strong curiosity about an unknown, he will keep thinking about it in his mind, and the idea will become stronger and stronger.

It was because of Nie Yuan's strong thoughts that he fantasized about the appearance of the wings on his back several times in his heart, and the wings on his back gradually took shape.

Including the light that bloomed from the wings at first, it was not pale gold, but pure white and holy color, like the holy light of the Church of Light.

That's also because in Nie Yuan's brain supplement, above the angel's wings, there is a holy light of course.

But in reality, he has never seen the appearance of Shengguang with his own eyes.

Subconsciously, he added to his brain the illustrations depicting the Holy Light that he had seen in some mythical books.

He felt that the light on his wings was a holy color like the illustration, and the wings really showed the same pure color.

Everything is based on his own spiritual consciousness.

In this way, fantasy is completely close to reality.

Buck didn't seem to have done anything, but he grasped the key points keenly, and only made Nie Yuan not allowed to turn around, he confirmed and guided the ability and utility of this abstract source subdued by Nie Yuan.

In the process, Nie Yuan also realized Buck's intentions. In addition, his brain was more agile, and the front and back joints were connected in an instant.

When he saw the angel wings on his side that were exactly the same as in the fantasy, he understood everything.

Later, the "method" of manipulating this abstract source became more and more familiar, and he easily completed the switch from angel to demon and filled his own wound.

Therefore, the so-called angel wings are not the favor of the real gods, nor are they illogical growth.

It was all the result of Nie Yuan's own urging.

The abstract source painting itself is painted with a special pigment.

In the world in the painting, Nie Yuan also personally experienced the feeling of melting, and also experimented with special pigments, which can reverse the effect of changing the reality in the painting.

And when the entire painting is smelted into paint and integrated with it, it is considered after he has taken control.

Nie Yuan was also able to let the paint controlled by him paint things in reality based on his emotions.

As long as its characteristics are enough to support Nie Yuan's fantasy, then the things projected into reality are exactly the same as what he originally imagined.

At this moment, even if Nie Yuan instantly loses the control of this paint, the wings and tail on his body will be connected to it like the real flesh and blood, and become redundant limbs other than limbs.

The same is true for the wounds that have been filled. If DNA technology is available in this world, then the flesh and blood that will be filled will be the same as Nie Yuan's original flesh and blood if DNA identification is carried out.

That is what he re-engraved according to his own genetic sequence.

Therefore, he will call his fantasy, perfectly put into reality.

Nie Yuan doesn't use the word perfect very often.

It is precisely because of this insight that he can express such admiration from the bottom of his heart.

The wings and tail on the body began to be illusory again, and soon they disappeared.

This time, without leaving any traces, Nie Yuan returned as he was.

But the wings in Nancy's hands did not disappear. It wasn't that Nie Yuan lost control of it, it was just that Nancy liked it.

Then give her a piece of wings to play with, anyway, the wings are just gold and jade, and have no practical effect.

It's the kind of special effect that emits a shimmer, which seems to deplete the characteristics of an abstract source.

However, compared to its origin, it is only a drop in the bucket and cannot affect the overall situation.

"It's a good abstract source. What's even more rare is that it is completely controlled by you. It should be given a name, just like the famous sword of a knight, which has its own title."

Buck said so, perfectly showing his sense of ritual in some places.

"I think……"

Nie Yuan thought about it and said, "I don't think I have fully grasped it. It seems that a large part of it is still missing."

Buck frowned and said, "Are you sure you don't feel wrong?"

Nie Yuan hesitated for a moment, then said: "It should be right, that kind of deep feeling is difficult to describe and clearly control, but this kind of intuition became especially strong when I said the last sentence. , as if it were telling me the answer."

Buck frowned and said, "Where have you changed it now, show me."

Nie Yuan lowered his head when he heard the words and said, "Here."

Buck took a closer look and found a small tattoo branded on Nie Yuan's scalp.

Just because of the occlusion of the hair, people can't see it at all.

Nie Yuan lowered his head and continued, "It has to go somewhere. Although it can also be branded on my internal organs, I felt a little uncomfortable, so I hid it in my hair."

"I can't see clearly, change to a more obvious position."

Then, Buck looked at Nancy again and said, "Nancy, go and turn on the light."


Nancy jumped up from the sofa at once, draped herself in her feather blanket, and walked towards the surviving lamps.

And when Nie Yuan heard Buck say this, he naturally had nothing to hesitate, and just raised his head.

Then you can see that the magic pattern on his scalp began to flow. To be honest, the scene was still a bit infiltrating.

It first climbed from the scalp to the cheek, and then without stopping, it went all the way down, like a string of bugs crawling around.

It continued to spread to the collarbone, and the shape began to change at this moment.

It first changed into a blue dragon crossing the river, and then it seemed that Nie Yuan felt that this was inappropriate and too ostentatious.

So the blue dragon crossed the river and went all the way down to Nie Yuan's chest.

It evolved into the appearance of a happy sheep for a while, and evolved into a pink hair dryer page for a while.

Nie Yuan has never had a tattoo in his life, and he doesn't know what kind of graphics ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ should be placed in which place is more suitable for him.

It is precisely because of his crankiness that the tattoo on his chest is constantly changing in shape.

"Done yet?"

Buck glanced at Nie Yuan resentfully.

"Wait a minute, right now, it's a little uncomfortable for me to suddenly let me do this, and I can't stabilize."

Nie Yuan himself was very helpless, because he didn't plan to tattoo on obvious parts, so he had to decide the shape, size and color in a hurry, and it was difficult for him to stabilize his thoughts.

"Forget it, look behind me."

After speaking, Nie Yuan turned around.

Then the changing patterns also transformed from his chest into the shape of a golden reticulated python, crawling behind his back.

This wasn't over yet. After covering Nie Yuan's entire back, the golden reticulated python also spread out like ink.

into four words—


This is the tattoo that Nie Yuan saw when he was watching TV dramas before, and he could immediately evolve and stabilize, and would not be disturbed by his mood.

But he didn't want Buck to say no when he saw it, and said, "What is this word? It's crooked, I haven't seen it before, and then change to a normal pattern."

ah this...


Does this not work.

Truly someone from another world.

Perhaps in the eyes of those in his previous life, these words are called dragons and phoenixes, but in the eyes of Buck, an old man from another world, they are crooked.

Then, Nie Yuan had to let it return to its "original appearance", sinking his mind, and turning those four words into a pair of unpainted angel wings, which appeared behind him.

It is the same as before, the only difference is that it is not projected into reality.

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