The multicolored dragon spider was swallowed by the soft ground, and you don't need to ask to know who must have done it.

Su Hao looked at the ground, in the thermal vision, he saw a huge monster a hundred meters underground, Su Hao did not hesitate to catapult towards the ground, a huge tail smashed down against the ground, like a hammer of the gods.


Su Hao's angry blow was extremely terrifying, and his tail smashed to the ground, like thousands of tons of bombs injected into the earth, and then exploded, and the sky shook with a tail within a radius of hundreds of meters, and cracks spread in all directions, and blood shot out from under the earth, it was the colorful dragon spider, Su Hao killed it directly through a layer of soil.

But after all, it was a hundred meters underground, and the monster sensed something bad and quickly dodged away, Su Hao's blow did not cause it any damage, but it also angered the monster in the soil, and it came out of the earth.

The earth and rocks were flying, and Su Hao saw the appearance of this monster.

To Su Hao's surprise, this was a giant dragon, not a creature with dragon blood, but a real dragon clan like the black dragon in the dungeon before.

This giant dragon is sixty meters long, its body is like a rock, its whole body is jet black, there are no dragon scales, and the pieces of jet-black body give people a feeling of towering like a mountain.

Moyan Dragon (low-level lord level), fourth-order eighth-level.

The giant dragon in front of him was named Moyan Dragon, its eyes looked at Su Hao coldly, and suddenly spoke: "You are an outsider?"

Su Hao was a little surprised, and then understood, Mo Yanlong could see at a glance that he was an outsider, it should be judged from his breath, the creatures outside are fundamentally different from the creatures that have been living on Dragon Island, of course, as Su Hao stays on Dragon Island for a long time, his body will also be contaminated with the breath of Dragon Island, and it is impossible for other creatures on Dragon Island to judge at a glance that he came in from the outside.

Su Hao's eyes rolled, and he thought about it, and he said to Mo Yanlong in dragon language: "I am a giant dragon who grew up outside, and I finally entered Dragon Island from the outside, and finally met my fellow clan, can you take me to our tribe?"

Su Hao's plan was very simple, disguise himself as a dragon, and then let Moyan Dragon lead the way to the dragon's tribe, at that time, did he still have to worry about not being able to find a dragon to hunt?

However, you must also be careful, there must be very powerful dragons among the dragons on this island.

Moyan Long was stunned when he heard this, and was a little surprised that Su Hao could speak, and it was a pure dragon language, speaking of which Su Hao's appearance was also somewhat similar to that of a giant dragon, dragon scales, dragon horns, and dragon claws...... However, it had never heard of or seen that the dragon clan had such a strange-looking dragon species, could it be that Su Hao was a mutated dragon?

However, Mo Yanlong didn't believe Su Hao so easily, and when Su Hao was about to continue to fool Mo Yanlong, Mo Yanlong suddenly said, "Who did you learn your dragon language from?"

This made Su Hao stunned, yes, he is a wandering dragon, so he shouldn't be able to speak dragon language, but Su Hao's reaction was very fast, he said: "I used to wander in the city of dragon descendants, and I learned dragon language from them." "

Su Hao secretly admired his cleverness and wit, but Mo Yanlong's eyes were cold, and he suddenly rushed towards Su Hao.


Su Hao didn't expect Mo Yanlong to suddenly attack, he was knocked squarely, his huge body slid out of the ground for a distance, Su Hao said with some anger: "What are you doing?"

Mo Yanlong sneered and said: "You cunning monster, you still want to deceive me, our great dragon clan has a memory inheritance, as long as you reach a certain age, you will automatically master the dragon language, you still learned it from those lowly ants?"

Su Hao vomited blood, he didn't expect that he was tricked by a giant dragon, but he couldn't blame him, after all, what he knew about this dragon clan was only superficial, and he hadn't heard of the inheritance of memory.


The Moyan Dragon roared and rushed towards Su Hao, its body seemed to be made of rocks, and its body was even heavier and terrifying, and the ground it stepped on along the way trembled.

Su Hao was not careless, although this Moyan Dragon is only a low-level lord level, but the top race of the dragon has the strength to fight beyond the level, this Moyan Dragon is a real pure-blooded dragon, but it is not a fake dragon that those dragons have become by stimulating the dragon's blood, and the combat power is not the same!

Su Hao wanted to see what the strength of the real dragon was!


Su Hao's tail suddenly ejected out, whipping out at Moyan Dragon's body.

With a crisp popping sound, the tail whipped on Moyan Dragon's body, but to Su Hao's surprise, Moyan Dragon was as if it was nothing, and there was not a single crack left on the rock body.

"Bell, bell!"

The Moyan Dragon approached Su Hao's body, and the two inky black dragon claws brought a series of sparks on Su Hao's black scales, but they failed to cause the slightest damage to Su Hao.

"What a strong defense!" Su Hao and Mo Yanlong had this thought in their hearts at the same time, it was rare for a monster to be able to resist Su Hao's tail without being injured, although that blow was not Su Hao's full strength.


Su Hao opened his big mouth and bit at the throat of the Moyan Dragon, the neck of the Moyan Dragon is relatively long, a bit similar to the Diplodocus, in the face of Su Hao's bite, the Moyan Dragon did not choose to dodge, Su Hao accurately bit the neck of the Moyan Dragon.


Su Hao's dragon teeth were attached to the armor-piercing attribute, tearing open the neck of the Moyan Dragon, and the teeth were embedded in the naan, and Su Hao immediately launched a thunderbolt bite, and the purple arc burst out, enveloping the entire Moyan Dragon, and the crazy electric shock started.

However, the effect of the thunderbolt bite was not great, and the electricity wrapped around the body of the Moyan Dragon did not make it feel the slightest pressure, and it was not afraid of thunder and lightning at all with its rock body!

And what surprised Su Hao was that the Moyan Dragon seemed to be really composed of rocks, it was bitten on the neck without the slightest tension and pain, and it opened its bloody mouth very fiercely, stretched its neck and bit Su Hao's neck, and the thick/large dragon teeth moved like a meat grinder, tearing Su Hao's scales.


The piercing grinding sound sounded, and the sharp sound could make people's eardrums hurt, like scraping on a blackboard with a chalk head, but what shocked Mo Yanlong was that there was a layer of black glow on Su Hao's scales, and its teeth were difficult to tear Su Hao's scales.

The rock body of the Moyan Dragon was not afraid of being attacked by the neck point, Su Hao also stopped the futile attack, he bit the head of the Moyan Dragon's neck and tore it hard, and a lump of rocks on the Moyan Dragon's neck was torn off by Su Hao in the sound of shattering.

True pure-blooded dragons are no match for those dragonborns!

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