“Holy Lord!”

General Wei Yuan had just seen more of the sky shadows, his whole body was pierced by the gun, and his body was trembling constantly.

“If you really want to deal with King Ming, Weichen suggests that you prepare more Heavenly Human Realm masters.”

At this time, General Weiyuan saw Lin Guangyao’s expression and couldn’t say anything consoling.

The masters of the Heavenly and Human Realm are of course invincible existences in the dynasty, but if they really face the phantom shadow of the Shangwangfu, I am afraid that they are not even qualified to look at each other.

“However, Weichen feels that King Ming has let you take the throne for so many years, and he has never had the intention of rebelling, and it is very likely that he does not care about this imperial throne.”

“Don’t care?”

When Lin Guangyao thought of seizing the position of crown prince, the eldest brother withdrew early and secretly gave the priority of the crown prince to himself.

At that time, he heard too many compliments from his subordinates, saying that the prince was interesting.

At that time, he was proud of the spring breeze and smiled.

Now that I think about it, I smile the same.

Just the corners of the mouth, but with endless self-deprecation.


King Ming’s Mansion!

Lin Quan’s body exudes infinite golden light, under the crazy beating of the eternal heart of the immortal king in the body, the blood of the whole body is constantly transformed, the blood is as viscous as mercury, containing countless great powers, the bones of the body are full of gold inside and out, countless rhymes are contained in it, although he has not punched, but Lin Quan can easily feel that under his punch, it is definitely a hundred times or even a thousand times more powerful than before.


The bottleneck that had been stuck in the forging body ninefold for nearly a hundred years finally shattered, and the cultivation of the whole body skyrocketed instantly.

Forging the Ten Realms!

Forging body eleven heavy!


Forging body seventeen times!

Forging body eighteen times!

Until the eighteenth weight, Lin Quan felt that his body was really irrefined, and all over his body, his bones were dark gold, and dense runes were circulating in it, which looked very strange.

Originally, although his face was very well maintained with the help of several concubines, there would still be some wrinkles.

But now, these wrinkles have all disappeared, and the original white hair, as if it has been plated with a layer of light, glowing silver, and the already elegant appearance is even more handsome and beautiful, like an immortal in an ancient book.

There is a legend in ancient books that in the realm of forging the body, the ninefold is not complete, and above the ninefold, there is also the tenfold perfection.

Once the ten-fold perfection is reached, it is flawless, and the strength of his life is far beyond his peers, not only will the road of cultivation be farther in the future, but it is not impossible to punish the upper cultivator.

However, the tenfold consummation figure, in the Heavenly Fire Dynasty, has never appeared at all, but vaguely heard that such a Tianjiao exists in some ancient sect holy places.

Only now, he has forged his body to eighteen weights!

The foundation of the flesh, let alone heard, has never dared to think like this from the beginning of the creation of the world to the present.

Forging Body Realm, in addition to the flawless tenfold consummation, on top of that, there are actually eight more layers!

Moreover, there are people who have actually practiced to perfection.

However, this is not enough!

He wants to complete nearly a hundred years of regret and step into the innate realm!

At the thought of it, a trace of essence exploded in the depths of Lin Quan’s pupils, and with the beating of the eternal heart in his body, he gently inhaled.

This inhalation, like Kunpeng’s booze drink, the entire Imperial City’s spiritual energy was all pulled.

For a moment, countless cultivators woke up one after another and looked at the source.

Above the palace, a huge vortex of spiritual energy, a full hundred meters, hovered on it.

Tick, tick!

The head of the guards of the palace was intimidated and lay on the ground and did not dare to move because of the phantom of the gods in the sky, and a drop of rain fell into his mouth, and the leader of the guards opened his eyes sharply.

This is the spirit liquid!

Legend has it that a drop of spiritual liquid requires an innate realm cultivator to refine it for a full day.

And now, up and down the palace, these raindrops are all spiritual liquid.

He could feel that as long as he absorbed more rainwater, his five-fold cultivation of the Mountain Realm could break through.

And while the guards were fighting for the rain, in the bedroom of the royal palace, a handsome man with silver hair sat cross-legged on the bed.

Around him, the spirit liquid directly turned into a stream and slowly submerged into Lin Quan’s mouth.

If others break through the innate realm, they need to guide the heaven and earth to slowly polish a trace of aura, and it will take months or even years to loosen the shackles, but now, Lin Quan is not using a trace of aura.

Instead, the spiritual energy of the entire imperial city was compressed into a stream and surged directly towards the innate shackles of the human body.


There was no pause, just a light sound, and all the innate shackles were not blocked by half a minute, and they were directly broken.


After breaking through the innate, the aura that soared on Lin Quan’s body continued to spread.

Innate two!

Innate Triplet!

Innate quadruple!

Innate quintile!

After reaching the innate fivefold, the terrifying physique of the eighteenth layer of the forging body completely absorbed the spiritual energy of the entire imperial city.

Huge power filled every part of the body, and the entire body was completely reborn, Lin Quan gently stretched out and held it heavily.


The palm inch was direct, a wave of qi exploded, the space exploded, and the stone slab on the ground trembled slightly.

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