When Xinyue looked up again, he glanced at Lin Qingyue and already knew what he should do.

It wouldn’t hurt to find them, or dead people.


The dagger dipped in the poison in Xinyue’s hand flew out directly, and with the rapid speed of breaking light, it shot straight at Lin Qingyue’s throat.


Lin Qingyue instinctively slashed the long sword in his hand, and endless fire burned from his body, and True Phoenix Flame directly burned the dagger and the poison inside.

“This is!”

“Feng Yan?”

“Tianjiao of the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land?”

The leading man raised his hand slightly, and an inexplicable momentum made his subordinate Crescent suddenly stop.

“You are not her opponent, I’ll come!”

When Xinyue heard such blunt words, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but did not refute it.

The Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land is also a first-class force in the entire continent, and there are a few great emperors who have been born, and the Tianjiao born there inherits the true phoenix and has extraordinary combat power.

Among the three of them, only this adult can win it steadily.

“What can you do? A group of hideouts! ”

Although Lin Qingyue has not been accompanied by her parents since she was a child, her temperament is a little introverted, but her personality is very resolute and independent, and the cultivation strength in her hands is even more competitive all the way.

Pick three!

If the three of them are all at the level of the new moon, why is it difficult to pick thirty?

On Lin Qingyue’s body, a fiery red flame permeated, and the blazing temperature seemed to be able to melt the void, burning the entire space to distort.


This flame burst out violently, conjuring a palm-sized firebird and bombarding towards the leading man!

“True Phoenix Meaning!”

The blue-eyed leader’s eyes shrank slightly.

This blow showed the power of Tianjiao, and if an ordinary Void Refining Realm peak powerhouse faced this blow, he would have ten lives to be burned to death.

But alas!

He is not an ordinary Refining Void Realm powerhouse!

It’s that the King Realm powerhouse has come here since he cut himself off, and this trace of true phoenix true meaning is not enough to see!

“Hell’s Eye!”

The blue-eyed leader’s eyes suddenly changed to blood red, and where his gaze passed, a sea of blood turned out and swallowed directly towards the mini true phoenix that Lin Qingyue had transformed into!

“Abandon the clan?”

Lin Qingyue was shocked, recognized this strange power, and quickly wanted to control the true phoenix to avoid this blood river.


At this time, a drop of blood water had already splattered onto True Feng!

The entire blood river instantly surged, like countless tentacles, grabbing towards the true phoenix.


The true phoenix was grabbed by a bloody hand and let out a wail.

Lin Qingyue felt that this trace of true phoenix was still too weak, even if it could burn a lot of blood water, but these blood and water in front of him were endless, and immediately pounced again, and after a while, the entire true phoenix was wiped out.


The blue-eyed leader’s eyes flashed, and he found that the True Phoenix Flame had dispersed, and Lin Qingyue’s figure had long been absent in front of him.

“Can you escape?”

The blue-eyed leader’s face showed mockery, his hell eye, in addition to terrifying power, also has a strong tracking ability!


Outside the tree, Lin Qingyue spat out a mouthful of dark red blood.

When recognizing the identity of the other party, Lin Quan’s heart tightened, and he had already had the intention to retreat, taking advantage of the blow just now to drag the other party, not caring about the injuries on his body, and quickly retreated.

Abandoning the clan, Lin Qingyue did not know much about them.

I only know that although they look very much like people, they are not a race in this world, but from the extraterrestrial starry sky, somehow abandoned by their hometown, cruel by nature, very bloodthirsty, for the whole world, they are rats hiding in the shadows, the public enemy of the world.

Thinking of the monstrous crimes committed by the abandoned clans throughout the continent, it was obvious that there was definitely nothing good about these outcasts appearing in the Heavenly Heart Secret Realm.


Heavenly Fire Dynasty.

Lin Quankuan sat on a barren mountain, looked at the blazing sun in the sky, and took a deep breath.

It has been nearly ten days since his son became a senior brother, and with the assistance of the Eternal Heart, the blood of the Ten Fierce True Phoenix Essence has long been thoroughly refined by him.

Now, Lin Quan’s cultivation of moving the mountain realm was round and flawless, and after he repeatedly ensured that every step went to the extreme, he decided to start fusing the Supreme Bone!

“System, let’s go!”

Lin Quan said slowly.


The white light of the system flashed, acting on Lin Quan’s body.

The next moment, a vast rain-like golden light covered the sky, directly covering the entire mountains and rivers.

Countless purple qi swept across the sky, several seven-colored rainbows hung in the sky, and visions spread throughout the northern region.

“Purple Qi to the east!”

“Another figure with supreme potential has appeared?”

At the border of the Northern Domain, the guardian jerked his head up and looked at the sky, and the broom that had accompanied him for countless years fell on his feet without noticing it.

The old eyes were surprised, delighted, and puzzled!

A domain of purple qi gathers, and the rainbow heavenly way makes a date!

This is a sign of the birth of a supreme-level powerhouse!

How could he have such a character in the already broken Northern Region?

The guardian suddenly remembered the terrifying aura from a month ago.

At that time, a great emperor in the northern region directly sent something from the northern region, and he was very curious, there are still people in the northern region who are worthy of the emperor’s nostalgia?

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