As the Supreme, putting on such a battle, how could these sect holy places not give face?

It’s just a little sighing, the Holy Lord of the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land in the past is a goddess that many people can’t hope for.

But now, the attitude of the Eastern Region Supreme now is clearly to use the entire Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land to threaten and persecute the female emperor!

The situation is really becoming more and more difficult to see!

The Southern Region and the Western Region Supreme had just joined forces to explore the Northern Region together, and just came to the news that there was no Northern Region Supreme, and as a result, the face was instantly slapped, and many holy sons spoke in unison, and saw a Human Emperor Supreme in the Heavenly Heart Secret Realm.

A new supreme, the situation on the mainland was instantly much more complicated, but he didn’t expect that at this juncture, the Eastern Region Supreme would still be in the mood to pursue the female emperor of the Yunhai Sea and turmoil the entire Eastern Region form, and I don’t know what he thought.


Eastern Region, Supreme Hall!

Standing on the highest floor, a middle-aged man in white stood with his hands in his hands, looking forward to the rivers and mountains.

His facial features are ordinary, and there is no surprising place in the sea of people.

But it is such an ordinary person, who masters half of the power of the Eastern Region, and stomps his foot casually, and countless emperor-level powerhouses will tremble in shock.

Just because of his name, Si Guangye, he is the contemporary supreme of the Eastern Region.

In this position, not to mention being able to do whatever you want, one thought to control the life and death of the mainland, but it is not far off.

At least he has not had anything he wanted so far, and he couldn’t get it.

There is nothing to kill, you can’t kill!

This feeling of an invincible continent is really lonely.

Occasionally a little ripple is needed to break this boring life.

For example, the female emperor of the East Sea is a good choice.

He very much wanted to see that the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Land was surprisingly harsh on the previous Holy Lords, and he could not marry in his life, and he directly took the female emperor as a concubine in front of the entire Holy Land, I don’t know what the face of the world’s heroes will be?

Thinking of this scene, Si Guangye’s gaze towards Tianfeng Mountain was a little more expectant.

Life is really boring, I hope that such things can make his boring life a little more joyful.



The door of the room was opened, and a black gauze dressed in a black gauze walked out of the door.

“Just broke through to the Great Emperor, how is Xiu Wei’s control?”

Lin Quan lazily lay on the bed, looking at the beautiful figure of Qiuqiu, and asked slowly.

“The Three Lives Empire is really not a mortal thing, no wonder it will lead to such a person to compete, using it to break through the emperor realm, I feel that my current strength, even compared with some senior emperors, will not be weak.”

Qiuqiu sat down on the edge of the bed, with a rare tenderness in her eyes.

This time, the reason why she was able to get the Three Lives Emperor Fruit was because of the man in front of her, if it weren’t for this man, whether it was in the secret realm or the space shock back, she might have died.

“What for? Look at me so tenderly? Eat me again! ”

Lin Quan moved his body, leaned towards Xuanxuan’s side, and said with a smile.

Xuan gave Lin Quan a big white eye, they are such big people, and they are not shy to speak.

“Hey! Recently, the entire Eastern Region has been rumored that Oh, tomorrow the Eastern Region Supreme will be looking for that woman, you are still sleeping so soundly now, aren’t you worried at all? ”

Xuan was a little worried, although she fused the Three Lives Emperor Fruit, this kind of Ultimate Diji, once she broke away from the constraints of this low-level continent and went to the depths of the universe, I am afraid that in less than ten years, it only takes one thought to kill the Supreme.

But this is just potential, at the moment can only barely compete with the senior emperor, there is still a big gap from the level of the supreme, I am afraid that it will not be able to help the little man in front of him.

“This question is also asked!”

Lin Quan pinched his pretty face.

“Look down on you man too much!”

“The same is the Supreme, but I will never deal with him with a second punch!”

In fact, after fusing the supreme bone, Lin Quan was irrigated by the purple qi of the entire continent, and in theory, the supreme recognized by the entire continent was higher than the supreme status of the eastern region and the southern region.

It’s just that he cultivated some dishes and couldn’t play the bonus of this supreme increase, so he really wanted to go head-to-head with the Eastern Region Supreme, and Lin Quan directly planned to use An Lan’s blow, and did not intend to punch a second punch at all.


Seeing Lin Quan’s serious bragging appearance, Xuan Qiu laughed directly.

“Don’t believe it?”

Lin Quan looked at Xuanqiu with a look of disbelief and gave Xuanqiu a fierce little white eye.


How could Xuan Wei say that he didn’t believe in men, but the smile on his face was obviously laughing at Lin Quan’s shameless bragging.

Several black lines appeared on Lin Quan’s forehead.

“Since you don’t believe it, let’s make a bet!”

“What do you want to bet?”

Xuan gradually stopped smiling and asked Lin Quan a little curiously.

“It’s simple, it’s that kind of posture…”

Lin Quan lowered his head and said his request in Xuan’s ear, making Xuanqiu’s pretty face red.

“How? Since you look down on your husband, you won’t dare to agree! ”

Lin Quan deliberately provoked.

“Hmph~ Then I also have to say my request!”

Xuan knew that Lin Quan was a radical general, but she had always had an idea to realize, originally thought that there was no chance, but now with the help of this gamble, she saw the dawn of hope.

“Say it!”

Lin Quan is very calm, if the power of An Lan’s blow blooms perfectly, one punch down, I don’t know how many Yonghe continents can be directly shattered, let alone an Eastern Region Supreme.

“Hehe, then I said, you must agree!”

Xuan looked at Lin Quan with some fear, very thief with a weak heart!

“Say it!”

Lin Quan had a strange expression on his face, but nodded calmly.

He won anyway, no matter what conditions he put forward, it was destined to be ineffective.

However, the next moment, Lin Quan was stunned!

“It’s just… After the little scoundrel conquers the female emperor when the time comes, borrow me for a day? ”


Lin Quan almost jumped straight from the bed!

Lying groove, the witch is really a witch, the demon heart does not change, and she actually wants to green him!

Lin Quan not only thought of that kind of scene, but was a little addicted for a while, and for a long time, he came back to his senses, and the huge waves in his heart churned, and finally slowly converged into a sentence.

“Can I watch from the side?”


Just when Xuanqiu’s face turned red and he was about to open his mouth to answer, the door of the room was opened, revealing a beautiful little head, looking at his father with some doubt, and asked curiously.

“Dad, what were you just going to say?”

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