Northern Territory, a land with countless legends.

The power level of Tianyan Continent is three or six or nine.

And this northern region is divided into the highest power area.

Here, there are many sects, there are no dynasties, martial arts, and some are only sects that have been passed down from the ancient times to the present.

Among the large and small sect groups, they are also divided into one to five ranks.

The first grade sect is the lowest, and its background is only higher than that of Wufu, and above it is the second, third and fourth grade sect.

The fifth grade sect is the highest level of all sect forces, and it is called the fifth grade sect holy land, also called the super sect.

There are eight super sects of this behemoth.

They are the veritable masters of the domain name North, surpassing all forces, and possess the most prosperous and powerful heritage.

The eight super sects are in the shape of eight positions, like Optimus Prime, standing in the eight directions of the Northern Territory, like the guardians of this land.

However, the seemingly calm surface is undercurrents, and each one wants to replace the eight super sects.

Three days later, in the early morning, a green glow appeared over this land, and a roar resounded across the sky.

This fast-flying green light is Yang Zilei's fighter!

"Look at it, the aircraft on it is so curious, could it be some top spirit treasure!"

"Quickly follow up and take a look, maybe it's no owner!"

Some martial artists from the sect quickly noticed the fighters in the sky, chasing them curiously, with fiery light flashing in their eyes.

"Well, that's... Suzaku!"

But when they found Suzaku following the fighter jet, they suddenly gave up the idea.

Because people in the Northern Territory know that among all the sect forces, only the Sky Wuzong, one of the eight super sects, has raised a beast like Suzaku!

In other words, this unidentified flying machine is also very likely to belong to the Wuzong in the sky. They dare not covet such a behemoth.

"Is this the Northern Territory... the environment is great too!"

Yang Zilei swept his gaze down, but saw the vast land, with countless mountains, and various towering buildings can be seen everywhere.

Every hundreds of kilometers, you can see some sectarian buildings built on the peaks, and a prosperous scene.

"Northern Territory, there are really many sects."

Yang Zilei was secretly stunned, the martial arts masters of the Tianyan Continent, I am afraid they are all gathered in this land.

And here is also the area where the enchantment was originally sealed. After the group of ancient powerhouses jointly sealed the enchantment, they created their own forces in various places, and sects of all sizes bloomed everywhere.

The competition over the years has eliminated many sects, but it has also allowed many sects to thrive!

"Yang Zilei, that mountain range is the place of our Wuzong in the sky."

Huo Feng'er stretched out his hand, pointed at the vast mountain range to the south, and said in a slightly proud tone.

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, but he saw the mountains in the distance, clouds and mist, as if shrouded in brilliance, it looked very mysterious.

And around the mountains, there are dozens of small sect groups.

Most of these sects are at the second and third ranks, and they are all headed by the Cangqi Wuzong, relying on their huge power to survive.

Just like the vassal state of the secular world, if there is no strong backing, and if you want to be independent of this fiercely competitive Northern Territory, you will only become a piece of fat for other forces.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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